COMP S362F Final Individual Project Question paper
In this project, you build a JSON web service server, called the “project server” in this paper. In addition to the server program, you also develop associated tests and documentation. There is no standalone client program to develop, but your test cases would make client requests to the project server.
Compulsory rules
You are required to observe and obey the following rules. Violation of any of the rules would result in zero mark or severe penalty in the project.
• Youmustdeveloptheproject,includingallprogramsanddocuments,solelybyyourself.Workand contents generated by AI or tools, or from others, must not be incorporated in part or in whole into your project’s outcomes.
• Python3.11.xandFlask3.0.xmustbeusedtodeveloptheprojectserver.Otherthird-partylibraries may be used but must be documented clearly (see R7 below).
• When the project server is executed according to your documented instructions (see R7), it must be started successfully and there must be no errors such as invalid syntax, undefined names, missing libraries, and so on.
• Submission must be made in OLE. In particular, submission, re-submission, or supplementary submission by email is not accepted. Incomplete submission, such as saved but not submitted work in OLE, or a corrupted ZIP file, is not accepted.
• Re-submissioninOLEbeforethedeadline,withinthelimitationsoftheOLEmultiplesubmission function, is allowed.
• Late submission is penalized by 20% reduction of score per day. Less than a day is counted as a whole day. For example, a submission that is 24 hours and 1 second late after the deadline will have the score reduced by 40%. All submitted files and submission times are considered as recorded in OLE.
You are encouraged to submit at least one day before the deadline, so that you have sufficient time to deal with submission problems and other unexpected issues. After submission, please re-enter the submission page to verify the submission status again.
The figure below shows an overview of the project server. Detailed requirements are described subse- quently.
The project server supplies two JSON web services to its clients, and works with a quote server. The quote server is provided to you in the program. The project server runs on localhost TCP port 5000, while the quote server runs on localhost TCP and UDP ports 1700.
The functional requirements (R1 to R4) and non-functional requirements (R5 to R8) of the project are described in the following.
R1. User information in web service requests
Check user information on all web service requests.
All web service requests to the project server are required to contain user name and password in the request JSON data. The requirement and error handling on these data are described in the following table.
Data field
User name (required)
Password (required)
Value data type and format
A string of 4 digits, e.g. "0000",
"0123", "3721". (Some invalid examples are 1352, "a123", "12345".)
A string containing the user name followed by “-pw”,
e.g. "0123-pw" for the user name "0123".
Error handling
If the key is missing or the value is invalid, return response code 401 and an error message of "user info error".
If the key is missing or the value is invalid, return response code 401 and an error message of "user info error".
When a request arrives, the project server first checks the user information. If the user information is in- valid, the project server returns the response JSON data with a "error" key and an error message value:
{ "error": "user info error" }
If the user information is valid, the project server updates the request statistics (see R2), and proceeds to
process the request (see R3 and R4).
Note that there is no need to store the user names and passwords in a file or database. Their processing and validation are implemented in code and logic in the program.
R2. Statistics persistence and concurrency access
Keep track of and persist web service request statistics. The statistics include the users who have made requests and the numbers of requests made; users who haven’t made a request are not included.
The project server maintains and persists these request statistics, which are saved in storage and remain when the project server restarts. These statistics can be saved in a database, or in a file in plain text format or Python pickle format etc. In case you choose to use a database, use the built-in SQLite only. Design the format of a record/line, which contains the user name (a string of 4 digits) and the number of requests made (an integer greater than 0).
Implement mutual exclusion to avoid race conditions when updating the request statistics. Do this for data kept both in any program variables and in storage. You are required to implement mutual exclusion in your code, and assume the database system and file system provide no concurrency facility.
R3. The pi web service
Design and implement the pi web service. The project server supplies the pi JSON web service at the URL pattern "/pi" with the HTTP POST method. This web service performs Monte Carlo simulations to calculate the value of 𝜋. See Lab 1 solution for an explanation of calculating 𝜋 using Monte Carlo simulations.
The request JSON data of the pi web service contains the following fields (for details of user name and password, see R1):
Data field
User name – see R1 Password – see R1 Number of simulations (required)
Level of concurrency (optional, default to 1)
Value data type and format
An integer from 100 to 100,000,000, both inclusive.
An integer from 1 to 8, both inclusive.
Error handling
If the key is missing or the value is invalid, return response code 400 and an error message of "missing field simulations" or "invalid field simulations", respectively.
If the value is invalid, return response code 400 and an error message of "invalid field concurrency".
The level of concurrency specifies the client’s desired number of threads or processes used for fulfilling the request. You are required to design, implement, and document a concurrency solution suitable for the task, such as whether to use threads or processes, which Python API to use, and so on.
The response JSON data contains the following list of data. You are required to design, implement, and document (in the README file, see R7) the data fields, such as the JSON keys, value data types and formats, and so on.
• Numberofsimulations,samedatafromtherequest • Levelofconcurrency,samedatafromtherequest
• Calculated value of 𝜋
• Measuredtimeforprocessingtherequest
• (Any other relevant fields you consider necessary)
R4. The quote web service
Design and implement quote web service. The project server supplies the quote JSON web service at the URL pattern "/quote" with the HTTP POST method. This web service retrieves multiple quotes from a quote server, the provided program, and returns the quotes to the client.
Note that the quote server works like a daytime server, except that it returns text lines of quotes instead of server times. It serves both TCP and UDP clients: when a TCP client connects, it returns a text line of quote and closes the connection; when a UDP packet arrives where the packet source address is the client address, it sends a packet to the client containing a text line of quote. Do not modify the program.
The request JSON data of the quote web service contains the following fields (for details of user name and password, see the table in R1):
Data field
User name – see R1 Password – see R1 Protocol (required)
Level of concurrency (optional, default to 1)
Value data type and format
A string, either "tcp" or "udp"
An integer from 1 to 8, both inclusive.
Error handling
If the key is missing or the value is invalid, return response code 400 and an error message of "missing field protocol" or "invalid field protocol", respectively. If the value is invalid, return response code 400 and an error message of "invalid field concurrency".
The protocol specifies whether TCP or UDP is used by the project server to communicate to the quote server.
The level of concurrency specifies the client’s desired number of threads or processes used for fulfilling the request. You are required to design, implement, and document a concurrency solution suitable for the task, such as whether to use threads or processes, which Python API to use, and so on.
Note that in this web service the level of concurrency equals the number of quotes in the response. For example, to serve a client request with protocol TCP and level of concurrency 4, the project server makes 4 concurrent TCP connections to the quote server to obtain 4 quotes, combines the 4 quotes, and sends them in the response to the client.
The response JSON data contains the following list of data. You are required to design, implement, and document (in the README file, see R7) the data fields, such as the JSON keys, value data types and formats, and so on.
• Protocol,samedatafromtherequest
• Levelofconcurrency,samedatafromtherequest • Quotes (1 to 8)
• Measuredtimeforprocessingtherequest
• (Any other relevant fields you consider necessary)
R5. Testing the project server
Implement automated integration/system testing, in one or more testing programs, to show that the project server fulfills the functional requirements.
Some testing items are described below. You are required to write one or more test cases for each of these items, and to add other suitable testing items of your own.
• When the user information is missing or invalid in a request, the server returns the 401 status code with a proper error message.
• The pi web service returns an approximate value of 𝜋.
• The quote web service returns the requested number of quotes.
• For the pi web service, a higher level of concurrency generally has a smaller processing time than a lower level of concurrency.
• For both the pi and quote web services, when a field is missing or invalid in a request, the server returns the 400 status code with a proper error message.
R6. Code style, comments, and organization
Maintain good programming style in your code. For example, use proper and meaningful names for variables and functions, set a proper line length e.g. 78, adopt tidy consistent format and indentation, remove unnecessary code, and so on.
Write appropriate comments. Remember that lengthy unfocused trivial outdated comments are as bad as the lack of comments.
Organize the code within a program file or into multiple program files as appropriate.
R7. Documentation and submission format
Create a README file that documents the project beyond code comments. It may be either .txt file or a .docx file, with the file name s12345678readme.txt or s12345678readme.docx, where 12345678 is your student number. The contents of the README file include the following:
• Your full name and 8-digit student number
• A list of file names and brief descriptions of the submitted files
• Instructionsforsettingupandexecutingtheprojectserver
• Instructionsforsettingupandexecutingthetests
• JSON formats of requests and responses, preferably in table format (see R2, R3, R4)
• Descriptionandjustificationoftheconcurrencysolutionsinthetwowebservices(seeR3,R4) • Discussionofadoptingadvancedtechnologies(seeR8)
• (Any other relevant topics you like to include)
For the instructions for setting up and executing the project server and tests, describe what third-party libraries and their versions are used, how to install them, what data files are required, how to initialize the data files, the command to execute the project server and tests, and so on.
Put your document, program, and data files into a ZIP file called where 12345678 is your student number. Do not put third-party libraries in the ZIP file. Submit only that one ZIP file to OLE.
R8. Discussion of adopting advanced technologies
Select two technologies (or techniques) covered in units 11 to 13 (message queues, async programming, high-performance computing) and discuss their adoption in the project server. Specifically, describe the benefits, new or improved functionality, and high-level implementation of adopting the technologies to the project server. You may consider a scaled-up version of the project server in the discussion, such as having more web service operations, higher level of concurrency, higher transaction volumes, and the like.
Try to provide your own unique opinions and discussion that pinpoints the specifics of the project. Com- mon and general views would not be sufficient for a high score in this discussion.
Write the discussion in the README file. You may include code segments in the discussion in the README file. Do not actually modify the code of the project server program files for this discussion.
It is easy to get a passing score but not so easy to get a high score. The 8 requirement items, R1 to R8, are worth 10% to 20% each.
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