School of Engineering
Computing for Engineers – Assessed Lab 1 (approx. 2 hour exercise)
06-07 November 2023 (Week 7 Semester 1)
This is an assessed lab exercise.
Statement of good academic conduct
By submitting this assignment, I understand that I am agreeing to the following statement of
good academic conduct.
I confirm that this assignment is my own work and I have not worked with others in
answering the exercises in this assignment.
I confirm that I have not asked, or paid, others to undertake any part of this work for me.
I confirm that I have read and understood the University regulations on plagiarism
I understand that if concerns are raised about my work I may need to participate in a viva
(oral examination) of my work. I also understand that my progress and/or graduation may be
delayed whilst these concerns are investigated under the Code of Practice on Academic
Integrity or Code of Practice on Plagiarism.
Your C Source code for Exercise A and Exercise B must be uploaded to Canvas by
Tuesday 07 November 2023, 11:59 (midday)
Your code must be uploaded as a .c file (C Source file).
In most cases you will need to upload the two files called “main.c” (one for each exercise).
Do not upload .docx files, .pdf or any other format.
Do not email the code to the course lecturer or to any other member of staff or PGTA.
Only Canvas submissions will be marked.
If you have any problems uploading your code, consult the Module Lecturer well before the
above deadline. Once the deadline has expired, your mark for the Assessment will be
deducted 5 marks per day or part of a day.
The Module Lecturer cannot extend any deadlines for this assignment for any reason. If you
wish to be considered for an extension, you will need to apply for Extenuating Circumstances
via Engineering Welfare.
Do not discuss the exercise with any other person, inside or outside the University. Do not get
help from any other person. The submitted assessment must be your own work.
You should only use Canvas, your own notes and your own programs as sources of help.
Credit will only be given for techniques which have been discussed during Lectures, Labs or
Tutorials. Credit will not be given for techniques learnt or researched elsewhere.
Acceptable sources of help:
• Your own notes
• The Study Guide on Canvas for this module
• The Lecture / Lab and Tutorial videos for this module on Canvas / Panopto
• Any programs which you have written yourself during the labs this Semester
• You may use published Books, as long as you provide a full reference (Name and Author
of Book, Publisher Name, Year of Publication).
Sources which are not acceptable:
• Help from any other person, inside or outside the University
• Any website, forum, social media, video, audio, email or messaging, or any other
information source, other than the Canvas page for this module
• Direct or indirect usage of any chatbot or AI engine
• Self-published books and course notes from other Universities or online courses
Assessed lab exercises
A. A resistor network has the following layout:
The equations for the above resistances are given by:
A number of identical resistor modules each of resistance RP can be placed together in series.
The resistance RQ of the whole network is equal to the sum of N resistor modules each of
which has resistance RP.
Write a program to enter R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, and the number of resistor modules N – these
should be entered in this order. Then work out and display RP and RQ. You may use your
own formula to work out RQ or you can use a loop, whichever you prefer.
An error message should be displayed if R1, R2 or N is zero or negative, the resistance should
not be displayed, and the program should exit.
Marks will be deducted:
• If you introduce any other user interface options not specified in this lab sheet
• If R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 and N are not entered in your program in the same order that they
are specified on this lab sheet.
• The program should not ask for another input if an illegal value of N is entered. If
such a value is entered then the program should display the error message and exit.
B. A digital clock is constructed from four seven-segment LED displays:
Each numbered segment is part of an electronic circuit, where if the voltage was set to high
then that segment will light up. For example, to light up “1111”, we would need to activate
the following segments:
Write a program which does the following:
• Reads in a four digit number, which is the 24-hour clock time
• Prints an error message if the time is illegal, and no segments should be activated
• Extracts each digit, and outputs a list of activated segments for each digit (shown here
for the right hand column of the clock):
Digit Segments to light up
1 22, 25
2 21, 22, 23, 26, 27
3 21, 22, 23, 25, 27
Your program should only output the segment values if the digits are “1”, “2”, or “3”. Any
other digits should be ignored.
Your program should:
• Loop repeatedly until the user enters “999”.
• Use a for loop to iterate across the four columns (1000, 100, 10, 1)
• For each column, the correct digit (1, 2, 3) should be displayed, and for each digit the
correct segments should be printed on the screen.
• Your program should make use of the fact that the segment numbers increase by 10
for each digit, going from right to left (see diagram of clock on previous page)
• A working program should follow the user interface in this specification exactly.
Otherwise marks will be deducted.
To extract a digit from a 24 hour clock time, you may find the following formula useful:
𝑑𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑡 =
𝑐 mod (10ℎ)
c is the 24 hour clock time, “mod” is the modulus operator, h represents the digit position you
want to extract (1000, 100, 10 or 1).
Example output:
Enter 24-hour clock time:2487
Error - illegal time
Enter 24-hour clock time:0968
Error - illegal time
Enter 24-hour clock time:1122
The digits you need to connect are:
Digit 1 needs 52 55
Digit 1 needs 42 45
Digit 2 needs 31 32 33 36 37
Digit 2 needs 21 22 23 26 27
Enter 24-hour clock time:0132
The digits you need to connect are:
Digit 0 ignored
Digit 1 needs 42 45
Digit 3 needs 31 32 33 35 36
Digit 2 needs 21 22 23 26 27
Enter 24-hour clock time:2145
The digits you need to connect are:
Digit 2 needs 51 52 53 56 57
Digit 1 needs 42 45
Digit 4 ignored
Digit 5 ignored
Enter 24-hour clock time:999
End of the program
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