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日期:2023-11-15 08:45

Assignment 2: Step

Monster High


Inthisassignment,we’ll write Step code to select and execute contentunits. Our contentunits areplot

points for a soap opera world called MonsterHigh. Inthisworld,students,whoalsohappen to be

monsters, engagein conflicts and romance.

Theprovidedcode setsuptheframework for theassignment.You’llbeaddingcode to two of thefiles,

Queries.step andPlotPoints.step,as well as potentially changing the initialstate oftheworld in

Students.step to test your code.

Thiscode works by testingthestateof the world to see which plot pointsarepotentially applicableand

thenpickingoneto execute. Two entrypoints have been providedfortesting the code.The task

[Events] selects and executes sixrandomplotpoints.Thetask[ShowPlotPointMenu] showsa

menu ofalltheplotpoints availablein the currentstory state.Theusercanselect one,it executes,anda

menu ofplotpoints available in thenewstateisdisplayed.Plotpoints will be represented as tuples,soif

youhaven’tdone thereadingontuples,do thatnow.

Forexample,wemightrepresenttheplotpoint that Jaydenconfesses their love toTiana with the tuple:

[confess_lovejayden tiana]. However, this only makessense ifweknowthatJaydenhasa

crushonTiana,otherwise, why wouldtheyconfess? Andit doesn’t make senseifthetwoarealready

dating. So you need tomakesurethattheconfess_love plotpoint isonlyavailablewhenthere’san

attraction that isn’t being actedon. When this plotpoint executes, it mightbeprintedas“Jayden

confesses their love toTiana”.Additionally,when theplotpoint executes,it changes the

stateofthe world sothatTiana now knowsthatJaydenasa crushonTiana:KnowsTiana [CrushOn

JaydenTiana].Here we’re also using tuples torepresentwhat itisTianaknows.

We’reusingfluents torepresentthechanging state oftheworld asplotpoints execute.Read more

about fluentsintutorial8.

Note also that we’veprovidedyouwitha versionofMention thatunderstandsthingslikepronoun

generation and capitalization ofcharacternames. Youdon’t need todoanythingwithit,justrealizethat

it’sthere. Ifyoudon’t knowwhat Mention is,readpart6 ofthetutorialongenerating text incontext.

Getting started

Tobegin with,dragtheMonsterHigh folderintotheDocuments/Stepfolder onyour machine(theStep

folderinside your Documentsfolder). Then, open theMonsterHigh folderyoujustputinside the Step

folder inVisualStudioCode.


assignmentziparchive.ThisnewversionofStepfixes abugthataffects the assignment.


Optional: Making a student body

ThefileStudents.step definesthestudentbody,including what type ofmonstereachstudentis,

what clubspeoplearein,andwhohascrushes,isdating,andarefriends.Forthepurposesoftesting

your code, you may want to create yourownstudentbody with aspecificinitial state. However,you

don’t need todothisif you don’twant to.

Note that theMention codewegave you will usethey asthepronounforallcharacters bydefault. If

youprefer,youmayoptionally specifypreferred pronouns  for some orallof your characters. Todo

that,justaddstatements toyour Students.step fileoftheform:

PreferredPronoun student pronoun.

Wherestudentisthestudent you’re specifying apronounfor,andpronoun is eitherhe or she. You can

specifythey, butsince that’sthedefaultanyway,there’snoparticular point indoing so. Anyoneyou

don’t specifya pronoun for willbereferredtousing they.

Part one: Queries

ThefileQueries.Step defines predicaterules toinferinterestingrelationsinthestoryworld.


UnrequitedLove   ( aiscrushing b ,butnotviceversa)and,

CheatingOn  cheater cheatee ( cheaterisdating cheatee and isalsodatingsomeoneelse).

Writepredicaterulesforeachofthepredicates specifiedinQueries.Step.

Part two: Plot Points


• eventType is thekindof event(e.g.confess_love,star_crossed_lovers,etc.)

• other-information istheotherinformationthatappearsinthatkindofevent:definitely the

characters participating in it,butforsome ofthem,there arethings like the monstertypes or


• condition istheinformationtodetermine whetherthisplotpoint isallowedinthecurrentstate


Here’sanexample. Forthebreakupplotpoint,itonlymakes sense for it to happen ifthe charactersare

alreadydatingandhave hadafight. Sotheruleforthatwould look like:


IlikeJayden. They read books.


IlikeJayden.He reads books.


Themagic[s] taskonlyworksforregularverbs. Ifyouwant tohandle adifferentverb, thengrabthe

codeforIs fromMention.step andjustchangeit for your verb.

Part four: Invent some more plot points

Now write PlotPoint andExecutePlotPoint methodsfortwomore kindsofplotpoints. Theycan

beanythingof yourchoosing, although they need todependonthestory world. Feelfreeto addnew

informationto thestoryworldifyoulike.

Some ideas:

• Two characters have a heart-to-heart discussion whileat their club. This would obviously only

make sense whenthey’reinthesameclub.

• Two characters becomefriends afterafight. For that,there’dneed tobea reasonforthemto

have thefight. Andtheyprobablyshouldn’t bedating,since peoplewhoaredating should

probablyalreadybefriends. Maybe theybecomefriendsbecausetheyhave a shared friend.

• Awerewolfcharacterdoessomething onthefullmoon

• Avampirecharacterbites a humancharacter

Turning it in

Save allyour files, reload(control-R)tomake sure everythingreally does load. Assuming everything

seems okay, make azipfileofyour MonsterHigh directory and uploadit tocanvas.

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