ARTFF027 Critical Thinking and Study Skills
Question (30% of total marks)
◆ Pick a topic on the current global issue that is of interest to you.
◆ You must take a clear stand on the issue, clearly state how it has an impact on our lives.
◆ Support your stand (using both inductive and deductive
arguments) with relevant evidence from various sources. You also have to clearly state the counter aruguments and refutation.
◆ Please state the title of your essay and also your group number on the cover page.
• This assignment is to be completed as a group work with 6 members.
• You must use size 12 Verdana font with double spacing.
• You MUST include both in-text and end-of-text referencing using the Harvard Referencing System.
• You MUST verify the content of your report through Turn-it-in and attach the originality report with a similarity index no more than 20% for submission purpose.
• Word limit for the report: 1,500 words (+/- 10%), between 1,350-1650 words). The word-count must be indicated at the end of the essay.
• This assignment must be submitted electronically through a submission portal on Moodle. Only the one student (group leader) should submit the assignment on moodle for each group. If you are experiencing trouble accessing moodle, please contact IT support and/or your module convenor.
• Generally, all group members would receive the same score. However, where the input of one member has been much less than required, the other members are to fill-in the peer assessment form. The form is available on the module moodle page.
• The deadline for submission is: Thursday, 17thOctober, 5 pm. Please ensure that you use the cover page that will be available on the module moodle page.
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