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日期:2023-12-10 09:56

1. Submission Guidelines


Submission procedure: Version requirement: Allowable import modules:

2. Overview

Assignment 2 Sound Simulator

3 PM on Friday 15 December 2023

Submit only one file labelled simulator.py through blackboard (via TurnItIn) Your code must run using Python 3.11.4 on a PC

math only. No other modules may be imported into your simulator.py file.

Create 5 classes in your simulator.py file that can be used with the import system. We will type import simulator or a similar statement at the top of our own script (eg, script.py) and then use your classes to perform tasks. For different arguments used to initialise your class definition, or different arguments passed into the methods of your class objects, we will assess either the returned values of each method or the variable attributes of your class.

All code examples described here assume that import simulator or a similar statement has been executed prior to each function call. While we are providing example code, we will mark your code using a far wider range of test code, which are not being provided to you. It is important that you test your code under a wider range of conditions.

3. Classes Transducer, Receiver, and Emitter

We have provided you with a template for three classes: Transducer (parent class), and two derived classes Receiver and Emitter. The parent class, Transducer, contains the position in euclidean coordinates (x, y) of the transducers in units of metres, a time array in units of seconds, and a signal that represents an amplitude value for each point of time in the time array. Each of the derived transducers (Receiver and Emitter) inherit the variable attributes initialised in the parent class (Transducer). Copy the following template code into your simulator.py file. You are asked to fill in the generate_signal() method.

Template code:

class Transducer():

def __init__(self, x, y, t_array): self.x = x

self.y = y

self.t_array = t_array

self.signal = len(self.t_array)*[0]

class Receiver(Transducer):

def __init__(self, x, y, t_array): super().__init__(x, y, t_array)

class Emitter(Transducer):

def __init__(self, x, y, t_array): super().__init__(x, y, t_array)

def generate_signal(self, f_c, n_cycles, amplitude):

# include your code here pass

Version 1.00


Write the following method in the Emitter class:

signal = generate_signal(self, f_c, n_cycles, amplitude)


Return values: Implementation:

The f_c argument should be of type float and represents the centre frequency of the sinusoid in units Hz.

The n_cycles argument should be of type int and represents the number of cycles. The amplitude argument should be of type float and represents the amplitude of the

sinusoid. There are no units.

The returned signal should be a 1-dimensional list containing values of type float. It should contain the sinusoidal signal generated. It should be returned as a value and also stored in self.signal.

Generate a sinusoidal signal with a frequency, number of cycles, and amplitude specified in the arguments. Store the sinusoidal signal in self.signal and return self.signal as well. The sinusoidal signal should begin at the first time defined within the self.t_array list. Outside the region containing the sinusoid, the signal amplitude should be 0.

4. Class SoundSimulator

The SoundSimulator class simulates sound from emitters travelling to receivers. It takes in lists of emitters and receivers and runs an acoustic simulation. The emitters emit a signal that is defined in their signal variable attribute and for time steps and durations defined by the time array (t_array). The receiver listens to the sound emitted from the emitter with the same time steps and durations defined by the time array (t_array). Based on the spatial distance between the emitters and receivers, we would expect some time for the signal to travel from each of the emitters to each of the receivers. The time it takes to travel is defined by the speed of sound (sos) and the distance traversed. Since there may be more than one emitter, add up all the emitted signals that arrive at a receiver for each time point.

4.1. Attributes

Objects of type SoundSimulator should have the following variable attributes:





4.2. Methods

A 1-dimensional array of type list. Each element contains an object of type Emitter. Each emitter in this list will emit sound.

A 1-dimensional array of type list. Each element contains an object of type Receiver. Each receiver in this list will receive sound from each of the emitters.

A 1-dimensional array of type list. Each element contains a value of type float.

This represents time. Each element value should represent time in units of seconds.

A value of type float.

This represents the speed of sound in units of metres per second. The sound from the emitters will travel to the receivers at this speed.

__init__(self, emitters, receivers, t_array, sos)

Return values: Arguments:


The emitters argument should be of type list and contain objects of type Emitter. This represents a list of emitters that will be simulated. The default value should be an empty list.

The receivers argument should be of type list and contain objects of type Receiver. This represents a list of receivers that will be simulated. The default value should be an empty list.

The t_array argument should be of type list and contain objects of type float. The default value should be an empty list.

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The sos argument should be of type float and represents the speed of sound in units metres per second. The default value should be 1500.0.

receivers = run(self)

Arguments: Return values: Implementation:


Return an object of type list where each element is an object of type Receiver. Using the variable attributes attained after the initialisation process, run the simulation.

For each Receiver object in self.receiver, calculate the sound that is captured from each of the emitters. You will only need to record sound during the time period defined by self.t_array.

Sound from each emitter will have to travel over a period of time before it reaches each receiver. This delay can be determined by the speed of sound (self.sos).

The sound amplitude will reduce by 1/distance.

Sound from two or more emitters experience superposition. Add the two or more signals up while taking into account the time it took those signals to travel from the emitter to the receiver.

For each object of type Receiver, update its signal variable attribute to reflect the sound that it captured from one or more emitters. Do not alter the order of the receivers on the list. Make sure to not only update self.receiver, but also return an equivalent list of receivers.

5. BeamFormer Class

The BeamFormer class attempts to reconstruct the acoustic sources that may have been generated from a defined region of interest. This is done by using the receivers’ signals and locations through a delay and sum algorithm. The acoustic source strength, q(r,t), is defined as follows:

1" |𝒓!−𝒓| 𝑞(𝒓,𝑡)=𝑁*|𝒓! −𝒓|𝑝.𝒓!,𝑡− 𝑐



r represents the location where we want to reconstruct the acoustic source and t is time in seconds. N is the number of receivers with ri being the location of the receiver. p is the signal captures at the receiver. c is the speed of sound in units metres per second. |𝒓! − 𝒓| is the distance between a receiver and the reconstruction location. The space from where sound will be reconstructed will be defined by a two-dimensional region, which is specified by two 1-dimensional arrays specifying the x-axis (x_array) and the y-axis (y_array).

5.1. Attributes

Objects of type Beamformer should have the following variable attributes:





A 1-dimensional array of type list. Each element contains an object of type Receiver.

Each receiver in this list will receive sound from each of the emitters.

A 1-dimensional array of type list. Each element contains a value of type float.

This represents the space along the x-axis that you will reconstruct the acoustic source from. The unit for each value is metres.

A 1-dimensional array of type list. Each element contains a value of type float.

This represents the space along the y-axis that you will reconstruct the acoustic source from.

The unit for each value is metres.

A 1-dimensional array of type list. Each element contains a value of type float. This represents time. Each element value should represent time in units of seconds.

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sos A value of type float.

This represents the speed of sound in units of metres per second. The sound from the

emitters will travel to the receivers at this speed.

field A 3-dimensional array of type list. The first dimension contains an array of type list.

5.2. Methods


The receivers argument should be of type list and contain objects of type Receiver. This represents a list of receivers that will be simulated. The default value should be an empty list.

The x_array argument should be of type list and contain objects of type float. The default value should be an empty list.

The y_array argument should be of type list and contain objects of type float. The default value should be an empty list.

The t_array argument should be of type list and contain objects of type float. The default value should be an empty list.

The sos argument should be of type float and represents the speed of sound in units metres per second. The default value should be 1500.0.


Create the field attribute using the lengths of y_array, x_array, and t_array.

Return values: Implementation:

The third dimension contains an array of type list, whose elements are of type float.

This represents the acoustic source strength, q(r,t), that is reconstructed on a two- dimensional array whose spatial ranges are defined by x_array and y_array. The temporal length of the acoustic source strength signal should be the same length as t_array. The first dimension represents distance along the y-axis, the second dimension represents distance along the x-axis, the third dimension represents time.

__init__(self, receivers, x_array, y_array, t_array, sos)

Upon initialisation, the field array should contain 0.0 values. generate_field()

Arguments: Return values: Implementation:



Using the variable attributes attained after the initialisation process, run the simulation to reconstruct the field attribute as defined by the equation for q(r,t).

When calculating the source strength, the delay and summing algorithm may result in summing values outside the bounds of the allocated durations. For out of bound values, assume that the signal amplitude is 0.

Implementation of generate_field() is the most difficult part of this assignment and also worth the most marks.

6. Coding rules

Do not declare any variables or functions in the global space of simulation.py. The global space definitions must have the 5 classes requested only. A main() function could be used if you so desire, but is not required. Only the math module can be imported in simulation.py.

7. Marking criteria

We will mark your submitted simulation.py code according to the following categories:

• 90 marks: Implementation and efficiency

o 25marks:basemarksawardedfordemonstrationofbasiccodingskills o 05marks:codecompiles

o 15marks:Transducer,Emitter,andReceiverclassimplementation o 15marks:SoundSimulatorimplementationandefficiency

§ 10 marks for implementation

§ 5 marks for efficiency (only awarded with full 10 implementation marks awarded) o 30marks:BeamFormerimplementationandefficiency

§ 15 marks for implementation

§ 15 marks for efficiency (only awarded with full 15 implementation marks awarded) • 10 marks: Coding style and commenting

We will import your simulator module near the top of our script to test your code. We will run several test conditions against each of your classes and methods. We will investigate what was assigned in your attribute variables, so the type, length, etc. of your attribute variables must be accurately defined. We will test far more test cases than the examples we have included in this assignment sheet.

Version 1.00

7. Sample Code

The following code...

# script.py

from matplotlib import pyplot # you may use whatever plotting library of software you want # you will need to install this module before using it

from simulator import *

def main():

# https://matplotlib.org/stable/index.html

# --------------------------------------------------------------- # setup the 'clock' with which the simulation will be run

t_delta = 0.1e-6 # time step size [seconds] t_N = 800 # number of time points

t_array=[t_i*t_deltafort_iinrange(t_N)] #themasterclock,arrayoftime[seconds] sos = 1500.0 # speed of sound [metres/second]

# --------------------------------------------------------------- # setup receivers and emitters

# arrange a linear order of receivers from -0.04 m to 0.04 m

receiver_positions = [[receiver_x / 1000.0, 0.04] for receiver_x in range(-40, 41, 2)]

emitters = []

receivers = []

emitters.append(Emitter(0, 0, t_array))

signal = emitters[0].generate_signal(1e6, 5, 1)

fig, axs = pyplot.subplots(1) axs.plot(t_array, signal) axs.set_xlabel('time (seconds)') axs.set_ylabel('amplitude')

# pyplot.show()

for pos in receiver_positions: receivers.append(Receiver(pos[0], pos[1], t_array))

# --------------------------------------------------------------- # run the simulation

simulation = SoundSimulator(emitters, receivers, t_array, sos) receivers = simulation.run()

img = []

for i in range(len(receivers)):


fig, axs = pyplot.subplots(1) imgplot = axs.imshow(img) axs.set_aspect(20) axs.set_xlabel('time point') axs.set_ylabel('receiver number') fig.colorbar(imgplot) pyplot.show()

# --------------------------------------------------------------- # set the field of view from which we will visualise sound

x_range = [-0.02, 0.02] # x-axis range [metres]

x_N = 51 # number of points along x axis

x_delta = abs(x_range[0]-x_range[1])/(x_N-1)# step size along x axis [metres]

y_range = [-0.02, 0.02] # y-axis range [metres]

y_N = 51 # number of points along y axis

y_delta = abs(y_range[0]-y_range[1])/(y_N-1)# step size along y axis [metres]

x_array = []

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for i in range(x_N): x_array.append(x_range[0]+i*x_delta)

y_array = []

for i in range(y_N):


# --------------------------------------------------------------- # reconstruct a field, where sound may be located

beam_former = BeamFormer(receivers, x_array, y_array, t_array, sos) beam_former.generate_field()

fig, axs = pyplot.subplots(1) axs.plot(beam_former.field[25][25])

img = []

for j in range(len(y_array)):

row = []

for i in range(len(x_array)):

row.append(min(beam_former.field[j][i])) img.append(row)

fig, axs = pyplot.subplots(1)

imgplot = axs.imshow(img, origin='lower', extent=[x_array[0]*1000, x_array[-1]*1000, y_array[0]*1000, y_array[-1]*1000])

axs.set_xlabel('x-axis (mm)') axs.set_ylabel('y-axis (mm)') fig.colorbar(imgplot) pyplot.show()

if __name__ == '__main__': main()

Should produce the following figures:

note: we will mark class attributes, and NOT your figures.

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