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日期:2023-07-11 09:46

COMP9417 - Machine Learning

Homework 2

Introduction In this homework we first take a closer look at feature maps induced by kernels. We then ex-

plore a creative use of the gradient descent method introduced in homework 1. We will show that gradient

descent techniques can be used to construct combinations of models from a base set of models such that the

combination can outperform any single base model.

Points Allocation There are a total of 28 marks.

What to Submit

A single PDF file which contains solutions to each question. For each question, provide your solution

in the form of text and requested plots. For some questions you will be requested to provide screen

shots of code used to generate your answer — only include these when they are explicitly asked for.

.py file(s) containing all code you used for the project, which should be provided in a separate .zip

file. This code must match the code provided in the report.


You may be deducted points for not following these instructions.

You may be deducted points for poorly presented/formatted work. Please be neat and make your

solutions clear. Start each question on a new page if necessary.

You cannot submit a Jupyter notebook; this will receive a mark of zero. This does not stop you from

developing your code in a notebook and then copying it into a .py file though, or using a tool such as

nbconvert or similar.

We will set up a Moodle forum for questions about this homework. Please read the existing questions

before posting new questions. Please do some basic research online before posting questions. Please

only post clarification questions. Any questions deemed to be fishing for answers will be ignored

and/or deleted.

Please check Moodle announcements for updates to this spec. It is your responsibility to check for

announcements about the spec.

Please complete your homework on your own, do not discuss your solution with other people in the

course. General discussion of the problems is fine, but you must write out your own solution and

acknowledge if you discussed any of the problems in your submission (including their name(s) and


As usual, we monitor all online forums such as Chegg, StackExchange, etc. Posting homework ques-

tions on these site is equivalent to plagiarism and will result in a case of academic misconduct.

You may not use SymPy or any other symbolic programming toolkits to answer the derivation ques-

tions. This will result in an automatic grade of zero for the relevant question. You must do the

derivations manually.

When and Where to Submit

Due date: Week 7, Monday July 10th, 2023 by 5pm. Please note that the forum will not be actively

monitored on weekends.

Late submissions will incur a penalty of 5% per day from the maximum achievable grade. For ex-

ample, if you achieve a grade of 80/100 but you submitted 3 days late, then your final grade will be

80? 3× 5 = 65. Submissions that are more than 5 days late will receive a mark of zero.

Submission must be made on Moodle, no exceptions.

Page 2

Question 1. Gradient Descent for Learning Combinations of Models

In this question, we discuss and implement a gradient descent based algorithm for learning combina-

tions of models, which are generally termed ’ensemble models’. The gradient descent idea is a very

powerful one that has been used in a large number of creative ways in machine learning beyond direct

minimization of loss functions.

The Gradient-Combination (GC) algorithm can be described as follows: Let F be a set of base learning

algorithms1. The idea is to combine the base learners in F in an optimal way to end up with a good

learning algorithm. Let `(y, y?) be a loss function, where y is the target, and y? is the predicted value.2

Suppose we have data (xi, yi) for i = 1, . . . , n, which we collect into a single data set D0. We then set

the number of desired base learners to T and proceed as follows:

(I) Initialize f0(x) = 0 (i.e. f0 is the zero function.)

(II) For t = 1, 2, . . . , T :

(GC1) Compute:

rt,i = ? ?




`(yj , f(xj))


f(xj)=ft?1(xj), j=1,...,n

for i = 1, . . . , n. We refer to rt,i as the i-th pseudo-residual at iteration t.

(GC2) Construct a new pseudo data set, Dt, consisting of pairs: (xi, rt,i) for i = 1, . . . , n.

(GC3) Fit a model to Dt using our base class F . That is, we solve

ht = argmin




`(rt,i, f(xi))

(GC4) Choose a step-size. This can be done by either of the following methods:

(SS1) Pick a fixed step-size αt = α

(SS2) Pick a step-size adaptively according to

αt = argmin




`(yi, ft?1(xi) + αht(xi)).

(GC5) Take the step

ft(x) = ft?1(x) + αtht(x).

(III) return fT .

We can view this algorithm as performing (functional) gradient descent on the base class F . Note that

in (GC1), the notation means that after taking the derivative with respect to f(xi), set all occurences

of f(xj) in the resulting expression with the prediction of the current model ft?1(xj), for all j. For




log(x+ 1)





x+ 1







1For example, you could take F to be the set of all regression models with a single feature, or alternatively the set of all regression

models with 4 features, or the set of neural networks with 2 layers etc.

2Note that this set-up is general enough to include both regression and classification algorithms.

Page 3

(a) Consider the regression setting where we allow the y-values in our data set to be real numbers.

Suppose that we use squared error loss `(y, y?) = 12 (y? y?)2. For round t of the algorithm, show that

rt,i = yi ? ft?1(xi). Then, write down an expression for the optimization problem in step (GC3)

that is specific to this setting (you don’t need to actually solve it).

What to submit: your working out, either typed or handwritten.

(b) Using the same setting as in the previous part, derive the step-size expression according to the

adaptive approach (SS2).

What to submit: your working out, either typed or handwritten.

(c) We will now implement the gradient-combination algorithm on a toy dataset from scratch, and we

will use the class of decision stumps (depth 1 decision trees) as our base class (F), and squared error

loss as in the previous parts.3. The following code generates the data and demonstrates plotting

the predictions of a fitted decision tree (more details in q1.py):

1 np.random.seed(123)

2 X, y = f_sampler(f, 160, sigma=0.2)

3 X = X.reshape(-1,1)


5 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,7))

6 dt = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=2).fit(X,y) # example model

7 xx = np.linspace(0,1,1000)

8 plt.plot(xx, f(xx), alpha=0.5, color=’red’, label=’truth’)

9 plt.scatter(X,y, marker=’x’, color=’blue’, label=’observed’)

10 plt.plot(xx, dt.predict(xx.reshape(-1,1)), color=’green’, label=’dt’) # plotting

example model

11 plt.legend()

12 plt.show()


The figure generated is

3In your implementation, you may make use of sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeRegressor, but all other code must be your

own. You may use NumPy and matplotlib, but do not use an existing implementation of the algorithm if you happen to find one.

Page 4

Your task is to generate a 5 x 2 figure of subplots showing the predictions of your fitted gradient-

combination model. There are 10 subplots in total, the first should show the model with 5 base

learners, the second subplot should show it with 10 base learners, etc. The last subplot should be

the gradient-combination model with 50 base learners. Each subplot should include the scatter of

data, as well as a plot of the true model (basically, the same as the plot provided above but with

your fitted model in place of dt). Comment on your results, what happens as the number of base

learners is increased? You should do this two times (two 5x2 plots), once with the adaptive step

size, and the other with the step-size taken to be α = 0.1 fixed throughout. There is no need to

split into train and test data here. Comment on the differences between your fixed and adaptive

step-size implementations. How does your model perform on the different x-ranges of the data?

What to submit: two 5 x 2 plots, one for adaptive and one for fixed step size, some commentary, and a screen

shot of your code and a copy of your code in your .py file.

(d) Repeat the analysis in the previous question but with depth 2 decision trees as base learners in-

stead. Provide the same plots. What do you notice for the adaptive case? What about the non-

adaptive case? What to submit: two 5 x 2 plots, one for adaptive and one for fixed step size, some commen-

tary, and a copy of your code in your .py file.

(e) Now, consider the classification setting where y is taken to be an element of {?1, 1}. We consider

the following classification loss: `(y, y?) = log(1 + e?yy?). For round t of the algorithm, what is the

expression for rt,i? Write down an expression for the optimization problem in step (GC3) that is

specific to this setting (you don’t need to actually solve it).

What to submit: your working out, either typed or handwritten.

(f) Using the same setting as in the previous part, write down an expression for αt using the adaptive

approach in (SS2). Can you solve for αt in closed form? Explain.

What to submit: your working out, either typed or handwritten, and some commentary.

Page 5

(g) In practice, if you cannot solve for αt exactly, explain how you might implement the algorithm.

Assume that using a constant step-size is not a valid alternative. Be as specific as possible in your

answer. What, if any, are the additional computational costs of your approach relative to using a

constant step size ?

What to submit: some commentary.

Question 2. Test Set Linear Regression

Recall that the rMSE (root-MSE) of a hypothesis4 h on a test set {(xi, yi)}ni=1, where xi is a p-dimensional

vector and yi is a real number, is defined as

rMSE(h) =

√√√√ 1




(yi ? h(xi))2.

For all parts, assume that the xi’s are known to you, but the yi’s are not. Suppose however that you are

permitted to query rMSE(h). What this means is that you can query, for any hypothesis h, the rMSE

of h on the test set. Suppose further that you know that rMSE(z) = c0, where z is the hypothesis that

returns zero for any input, i.e. z(xi) = 0 for each i = 1, . . . , n, and c0 is some arbitrary positive number.

(a) Assume you have a set of T hypothesesH = {h1, h2, . . . , hT }. You are told that for each i, there is a

hypothesis h inH, such that h(xi) = yi. In other words, for any point in the test set, there is at least

one hypothesis in H that predicts that point correctly5. Suppose that you are permitted to blend

predictions of different hypotheses in H6. Design a naive, brute-force algorithm that constructs a

hypothesis g from the elements of H such that rMSE(g) = 0. How many queries of rMSE do you

need to make? How does your algorithm scale (in the worst case) with the test size n? Describe

your algorithm in detail.

What to submit: a description of your algorithm and the number of queries required, either typed or hand-


(b) We now consider a better approach than brute-force. For a given hypothesis h, define

h(X) = (h(x1), h(x2), . . . , h(xn))


y = (y1, y2, . . . , yn)


We can always compute h(X), but we do not know y. What is the smallest number of queries

required to compute y>h(X)? Describe your approach in detail.

What to submit: a description of your approach and the number of queries required, either typed or hand-


(c) Given a set of K hypothesesH = {h1, . . . , hK}, use your result in the previous part to solve










and obtain the optimal weights α1, . . . , αK . Describe your approach in detail, and be sure to detail

how many queries are needed and the exact values of the α’s, in terms of X, y and the elements of


4The term hypothesis just means a function or model that takes as input x and returns as output a prediction h(x) = y?.

5Note that this does not imply that there is some hypothesis inH that predicts all points correctly.

6For example, you could construct a blended hypothesis g that returns the predictions of h2 on test points 1 to 5, and the predictions

of h5 on points 6 to n.

Page 6

What to submit: a description of your algorithm and the number of queries required, either typed or hand-


Question 3. Newton’s Method

Note: throughout this question do not use any existing implementations of any of the algorithms

discussed unless explicitly asked to in the question. Using existing implementations can result in

a grade of zero for the entire question. In homework 1 we studied gradient descent (GD), which is

usually referred to as a first order method. Here, we study an alternative algorithm known as Newton’s

algorithm, which is generally referred to as a second order method. Roughly speaking, a second order

method makes use of both first and second derivatives. Generally, second order methods are much

more accurate than first order ones. Given a twice differentiable function g : R→ R, Newton’s method

generates a sequence {x(k)} iteratively according to the following update rule:

x(k+1) = x(k) ? g



, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , (1)

For example, consider the function g(x) = 12x

2 ? sin(x) with initial guess x(0) = 0. Then

g′(x) = x? cos(x), and g′′(x) = 1 + sin(x),

and so we have the following iterations:

x(1) = x(0) ? x

(0) ? cos(x0)

1 + sin(x(0))

= 0? 0? cos(0)

1 + sin(0)

= 1

x(2) = x(1) ? x

(1) ? cos(x1)

1 + sin(x(1))

= 1? 1? cos(1)

1 + sin(1)

= 0.750363867840244

x(3) = 0.739112890911362


and this continues until we terminate the algorithm (as a quick exercise for your own benefit, code this

up, plot the function and each of the iterates). We note here that in practice, we often use a different

update called the dampened Newton method, defined by:

x(k+1) = x(k) ? α g



, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . . (2)

Here, as in the case of GD, the step size α has the effect of ‘dampening’ the update.

(a) Consider the twice differentiable function f : Rn → R. The Newton steps in this case are now:

x(k+1) = x(k) ? (H(x(k)))?1?f(x(k)), k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , (3)

where H(x) = ?2f(x) is the Hessian of f . Explain heuristically (in a couple of sentences) how the

above formula is a generalization of equation (1) to functions with vector inputs. what to submit:

Some commentary

(b) Consider the function f : R2 → R defined by

f(x, y) = 100(y ? x2)2 + (1? x)2.

Create a 3D plot of the function using mplot3d (see lab0 for example). Further, compute the

gradient and Hessian of f . what to submit: A single plot, the code used to generate the plot, the gradient

and Hessian calculated along with all working. Add a copy of the code to solutions.py

Page 7

(c) Using NumPy only, implement the (undampened) Newton algorithm to find the minimizer of the

function in the previous part, using an initial guess of x(0) = (?1.2, 1)T . Terminate the algorithm




≤ 10?6. Report the values of x(k) for k = 0, 1, . . . ,K where K is your final

iteration. what to submit: your iterations, and a screen shot of your code. Add a copy of the code to


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