Course assignment specification (Programming 4)
Your task is to design a webpage for an imaginary company that allows users to order food
online. You may choose a name for the webpage and you should do research online how
similar services work in your local area or in your country. You need to decide what kind of
food items are being offered (ready-made meals or ingredients for example).
In order to complete the coursework, you must design, implement and return your work as
instructed below. In addition, you must write a short report that includes:
- Your name
- What requirements you implemented
- Any specific comments you want to leave about your work
NOTE: If you use any acceptable frameworks (Spring, Sprinbooth and Bootstrap), you MUST
include a short guidance how you have implemented it and how your work can be run.
NOTE 2: If you want to use a database in your coursework, accepted databases are the ones
that have been demonstrated during the course (indexeddb and local db) or databases used
out-of-the-box by accepted frameworks.
Minimum requirements (50 points):
Design document of the UI (webpage in this case) that includes:
- Firewrame of your UI
- Site map
The site must have the following functionality:
- Front page that helps customers to know what the service is
- Navigation element that has links to main pages in your website
- Pages for food items (10 items in minimum) with description, picture and price
- CSS file(s) that contain the main visual style of your website (and it must be used in the
- A basket where user can collect ordered food items (can be a page with a table
- An order page where user can give information to finish up the food order (name,
email, address…).
o Note: We do not process any payments so that step can be skipped but you can
simulate that if you wish.
Additional features (10 points each):
- User can register to the website and use information provided in registration to pre-fill
the ordering form.
- Users can leave feedback on food items.
- Users can rate food items and front page displays a most rated food item.
- Webpage follows how many times an item has been ordered and displays the most
ordered item in a front page.
- User can sort food items based on price
Quality requirements (max 20 points extra):
Following issues are being considered when evaluating additional points:
- Accessibility requirements are taken into an account where applicable (each must be
reported if implemented)
- User interface graphical and visual implementation
- Utilization of frameworks (such as Spring)
- Code/document readability and style
- Other improvements to website that are meaningful against task description
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