$ python3
Enter two integers between 1880 and 2021: 2015 2015
Enter a real between 0 and 1: 0.2
No name was given as both female and male names between 2015 and 2015
with a proportion of at least 0.2 as a (female or male) name.
$ python3
Enter two integers between 1880 and 2021: 2015 2015
Enter a real between 0 and 1: 0.001
0.00047532769756691243 is the smallest difference in absolute value
between the proportion of a name as a female name
and the proportion of that name as a male name,
the proportion of that name as a (female or male) name
being at least 0.001.
It applies to the following name(s).
- Hayden, with the following proportions:
* 0.000959828027539379 as a female name;
* 0.0014351557251062914 as a male name;
* 0.0012059440217989665 as a (female or male) name.
$ python3
Enter two integers between 1880 and 2021: 2015 2020
Enter a real between 0 and 1: 0.02
No name was given as both female and male names between 2015 and 2020
with a proportion of at least 0.02 as a (female or male) name.
$ python3
Enter two integers between 1880 and 2021: 2015 2020
Enter a real between 0 and 1: 0.0002
7.074193756652591e-05 is the smallest difference in absolute value
between the proportion of a name as a female name
and the proportion of that name as a male name,
the proportion of that name as a (female or male) name
being at least 0.0002.
It applies to the following name(s).
- Armani, with the following proportions:
* 0.0002798925212718316 as a female name;
* 0.0003506344588383575 as a male name;
* 0.000316463924996825 as a (female or male) name.
Date: Trimester 2, 2023.
$ python3
Enter two integers between 1880 and 2021: 2000 1950
Enter a real between 0 and 1: 0.000000001
6.520270074359337e-11 is the smallest difference in absolute value
between the proportion of a name as a female name
and the proportion of that name as a male name,
the proportion of that name as a (female or male) name
being at least 1e-09.
It applies to the following name(s).
- Jacquell, with the following proportions:
* 1.6676948561353025e-07 as a female name;
* 1.6683468831427384e-07 as a male name;
* 1.6680313225504508e-07 as a (female or male) name.
- Kimoni:
* same proportion as a female name;
* same proportion as a male name;
* same proportion as a (female or male) name.
- Parminder:
* same proportion as a female name;
* same proportion as a male name;
* same proportion as a (female or male) name.
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