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日期:2023-10-04 10:45




COURSEWORK DEADLINE: 13th October 2023 by 5pm


1. This assignment will contribute 30% to your final grade.

2. This coursework is a individual assignment.


Plagiarism is not allowed, and any student found to commit such an act, 0 mark

will be awarded.

Coursework must be submitted on their due dates. If a coursework is submitted after

its due date, the following penalty will be imposed:

● ONE day late : 3 marks deducted from the total marks awarded.

● TWO days late : 5 marks deducted from the total marks awarded.

● THREE or more days late: Assignment will not be marked and 0% will be


For example: A student scores 10 marks for an assignment that has a total mark of 10.

If the assignment is submitted one day late, the marks awarded will be 7 marks.

Description of Assignment

Project Requirement

Welcome to Solitaire Prime! This game uses one standard deck of cards. Here are

the rules:

1. Take the top card from the deck and place it face up on the table.

2. The Sum is now the value of that card (Ace = 1, 2 = 2, … 10 = 10, Jack = 10,

Queen = 10, King = 10)

3. If the Sum is a prime number, discard that pile (hand), and start over at

instruction #1

4. If the Sum is not prime, take the next card from the top of the deck and place

it on top of the card stack (pile or hand) on the table.

5. The Sum is now the sum of all cards in the stack on the table.

6. Go to instruction #3.

Continue to play the game, keeping track of how many piles you have created that

are prime.

If the last card from the deck gives you a prime pile, then you win! Write the word

“Winner” on the screen and show how many prime piles there were.

If the last card from the deck does not give you a prime pile, then you lose. Write the

word “Loser” in the screen.

You will have 2 classes:

• The Deck class which will create the deck of cards

• The Card class which creates cards

The main logic of the program will be in the main function. You will use the Card

class and the Deck class to play the game.

Here the methods you will need to create. Feel free to add more if you need them.

public class Deck

public Deck( ) // constructor which creates a deck of 52 cards. Ace of Spades on

top, followed by the rest of the spades in order, followed by Hearts, Diamonds and


public void refreshDeck(); // reset the deck so it looks like a new deck.

public Card deal( ) // deal a card from the top of the deck.

public void shuffle( ) // shuffle the cards in the deck.

public int cardsLeft( ) // return the number of cards left in the deck

public void showDeck( ); // show all the cards in the deck: 13 columns and 4 rows.

public class Card

public Card( ) // create a “blank” card

public Card ( char r, char s ) // constructor to create a card, setting the rank and


public void setCard( char r, char s) // set an existing blank card to a particular


public int getValue( ) // return the point value of the card. Ace = 1, 2 thru 10, Jack =

10, Queen = 10, King = 10

public void showCard( ) // display the card using 2 fields… Ace of Spade:AS, Ten

of Diamond:10D, Queen of Heart:QH, Three of Club:3C. (If you want to get fancy,

you can use these symbols for the suit ♠, ♣, ♥, ♦)

In the main function, you will have a menu that looks like this:

Welcome to Solitaire Prime!

1. New Deck

2. Display Deck

3. Shuffle Deck

4. Play Solitaire Prime

5. Exit

New Deck will create an unshuffled deck in the following order: Spades, Hearts,

Diamonds, Clubs… Ace, 2, 3, …, 10, Jack, Queen, King

Display Deck will display all cards in a grid: 13 columns by 4 rows.

Shuffle Deck will randomly shuffle all cards in the deck.

Play Solitaire will play the game as described above.

Exit will exit the program.

You must create your own function to shuffle and you must create your own function

called “isPrime”. One is NOT a prime number. Note: You cannot used the libraries

provided by Swift.

Prepare a report/documentation. The documentation must include:

1. Introduction

2. Flowchart

3. Code (complete code)

4. Print Screens

5. Conclusion

Your project will be evaluated based on the following:

Areas Criteria Marks

Code • Program works very well. There

may be a few mistakes but it

does not distract from the

overall program. Person is

satisfied with the program.

Instructor is satisfied with the

effort and the program


Documentation • Report is organized, all the

contents are comprehensive

and thoughtful.


Submission Requirement:

You are required to submit the following files in CN:

1. A report in .pdf format

File name convention: CourseCode_Report_YourName.pdf

2. Source code folder

File name convention: CourseCode_YourName.pdf

You may zip both the files together and upload as one submission. The FORMAT of

the report should be in Font Name/Size: Times New Roman, 12pt; Line spacing of

1.5; Justified (Alignment); Page Number should be typed on the bottom right of the


End of Assignment

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