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日期:2023-05-26 11:18

Cardiff School of Computer Science and Informatics

Coursework Assessment Pro-forma

Module Code: CMT206

Module Title: Human Centric Computing

Assessment Title: Evaluation And Analysis Of Interface Design

Assessment Number: 1

Date Set: Tuesday 31 January 2023

Submission Date and Time:

Q2: by Friday 10 March 2023 at 9:30am (Week 6)

Q3: by Friday 28 April 2023 at 9:30am (Week 10)

Q1: by Friday 19 May 2023 at 9:30am (Week 13)

Feedback return date:

Q2: 7 April 2023

Q3: 26 May 2023

Q1: 16 June 20223

Extenuating Circumstances submission deadline will be 2 weeks after the submission

date above

Extenuating Circumstances marks and feedback return will be 2 weeks after the

feedback return date above

This assignment is worth 100% (Q1: 33%, Q2: 33%, Q3:34%) of the total marks available

for this module. If coursework is submitted late (and where there are no extenuating


1 If the assessment is submitted no later than 24 hours after the

deadline, the mark for the assessment will be capped at the minimum

pass mark;

2 If the assessment is submitted more than 24 hours after the deadline, a

mark of 0 will be given for the assessment.

Extensions to the coursework submission date can only be requested using the

Extenuating Circumstances procedure. Only students with approved extenuating

circumstances may use the extenuating circumstances submission deadline. Any

coursework submitted after the initial submission deadline without *approved*

extenuating circumstances will be treated as late.

More information on the extenuating circumstances procedure can be found on the

Intranet: https://intranet.cardiff.ac.uk/students/study/exams-andassessment/extenuating-circumstances

By submitting this assignment you are accepting the terms of the following declaration:

I hereby declare that my submission (or my contribution to it in the case of group

submissions) is all my own work, that it has not previously been submitted for

assessment and that I have not knowingly allowed it to be copied by another student. I

understand that deceiving or attempting to deceive examiners by passing off the work of

another writer, as one’s own is plagiarism. I also understand that plagiarising another’s

work or knowingly allowing another student to plagiarise from my work is against the

University regulations and that doing so will result in loss of marks and possible

disciplinary proceedings1.

1 https://intranet.cardiff.ac.uk/students/study/exams-and-assessment/academic-integrity/cheating-andacademic-misconduct



Consider the Automatic Replies function in the Microsoft Outlook application, as shown in

the figure below. This is a function that allows users to set automatic replies to emails. For

example, if the user is on holiday, he could set up an automatic reply message to say that he

will not read emails until he returns from holiday.

The function is limited in how time is specified- it only allows the specification of one

continuous time frame, between a start time and end time, as shown in the picture.

A user may wish to post these replies on specific dates or on specific days of the week for a

certain period, or even on specific hours of working days, etc. This is currently not possible!


Part 1: Task Analysis

(This task is worth 10 marks/20)

Redesign the Automatic Replies window to allow the user to specify an auto reply message

for weekdays and a message for weekends. (This task will be referred to as “set regular

week” use case)

• For weekdays, the automatic reply message will be active between 5:30 pm and

8:00am and should read “I am out of the office- working hours are between 8:00 and

5:30 Monday-Friday”.

• For weekends, the automatic reply message should read “I don’t work on weekendsworking hours are between 8:00 and 5:30 Monday-Friday”.

a) Produce a sketch of the redesigned window to fulfil the “set regular week” use casehand-drawn or a digital sketch is acceptable. Clearly annotate the design to explain

and justify the interface controls and features used in your design.

(7 marks: 4 marks for the design and 3 marks for the annotation/description)

b) Produce a State Transition Network (STN) to describe the interaction flow for the

basic flow scenario only of this use case.

(3 marks)


An interface state changes when an event occurs. For example, an entry of text in a text

field, a click of a button, etc. Your STN needs to depict all possible states and user actions

between states in the use case scenario.

Note: Your use case can assume that the user has Outlook opened successfully.

Part 2: Heuristic Evaluation

(This task is worth 10 marks/20)

Do a heuristic evaluation of the individual states of the interface that you identified in

the STN in part 1 above and identify all usability-related features and issues.

Report on usability in an objective manner and in a standard format using the template

(Excel spreadsheet) provided and discussed in the lectures. Your report should include,

a. the usability problems you identified with some justification of the severity score

assigned to the problems and your suggestions for addressing the issues you

identified in subsequent revisions of the interface, and

(5 marks)

b. the good design features that should be maintained in any subsequent revision of

the application.

(5 marks)

Report guidelines:

You need to use the HE spreadsheet template provided. Use one sheet in the spreadsheet

for every screen/state that you identified in the STN of part1 (b).

Learning Outcomes Assessed

This assignment assesses the Learning outcomes 1-2 as stated in the module


Criteria for assessment

Credit will be awarded against the following criteria.




Fail < 50% Pass (50-59%) Merit(60-69%) Distinction >= 70%

Q1 Part 1(a)

(7 marks)

Design is



parts of

states and




of report

with little


of design


Design partially

satisfies the use

case, and some

interface states

and user actions

are missing.



that describes the

interface features

and components.


justification of

interface design

features is made.

Design completely

satisfies the use


Very good


that gives a full

description of

interface features

and components.

All interface states

and possible user

actions are


Some justification

of interface design

features is made.

Design completely

satisfies the use case.



that gives a full

description of

interface features

and components.

All interface states

and possible user

actions are



justification of

interface design

features is made by

reference to usability


application design

patterns, feedback

and error,


organizations, etc.

Q1 Part 1(b)

(3 marks)

STNs are

missing or do

not relate to

use case



format is

wrong, e.g.

describing a

STN includes part of

the possible states

and user actions, but

some states/actions

are missing.

Correct format of

STN is adopted.

STN includes all

possible states of

the interface.

User actions are

mostly included, but

some may be


STN includes all

possible states of the


User actions are clear

and completely

describe the transition

needed between states.


flowchart or



Correct format of

STN is adopted.

STN accounts for all

steps of the use case

scenario from start to


Q1 Part 2

(10 marks)

HE misses

most of the


issues, is not





Mention of



features is

patchy across

all interface


HE considers the

usability of some

aspects of the

considered states,

but there are

obvious omissions of

major usability


Usability problems

are recorded in an

adequate but


inconsistent format.

Mention of good

usability features is

patchy across the


HE considers the

usability of most

aspects of the

considered states.

Usability problems

are recorded in a

consistent format.

Good usability

features are

explored, but not



HE considers the

usability of all aspects

(selection of interface

components, layout,

error handling,

feedback, etc.) of the

considered states.

Usability problems are

recorded in a consistent

format and is complete,

including, severity

rating and possible


Good usability features

are explored fully and



Feedback and suggestion for future learning

Feedback on your coursework will address the above criteria. Individual feedback and marks

will be returned to you via Learning Central by the date stated on the front page of this


Feedback from this assignment will be useful for your dissertation.


This question is divided into two parts. Parts I and II are completed individually. Part I

requires you to plan an experiment choosing from one of 3 problems. Part II involves

reporting and reflecting on your experience.

Part I: Experiment Design and Conduct

You are tasked with designing an experiment. Pick ONE of the following problems:

• Design an experiment to assess the impact of keyboard and touch screen-based text

entry on text input speed.

• Design a study to compare the usability of TWO different ecommerce user interfaces

for browsing and choosing fashion products.

• Design a study to compare player experience between any TWO games of your


It is your responsibility to design the experiment. You must carefully plan out your

experiment and choose appropriate and applicable research methods. Key considerations

you must make are: 1) what variables to manipulate and measure, 2) which instrument

(e.g., questionnaire) is appropriate, 3) if a between or within groups design is appropriate,

and 4) what confounding factors might design decisions introduce and how to mitigate

them. NB: You must NOT conduct your experiment with any participants and/or collect data

in any way. Doing so without prior ethical approval will result in a breach of the university’s

ethics policy for human research: https://intranet.cardiff.ac.uk/staff/supporting-yourwork/research-support/research-integrity-and-governance/research-ethics

Part II: The Report

Write a reflective report. You should detail your experiment design with appropriate critical

reflection. When writing your report, you MUST address the following questions as stated in

the template document. The marking scheme is as included in parentheses:

1. What is your null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis? (2 marks)

2. What are your IV(s) and what are your DV(s)? (2 marks)

3. Give a detailed description of your experiment design. This should include clear

indication of your instrument (e.g., questionnaire) and all other information relevant

to reproduce your experiment. You must justify all decisions in your design. (6


4. Give a step-by-step description of your experiment procedure. (6 marks)

5. Reflect on your experiment design and the experience of completing this

coursework. You should address what you learned and what you may do differently

next time. Make sure it is clear to the reader what you learned from the process of

designing and conducting human centred experiments. (4 marks)

You should use the criteria for assessment (see Table 5) as a set of guidelines for your


Submission Instructions

• Individual Report: You must submit an individual report via Learning Central by the

submission date and time (max 400 words). You MUST use the template (.md)

document provided to write your report. Do NOT change the filename or file

extension (.md) of this file. This is important: any deviation from this may result in a

mark of 0 for your coursework. You may include up to 3 figures and graphs in your

report (keep these limited and relevant). When submitting, bundle your report text

document with any images for figures and the school’s cover sheet.

Learning Outcomes Assessed

This assignment assesses the Learning outcomes 3-4 as stated in the module


Criteria for assessment

The marking scheme is as follows (percentage weights in brackets parentheses):

• Report (80%):

o A clear description of the experiment, including the IVs, DVs, and

questionnaire: 4 marks.

o Reflective reporting on the experiment design, justifying all decisions made

by reasoned argument and/or evidence: 6 marks.

• Report (20%):

o Reflective reporting demonstrating appreciation of the experience: 10 marks.

Credit will be awarded against the criteria shown in Table 5.

Table 5: Assessment criteria

Fail 3

rd (40%-49%) 2.2 (50%-59%) 2.1 (60%-69%) 1

st (70%+)

Report is


incoherent, and

lacking minimum


The report

contains some

detail, but not

enough to

reproduce the

experiment or it

is unclear what

was learned. It

illustrates a lack

of critical


The report

contains enough

detail to

reproduce the


procedure yet is

lacking in depth

to convey


and appreciation

of the work

done. It

illustrates some

critical reflection.

The report is of a

medium quality,


enough detail to

reproduce the




with discussion



and appreciation

of the work

done. It

illustrates good

critical reflection.

The report is of a

high quality,

containing detail

to reproduce the



exactly, with




and appreciation

of the work

done. It


excellent critical



discussion of the

limitations of the


including its


Feedback and potential impact on future learning

Feedback on your coursework will address the above criteria. Individual feedback and marks

will be returned to you via Learning Central by the date stated on the front page of this


Feedback from this assignment will be useful for your dissertation.


You are asked to conduct a statistical analysis of a dataset resulted from a user study. You

are asked to present your study and findings in the form of a report.



Max. mark Max. length Format

Report 20 2 Pages .pdf

Your report will be assessed according to how well you are able to

• describe the dataset and research objectives, (4 marks)

• analyse the data and interpret the results of data analysis, and (8 marks)

• visualise the results of data analysis. (8 marks)

You should carry out a statistical analysis of the dataset to determine what the data tells

you about the user study and should visualise your results of data analysis in a way that

allows a reader to understand the findings of your study. You are free to use any software

package to conduct you study and generate visualisations.

1. The dataset

A user study was conducted to investigate the difference in display quality between two

different smartphones (i.e., referred to as S1 and S2). Also, the impact of gender on the

comparison between these two smartphones should be investigated. A number of

participants were recruited to assess the smartphones. Display quality was measured with

questionnaires, using the following method: each participant was asked to rate some

images displayed on S1 and some images displayed on S2, using a scale ranged from 0 (poor

quality) to 100 (excellent quality). The dataset is available on Learning Central as a Microsoft

Excel file. You should base your study entirely on the dataset provided.

2. The report

The report is limited to a maximum of TWO A4 pages including figures and tables. Arial font

size 11, with justification, should be used with Single line spacing throughout.

IMPORTANT! Any deviation from the instructions above will result in a deduction of 10% of

the maximum mark obtainable for the assessment. If you submit more than two pages as

instructed above, then ONLY THE FIRST TWO PAGES of the submission will be marked.

Extra submissions will be ignored.

IMPORTANT! Submission is via Learning Central. Submit your report as a single .pdf file –

NO other attachments or files should be included.

You should write a clear and concise report. Your writing should be brief and to the point. A

suggested structure for your report is shown below.

• Introduction: should provide a brief description of the dataset. You should clearly

state the research objectives.

• Data analysis: should consist of one or more sub-sections on a statistical analysis of

the data. You should formulate your research questions, describe the methods and

procedure of statistical tests and discuss the results of these tests. The titles of

these sub-sections should reflect what the sections contain.

• Data visualisation: should consist of ONE or TWO visualisations on the results of the

statistical data analysis. You should include accurate and informative axis labels and

titles. The captions should provide sufficient information to the readers without

referring to the related text in the report.

• [References are not required for the report.]

Learning Outcomes Assessed

This assignment assesses the Learning outcomes 5-6 as stated in the module


Criteria for assessment

Credit will be awarded against the following criteria.

Level Fail (0-49%) Pass (50-59%) Merit (60-69%) Distinction (70-


Description of

dataset and

research aims (4



description of

context of



description of

research aims.

Context of

dataset and

research aims

described well.

Narrative is



Context of

dataset and

research aims



Narrative is clear

and coherent.

Context of

dataset and

research aims

thoroughly (with




Narrative is clear,

coherent, and

refined. A high

standard of

writing is



Data analysis and

interpretation of

results (8 marks)

No/basic analysis

of data.

Data analysis

does not produce


solutions for the

research aims.


methods applied

correctly for the

most part.



correctly for the

most part.


methods applied






methods applied

carefully and

precisely (with





carefully and


Data visualisation

and presentation

(8 marks)


visualisation of


Visualisation(s) of

results mostly

appropriate and


Visualisation(s) of


appropriate and


Visualisation(s) of

results carefully

and precisely

(with cogent


presentation of


Presentation of


mostly clear to


Presentation of


clear to readers.



Presentation of


clear and

accessible to


Feedback and suggestion for future learning

Feedback on your coursework will address the above criteria. Individual feedback and marks

will be returned to you via Learning Central by the date stated on the front page of this


Feedback from this assignment will be useful for your dissertation.

Submission Instructions

Description Type Name

Q1 Compulsory One PDF (.pdf) file (Part 1)


Spreadsheet for Q1 (Part 2)


One PDF (.pdf) file (cover


Q1_[student number].pdf

Q1_[student number]_HE.xlsx

Q1_[student number]_CS.pdf

Q2 Compulsory

Individual report + cover

sheet + figure images

One ZIP (.zip) Q2_[student number].zip

Q3 Compulsory One PDF (.pdf) file (report)


One PDF (.pdf) file (cover


Q3_[student number].pdf

Q3_[student number]_CS.pdf

Any deviation from the submission instructions above (including the number and types of

files submitted) may result in a mark of zero for the assessment or question part.

Staff reserve the right to invite students to a meeting to discuss coursework submissions

Support for assessment

Questions about the assessment can be asked at the lectures/seminars.

Support for the programming elements of the assessment will be available in the daily

drop-in lab sessions.

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