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您当前位置:首页 >> Python编程Python编程

日期:2023-10-11 09:44

CIS 580, Machine Perception, Fall 2023

Homework 2W (Writing)

Due: Thursday October 12, 2023, 11:59pm ET

Version of 2023/09/22, 04:14GMT


• This is an individual homework and worth 100 points.

• You must submit your solutions on Gradescope, the entry code is VBGNPG. We

recommend that you use LATEX, but we will accept scanned solutions as well.

• Start early! Please post your questions on Ed Discussion or come to office hours!


• Please separately submit your solutions on Gradescope.



Problem 1 (20 pts.) The image of the rectangle-shaped facade of a building has

two vanishing points, one at (−b, 0) corresponding to horizontal lines and one at (0, h)

corresponding to the vertical lines. Find the transformation that will map the facade

to a rectangle. Assume that the origin (0,0) and the point (1, 1) remain fixed.

Problem 2 (20 pts.) The following diagram represents an aerial photograph of a

straight road on flat ground. At A there is

a sign ‘Junction 1 km’, at B asign ‘Junction



km’, and C is the road junction. Also, a

police patrol car is at X,and a bridge is at

Y .The distances marked on the left of the

diagram are measured in cm from the photograph. Calculate the actual distances (in

km) of the patrol car and the bridge from

the junction.

Problem 3 (20 pts) For this question you

will need to read the article “How to Detect

Faked Photos” (Farid). Is the following

reflection painting perspectively correct?

To answer this question you can draw lines

on top of the image and use them for your

argument. The original image can be found



Problem 4 (20 pts.) In the following image, the points A, B, C, D are collinear.

Point V is the vanishing point for line AB. For the world points we know that AwBw =

BwCw = CwDw = 4. Given the distances AB = 3, CD = 2, compute (i) The distance


(ii) The distance DV .

Problem 5 (20pts) In the lecture, we have talked about how seeing two lighthouses

(two points) under a fixed angle does not tell us where we are on the sea. However if we

had a compass giving us the North we might localize ourselves. Assume that the two

lighthouses are at points (0,0) and (a,0) and are seen at bearings β and α with respect

to the North, respectively. Find your coordinates (x,y) as a function of a, α and β.


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