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日期:2023-09-19 10:21

FIT9136 Algorithms and

Programming Foundations in


Assignment 2

Last Updated: 4 September 2023, 3:00PM

Table of Contents

1. Key Information

2. Instruction

2.1. Car Class

2.2. Retailer Class

2.3. CarRetailer Class

2.4. Order Class

2.5. Main File

2.6. User Manual

3. Git Management

4. Do and Do NOT

4.1. Important NOTES

5. Submission Requirements

6. Academic Integrity

7. Marking Guide

8. Getting help

8.1. English language skills

8.2. Study skills

8.3. Things are tough right now

8.4. Things in the unit don’t make sense

8.5. I don’t know what I need

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1. Key Information

Purpose This assignment will develop your skills in designing, constructing, testing, and

documenting a Python program according to specific programming standards.

This assessment is related to the following learning outcome (LO):

● LO2 - Restructure a computational program into manageable units of

modules and classes using the object-oriented methodology

● LO3 - Demonstrate Input/Output strategies in a Python application and

apply appropriate testing and exception handling techniques

Your task This assignment is an individual task where you will work independently. Your

task is to develop a simple car purchase advisor system using Python code, based

on the provided specifications.

Value 45% of your total marks for the unit.

Due Date Friday, 22 September 2023, 4:30 PM (AEST)

Submission ● Via Moodle Assignment Submission.

● FIT GitLab check-ins will be used to assess the history of development

● JPlag will be used for similarity checking of all submissions.



This assessment includes a compulsory interview with your tutor following the

submission date. At the interview you will be asked to explain your

code/design/testing, modify your code, and discuss your design decisions and

alternatives. Marks will not be awarded for any section of

code/design/functionality that you cannot explain satisfactorily. Failure to attend

the interview will result in your assessment not being marked. You will be

provided with the timing of the interviews at a later date.

The following aspects will be assessed:

1. Program functionality in accordance to the requirements

2. Code Architecture and Adherence to Python coding standards

3. The comprehensiveness of documented code



● 10% deduction per calendar day or part thereof for up to one week

● Submissions more than 7 calendar days after the due date will receive a

mark of zero (0) and no assessment feedback will be provided.



See Moodle Assessment page and Section 8 in this document

Feedback Feedback will be provided on student work via

● general cohort performance

● specific student feedback ten working days post submission

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2. Instruction

For this assignment, your goal is to create a Car Purchase Advisor System that utilises files

"stock.txt" and “order.txt” located in the "data" folder. The application will feature a text

interface to act as the advisor system for a car retailer. The functionalities include:

Functionality 1:

When the program starts, test data needs to be automatically generated. The

generated test data needs to be reflected in the “stock.txt” file and also loaded in the

program memory. For the format of the test data, you can refer to the provided

example “stock.txt”. Please ensure that the test data presents a certain degree of


Functionality 2:

After generating the test data, a menu should be presented to the user with the

following options:

a) Look for the nearest car retailer

b) Get car purchase advice

c) Place a car order

d) Exit

Functionality 3:

If the user selects the option for checking the nearest car retailer, the program

should ask for the user’s postcode to identify the nearest car retailer (here we

assume that suburbs with smaller differences in postcodes are geographically closer,

for more information please refer to section 2.3.6).

Functionality 4:

If the user selects the option for getting car purchase advice, the program needs to:

a) First list all the available car retailers and prompt the users to select one to

continue the advising process;

b) Then show a sub-menu with the following options:

i) Recommend a car

ii) Get all cars in stock

iii) Get cars in stock by car types (the car types is a list of strings, e.g.,

[“AWD”, “RWD”])

iv) Get probationary licence permitted cars in stock

c) The option i) should randomly select one car from the current stock of the car

retailer, the options ii) to iv) should show the current stock of a car retailer.

You need to first print the retailer ID and the retailer name, and also ensure

that the printed stocked cars are well-formatted.

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Functionality 5:

If the user selects the option for placing a car order, the program should ask for the

retailer ID and the car ID from the user separated by a space. However, before

placing the order, the program needs to check whether the current time is within the

business hours of the target retailer. If not, an order should not be created and a

message should be prompted to the user. For any other invalid cases, you need to

handle them properly. Otherwise, in valid cases, an order should be created and

stored in “order.txt” and the order details should be printed to the user.

Please note that the program will continue to run until the user chooses to exit the


To develop this application, you will need to create four classes, each defined in a separate

Python file (i.e. *.py), and one main Python file to execute the program. All the required files

can be found in the RENAME_ME.zip file, which is located in the Assessments section on

Moodle. It is important to note that the addition of supplementary classes exceeding the

prescribed four may incur a penalty in the form of mark deduction.

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2.1. Car Class

Contains all the operations related to a car.




● N/A (You can add if you need)


Methods 2.1.1. __init__()

Constructs a car object.

Arguments ● car_code (must be unique and in the format of

two uppercase letters plus 6 digits, e.g.,


● car_name

● car_capacity (Each car has a maximum seating


● car_horsepower (in kilowatts)

● car_weight (in kilograms) - the car_weight is the

tare weight of the vehicle (the weight of an empty

standard vehicle with all of its fluids and

specifically 10 litres of fuel in the tank)

● car_type (values should be one of “FWD”, “RWD”

or “AWD”)

Returns ● N/A

*All arguments of the constructor must have a default value.

2.1.2. __str__()

Return the unit information as a formatted string.

Arguments ● N/A

Returns ● a string in the following format:

"car_code, car_name, car_capacity,

car_horsepower, car_weight, car_type"

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2.1.3. probationary_licence_prohibited_vehicle()

Return whether the vehicle is a prohibited vehicle for probationary licence


Arguments ● N/A

Returns ● A boolean value of True or False


● A car with a Power to Mass ratio greater than 130 kilowatt per tonne

is a prohibited vehicle for probationary licence drivers

● The formula to calculate the Power to Mass ratio is:

𝑅𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑈𝑝( , where weight is the tare

𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 (𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑠)

𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑠)

) × 1000

weight of the vehicle.

2.1.4. found_matching_car()

Return whether the current vehicle is the one to be found based on a


Arguments ● car_code (the car_code of the car to be searched)

Returns ● True (the car_code matches the current car’s


● False (the car_code does not match the current

car’s car_code)

2.1.5. get_car_type()

Return the car_type of the current car.

Arguments ● N/A

Returns ● A string value of the car_type

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2.2. Retailer Class

Contains all the operations related to a retailer.




● N/A (You can add if you need)


Methods 2.2.1. __init__()

Constructs a Retailer object.

Arguments ● retailer_id (must be unique integer of 8 digits)

● retailer_name (can only consist of letters and the

whitespace character)

Returns ● N/A

*All arguments of the constructor must have a default value.

2.2.2. __str__()

Return the retailer information as a formatted string.

Arguments ● N/A

Returns ● a string in the following format:

"retailer_id, retailer_name"

2.2.3. generate_retailer_id()

Generate a randomly generated unique retailer ID that is different from

the existing retailer IDs and set it as the retailer_id (8 digits number)

Arguments ● list_retailer (A list of all existing retailers)

Returns ● N/A

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2.3. CarRetailer Class

Contains all the operations related to the CarRetailer Class. This class inherits from the

Retailer class.




● N/A (You can add if you need)


methods 2.3.1. __init__()

Constructs a CarRetailer object.

Arguments ● retailer_id (must be unique integer of 8 digits)

● retailer_name (can only consist of letters and


● carretailer_address (the address format will be

street address followed by the state and postcode,

e.g., “Wellington Road Clayton, VIC 3800”)

● carretailer_business_hours (a tuple of floats

representing start and end hours in 24hr, e.g., (8.5,

17.5) - business hours are from 8:30AM inclusive to

5:30PM inclusive), the business hours should be

within the range of 6:00AM inclusive to 11:00PM


● carretailer_stock (a list of car_codes indicating the

available cars from the retailer; the default value

should be an empty list)

Returns ● N/A

*All arguments of the constructor must have a default value.

2.3.2. __str__()

Return the car retailer information as a formatted string.

Arguments ● N/A

Returns ● a string in the following format:

"retailer_id, retailer_name, carretailer_address,

carretailer_business_hours, carretailer_stock"

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2.3.3. load_current_stock()

Load the current stock of the car retailer according to the retailer_id from

the stock.txt file and store the car_codes of the Cars in a list; this list should

be saved to carretailer_stock.

Arguments ● path (the path to the stock file)

Returns ● N/A

2.3.4. is_operating()

Return a boolean value to indicate whether the car retailer is currently

operating (i.e., within working hours)

Arguments ● cur_hour (A float value indicating current hour in

24H format, e.g., 12.5 - 12:30PM)

Returns ● True (is operating) / False (is not operating)

2.3.5. get_all_stock()

Returns the information of all available cars currently in stock at the car


Arguments ● N/A

Returns ● A list of Car objects

2.3.6. get_postcode_distance()

Return the absolute difference of the postcode input by the user and that

of the car retailer. You need to extrcar_act the postcode from

carretailer_address first.

Arguments ● postcode (An integer)

Returns ● The absolute difference between the two

postcodes as integers

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2.3.7. remove_from_stock()

Remove a car from the current stock at the car retailer. The car stock

should be consistent with the stock.txt file. A boolean value should be

returned to indicate whether the removal is successful.

Argument ● car_code (the car_code of the car to be removed)

Returns ● True (successful) / False (unsuccessful)


● Unsuccessful cases: car not existing in the current stock

2.3.8. add_to_stock()

Add a car to the current stock. The car stock should be consistent with the

stock.txt file. A boolean value should be returned to indicate whether the

adding is successful.

Argument ● car (a Car object)

Returns ● True (successful) / False (unsuccessful)


● Unsuccessful cases: car already existing in the current stock

2.3.9. get_stock_by_car_type()

Return the list of cars in the current stock by specific car_type values.

Argument ● car_types (the list of car_type values of the cars to

be fetched)

Returns ● A list of Car objects

2.3.10. get_stock_by_licence_type()

Return the list of cars in the current stock that are not forbidden by the

driver’s licence type.

Argument ● licence_type (a string value of either “L” (Learner

Licence), “P” (Probationary Licence), or “Full” (Full


Returns ● A list of Car objects


● The current regulation only forbids certain cars for probationary

licence, but no restrictions are placed for learner licence and full


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2.3.11. car_recommendation()

Return a car that is randomly selected from the cars in stock at the current

car retailer.

Argument ● N/A

Returns ● A Car object

2.3.12. create_order()

Return an order object of a created order. When an order is created, the

car needs to be removed from the current stock of the car retailer. Such

updates need to be reflected in “stock.txt”. The created order needs to be

appended to “order.txt”.

Argument ● car_code (the car_code of the car to be ordered)

Returns ● An Order object

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2.4. Order Class

Contains all the operations related to an order.




● N/A (You can add if you need)


Methods 2.4.1. __init__()

Constructs an order object.

Arguments ● order_id (must be unique strings)

● order_car (the car object related to this order)

● order_retailer (the retailer object related to this


● order_creation_time (the UNIX timestamp of the

order creation), for example, 1/1/2023 00:00:01 in

UNIX timestamp is 1672491601

Returns ● N/A

*All arguments of the constructor must have a default value.

2.4.2. __str__()

Return the user information as a formatted string.

Arguments ● N/A

Returns ● a string in the following format:

"order_id, order_car.car_code,

order_retailer.retailer_id, order_creation_time"

2.4.3. generate_order_id()

Return a unique order ID. For the order ID:

Step 1: You first need to generate a random string of 6 lowercase

alphabetic characters;

Step 2: For every second character in the string (i.e., the 2nd, 4th, 6th,

etc. character), convert it into uppercase letter;

Step 3: For each character in the string from Step 2, get the ASCII code of

the letter using ord();

Step 4: Calculate the ASCII code to the power of 2 for each character and

get the remainder of the powered ASCII code divided by the

length of str_1;

Step 5: Use the remainder from Step 4 as the index to obtain the

corresponding character from str_1 for each character in Step 2;

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Step 6: Append each of the characters from Step 5 n times to the string

updated in Step 2. (n is the index of the character in the string

from Step 2.

Step 7: Append the car_code and the order creation time to the string

generated in Step 6.


1. “python”

2. “pYtHoN”

3. p →112, Y→89, t→116, H→72, o→111, N →78


a. p: 1122→12544%9 →7

b. Y: 892→7921%9 → 1

c. t: 1162→13456%9 →1

d. H: 722→5184%9 →0

e. o: 1112→12321%9 →0

f. N: 782→6084%9 →0


a. 7→&

b. 1 →!

c. 1 →!

d. 0 →~

e. 0 →~

f. 0 →~


a. & refer to ‘p’ with index 0 in “pYtHoN” →nothing will be


b. ! refer to ‘Y’ with index 1 in “pYtHoN” → “pYtHoN!”

c. ! refer to ‘t’ with index 2 in “pYtHoN” → “pYtHoN!!!”

d. ~ refer to ‘H’ with index 3 in “pYtHoN” → “pYtHoN!!!~~~”

e. ~ refer to ’o’ with index 4 in “pYtHoN” →


f. ~ refer to ‘N’ with index 5 in “pYtHoN” →


So the final output of step 6 is “pYtHoN!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~”

7. With a car_code (e.g., “MB123456”) and an order creation time

(e.g., 1672491601), the final output will be


Arguments ● car_code (the car_code related to the current




● str_1 = "~!@#$%^&*"

Returns ● A unique string representing the order ID.

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2.5. Main File

In this file, you will be creating three functions: main_menu(), generate_test_data(), and


● The main_menu() function will display all available operations for users to choose

from. This function accepts zero parameters and has no return value.

● The generate_test_data() function will generate test data for the program, including

a total of twelve cars and three car retailers (each car retailer with four cars in their

stock). This function accepts zero parameters and has no return value.

● The main() function will handle all program logic, including user input, calling

methods from objects and handling validations.

○ In the main() function, you should maintain a list of all existing retailer

objects. When creating a new retailer object, you should create the

CarRetailer object with a default retailer ID value of -1, and then immediately

call the generate_retailer_id() of the newly created retailer object to

generate a unique retailer ID for the retailer object.

This function accepts zero parameters and has no return value.

The design and implementation is up to you but must include the menu items outlined in

section 2 using the classes and methods outlined.

You must ensure that your menu and control logic handles exceptions appropriately.

You can break down your code to several functions if you wish but you still need to call the

extra defined functions in the main function. In the if __name__==”__main__” part, only

call main() function. Your tutor will only run your main.py file. For each operation that the

user performs, try to give enough instructional messages.

In regards to the tasks listed above, please adhere to the method names as provided in the

instructions. Additionally, you are permitted to add more class variables, methods in classes

and functions. However, it is crucial to ensure that all necessary methods and functions have

been implemented and that they have been invoked in the application. Any unused code

present in the application will lead to mark deductions.

Please keep in mind:

● In terms of validation, it is essential to perform all validation of the user inputs in the

main file outside of any methods. It is not acceptable to include any validation inside

of methods unless it is required locally. Additionally, all operations involving data

should be updated to files immediately.

● It is also important to understand the concept of inheritance. The child class inherits

all the methods and attributes from the parent class, and the idea of overriding or

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adding new methods comes into play when additional methods or attributes are

required in the child class.

● Furthermore, the format of the data saved in stock.txt should conform to the format

specified in the str() method for the CarRetailer Class. The format of the data saved

in order.txt should conform to the format specified in the str() method for the Order


2.6. User Manual

Please provide user instructions in a file named userManual_studentID.pdf, which should

clearly explain how to run your application (main.py). Your marker will first run your main.py

file without looking at the user manual. Therefore, please ensure that your program is

informative. In cases when the marker cannot run your program based on the instructional

messages in your program (which may incur penalty), they will follow the user manual to run

the application. So please ensure they are clear and easy to follow. Please be concise in your

writing and keep the PDF document to a maximum of one page in length.

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3. Git Management


Your work MUST be saved in your local working directory (local repository) in the

Assignment 2 folder and regularly pushed to the FIT GitLab server (remote repository) to

build a clear history of development of your application. Any submission with less than four

pushes to the FIT GitLab server will incur a grade penalty. Please note four pushes is a

minimum, in practice we would expect significantly more. All commits must include a

meaningful commit message which clearly describes what the particular commit is about.

Students must regularly check that their Git pushes have been successful by logging in to the

web interface of the FIT GitLab server; you must not simply assume they are working. Before

submission, via Moodle, you must log in to the web interface of the GitLab server and

ensure your submission files are present on the GitLab server.

GIT automatically maintains a history of all files pushed to the server, you MUST not add a

version name to your files, please ensure you use the same name for all versions of a

particular file.

If you have problems in pushing to the remote repository, you should make a backup of your

work by moving your current local repository to a new folder, and then re-clone your


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4. Do and Do NOT


● Maintain appropriate citing and referencing1


● Get support early from this unit and other

services within the university,

● Apply for special consideration or for

extensions2 early if needed.

● Leave your assignment in draft mode

(assignments in draft mode will not be


● Submit late (10% daily penalty applies)3


● Attempt to submit after 7 days of the due

date (they will not be accepted), unless

you have special consideration.

4.1. Important NOTES

● DO NOT use absolute paths and follow the exact structure for the path as provided in

the examples in each section. All path issues that cause your program crash or

exception will lead to no mark for functionality.

● You must implement all required methods but you may add additional methods if

you require but ensure they will be used in the application.

● The methods should be implemented as instance methods. Class methods should

not be used in this assignment.

● Please make sure your file reading/writing operations include encoding type utf8.

Changing the application running environment could cause issues if you do not have

the encoding type. Any character encoding issues/exceptions will cause serious mark


● If one method is not working and it hinders the program from continuing running to

show other functionalities, the following functionalities will receive no marks. For

example, if your program can generate test data but the user can not select any

option in the menu, the functionality/s that needs to be marked after the display

menu will receive no marks and you will only get marks for the generating test data.

Therefore, it is important to finish each functionality one by one and make sure they

can work properly.

● Add correct validation and output messages to make your code more user-friendly to


● The assignment must be done using the PyCharm, Python Version 3.10.

3 e.g.: The original mark was 70/100, submitting 2 days late results in 50/100 (20 mark

deduction). This includes weekends and public holidays.

2 https://www.monash.edu/exams/changes/special-consideration


Page 18 of 24

● The Python code for this assignment must be implemented according to the PEP

8-Style Guide for Python Code.

● The allowed libraries are random, math, os, string, re, time. You will not receive

marks for the components if you use any other libraries apart from the mentioned


● For using any built-in function, students should seek confirmation from the teaching


● Commenting on your code is an essential part of the assessment criteria. In addition

to inline and function commenting on your code, you should include comments at

the beginning of your program file which specify your name, student ID, the creation

date, the last modified date of the file, as well as a high-level description of the file.

● This assignment cannot be completed in a few days and requires students to apply

what they learnt each week as we move closer to the submission date. Please

remember to show your progress weekly to your tutor.

● You must keep up to date with the Moodle Ed Assignment 2 forum where further

clarifications may be posted (this forum is to be treated as your client). In cases of

specification updates, apart from making announcements on Ed, an updated

specification file will also be uploaded to Moodle. Please ensure that you regularly

check the specification files.

● Please be careful to ensure you do not publicly post anything which includes your

reasoning, logic or any part of your work to this forum, doing so violates Monash

plagiarism/ collusion rules and has significant academic penalties. Use private posts

or email your allocated tutor to raise questions that may reveal part of your

reasoning or solution.

● If any aspect of the assignment specifications is unclear or not explicitly addressed,

please ensure to verify with the teaching team and request clarification.

● You must properly test your code. However, writing unit tests is optional. You are

allowed to use the unittest library only for the purpose of implementing unit tests. If

you are implementing unit tests, you need to create another .py file and put the test

cases in the newly created .py file.

● In this Assessment, you must NOT use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to

generate any materials or content in relation to the assessment task.

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5. Submission Requirements

The assignment must be submitted by Friday, 22nd September 2023, 4:30 pm (AEST).

The following files are to be submitted and must exist in your FIT GITLab server repo:

● A series of .py files (i.e., order.py, car.py, retailer.py, car_retailer.py and main.py)

o A template, RENAME-ME.zip, is available on the Moodle Assessments page.

You have to use this template.

● A userManual_studentID.pdf file.

The above files must be compressed to a .zip file named ass2_studentID.zip and submitted

via Moodle. The .py files must also have been pushed to your remote repository (at FIT

GitLab server) with an appropriate history as you develop your solutions. Please ensure your

commit messages are meaningful. You are NOT required to push the history of the manual

file to the FIT GitLab server. DO NOT push the .zip file.

● No submissions will be accepted via email.

● Please note we cannot mark any work on the GitLab Server, you need to ensure that

you submit correctly via Moodle since it is only in this process that you complete the

required student declaration without which work cannot be assessed.

● It is your responsibility to ENSURE that the submitted files are the correct files. We

strongly recommend after uploading a submission, and prior to actually submitting in

Moodle, that you download the submission and double-check its contents.

● Please carefully read the documentation under the “Special Consideration” and

"Assignment Task Submission" on the Moodle Assessments page which covers things

such as extensions, correct submission, and resubmission.

● Please note, if you need to resubmit, you cannot depend on your tutors' availability,

for this reason, please be VERY CAREFUL with your submission. It is strongly

recommended that you submit several hours before the deadline to avoid such


● Marks will be deducted for any of these requirements that are not strictly complied


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6. Academic Integrity

Students are expected to be familiar with the University Academic Integrity Policy and are

particularly reminded of the following:

Section 1.9:

Students are responsible for their own good academic practice and must:

● undertake their studies and research responsibly and with honesty and integrity;

● credit the work of others and seek permission to use that work where required;

● not plagiarise, cheat or falsify their work;

● ensure that their work is not falsified;

● not resubmit any assessment they have previously submitted, without the

permission of the chief examiner; appropriately acknowledge the work of others;

● take reasonable steps to ensure that other students are unable to copy or misuse

their work; and

● be aware of and comply with University regulations, policies and procedures relating

to academic integrity.

and Section 2.9:

Unauthorised distribution of course-related materials: Students are not permitted to share,

sell or pass on to another person or entity external to Monash:

2.9.1 any course material produced by Monash University (such as lecture slides, lecture

recordings, class handouts, assessment requirements, examination questions; excluding

Handbook entries) as this is a breach of the Copyright Compliance Policy and such conduct

may be a copyright law infringement subject to legal action; or

2.9.2 any course-related material produced by students themselves or other students (such

as class notes, past assignments), nor to receive such material, without the permission of

the chief examiner. The penalties for breaches of academic misconduct include

● a zero mark for the assessment task

● a zero mark for the unit

● suspension from the course

● exclusion from the University.

Where a penalty or disciplinary action is applied, the outcome is recorded and kept for seven

years, or for 15 years if the penalty was excluded.

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7. Marking Guide

Your work will be marked as per the following:

● Classes Implementation - 45 marks

○ Car Class - 7 marks

○ Retailer Class - 6 marks

○ CarRetailer Class - 22 marks

○ Order Class - 10 marks

● Main File Design - 7 marks

○ Error Handling and Validation

■ Does the program handle different types of errors gracefully?

■ Are user inputs validated to prevent unexpected behaviour or


■ Are error messages clear and helpful to users or developers?

○ User Interface

■ Are any user prompts or messages clear and informative?

○ Logical Flow:

■ Does the code follow a logical sequence of steps that align with the

program's functionality?

■ Do all defined methods and functions have been invoked in the


○ Control Structures:

■ Are conditional statements (if, else, match) used effectively to guide

program flow?

■ Are loops used appropriately to repeat actions based on specific


● Application Functionality - 26 Marks

○ Your tutor will run your main.py to check all the basic functionalities listed in

section 2. Instruction:

■ Functionality 1 - 4 marks

■ Functionality 2 - 2 marks

■ Functionality 3 - 3 marks

■ Functionality 4 - 12 marks

■ Functionality 5 - 5 marks

○ If your program crashes or if any functionalities do not execute correctly, you

will receive zero (0) marks for those specific functionalities. For instance, if

Functionality 4 encounters an error and its assigned Functionality score is 12

marks, you will be awarded zero (0) marks for Functionality 4. It's important

to note that if the failure of any Functionality impacts the assessment of

other Functionalities, those affected Functionalities will also receive a mark of

zero (0) if they cannot be properly evaluated.

● User Manual - 2 Marks

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○ Is there clear documentation on how to run the program and utilise its


● Interview (compulsory) - 20 Marks

○ Missing Interview: If you do not attend the interview, you will receive zero

marks for the entire Assignment 1.

○ Interview Score of 5 Marks: If you score 5 marks in the interview, 50% of the

marks initially assigned to the function implementation will be deducted. For

example, if you initially scored 80 marks out of 80 for the Functions

Implementation and your interview mark is 5, you will only receive 35 marks

for the Functions Implementation when calculating your overall score.

○ Interview Scores of 10, 15, or 20 Marks: If you score 10, 15, or 20 marks in the

interview, this mark will be considered as your interview score and added to

your final mark.

● Penalty - up to 20 marks

○ Missing requirements as listed in section 4 (Do and DO NOT) and section 5

(Submission Requirements).

Final Assignment Mark Calculation:

● 80 marks from the Assignment 2 code submission => 36/45 PLUS

● 20 marks from the interview => 9/45

Total: 100 marks, recorded as a grade out of 454

4 The penalty here is excluded from the late submission.

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8. Getting help

8.1. English language skills

if you don’t feel confident with your English.

● Talk to English Connect: https://www.monash.edu/english-connect

8.2. Study skills

If you feel like you just don’t have enough time to do everything you need to, maybe you just

need a new approach.

● Talk to a learning skills advisor: https://www.monash.edu/library/skills/contacts

8.3. Things are tough right now

Everyone needs to talk to someone at some point in their life, no judgement here.

● Talk to a counsellor: https://www.monash.edu/health/counselling/appointments

(friendly, approachable, confidential, free)

8.4. Things in the unit don’t make sense

Even if you’re not quite sure what to ask about, if you’re not sure you won’t be alone, it’s

always better to ask.

● Ask in Ed

● Attend a consultation

8.5. I don’t know what I need

Everyone at Monash University is here to help you. If things are tough now they won’t

magically get better by themselves. Even if you don’t exactly know, come and talk with us

and we’ll figure it out. We can either help you ourselves or at least point you in the right


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