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日期:2023-05-05 10:43

SIT232 Object-Oriented Development Trimester 1, 2023


Practical Task 4.1

(Pass Task)

Submission deadline: Monday, April 17

Discussion deadline: Saturday, May 6

General Instructions

This practical task introduces you to error handling and covers several most common .NET Framework

exception types that you will likely encounter as soon as you start developing larger applications. Exceptions

that you will meet in practice can be thrown either by the runtime or the application’s code. The latter case

represents a class of exceptions that are defined by the application’s developer. Some exceptions can be

caused by a faulty program code, while other exceptions can result from an incorrect input that has not been

accounted for in the application's code. When any of these errors occur, the system catches the error and

raises an exception.

The process of generating and signalling an error is referred to as throwing an exception. This is done using

the ‘throw’ keyword followed by a new instance of a class derived (inherited) from System.Exception. There

are standard exception types provided by the .NET framework that you can use rather than creating a custom


Remember that execution failure occurs whenever a program (or its part) cannot do what it was designed to

do. For example, if the OpenFile method cannot return a file handler to the caller, it would be considered an

execution failure. Exceptions are the primary means of reporting errors in applications. Therefore, you must

adhere to a number of rules when you throw or handle exceptions. Here are several basic rules that you

should follow and always think about them when you work on your application.

Report execution failures by throwing exceptions.

Do not use exceptions for the normal flow of control, if possible.

Consider terminating the program by calling System.Environment.FailFast method instead of

throwing an exception if your code encounters a situation where it is unsafe for further execution.

Consider the performance implications of throwing exceptions. Throw rates above 100 per second are

likely to noticeably impact the performance of most applications.

Do not have public members that can either throw or not based on some option.

Do not have public members that return exceptions as the return value.

Do not throw exceptions from exception filter blocks (i.e. the ‘catch’ block of the ‘try-catch’ statement).

Avoid explicitly throwing exceptions from ‘finally’ blocks.

This list is by no means exhaustive and there are more rules and strategies. Remember that exception

handling is an art which once you master grants you immense powers.

1. Start this practical task with watching lecture 3. In this task, you will need to conduct a small research

about every exception presented in the following list:

a) NullReferenceException

b) IndexOutOfRangeException

c) StackOverflowException

d) OutOfMemoryException

e) DivideByZeroException

f) ArgumentNullException

g) ArgumentOutOfRangeException

h) FormatException

i) ArgumentException

j) SystemException

In Section 9 of SIT232 Workbook, you will find a general information on how to catch and handle

exceptions along with some details on the above exceptions. These exceptions are also briefly described

and exemplified in the lecture notes for week 3 (you though are not allowed to copy the examples from

the lecture into your solution). However, you will still need to do search in the Internet to gather more

details about their usage. We also recommend you to refer to the .NET Framework reference

SIT232 Object-Oriented Development Trimester 1, 2023


documentation, which is rich of various examples. Finally, do not forget to look at the references at the

bottom of this task.

The expected solution for this task must consist of two parts: a program code that creates a situation

that generates each of the above exceptions and a text report that explains in your own words the facts

you found. As the result of your study, your report must answer the following questions and discuss the

related issues for each of the above exceptions.

What is a possible situation that leads to the exception?

Who is in charge of throwing the exception: you as a programmer or the runtime system? In theory,

should you throw exceptions of this type? Explain your answer.

If you need to throw the exception, what details would you provide as a message to the user (caller)?

What parameters would you include in the message?

Can the exception be generally caught (and therefore handled)?

If the exception occurs, should you generally catch this exception type or is it better to pass such

exception to the user (caller)? It is not enough to say yes or no; you must provide an argument to

support your answer.

Is the exception a case when you want to avoid this exception to occur in your application in general?

If so, what would be your actions as a programmer to avoid it?

Note that you must check whether all the above questions are actually relevant to a particular exception

that you consider. Remember that some exceptions are reserved and are to be thrown only by the

runtime system; in most cases they need to indicate a serious runtime problem. Other exceptions can be

programmer-defined and report about an incorrect input data or anticipated application failures. Thus,

some exceptions you can avoid by doing a proper argument checking. So, to answer these questions

correctly, you will have to focus on multiple implementation aspects and potential situations associated

with each exception type.

2. The following is an illustrative example of how your solution may look like. Here, we discuss the

InvalidOperationException type and give a sample code that throws it. This exception type is thrown

when a method call is invalid for the object's current state. This, for example, can be caused by changing

a collection (e.g., the content of an instance of the List<T>) while iterating it (e.g., via the ‘foreach’

statement). Programmers can also throw this exception type in cases where they want to signal to their

applications that the requested operation through a method call cannot be performed because the object

is in an invalid state. (Note that you may meet this exception in the credit Task 4.2 soon.)

Consider the following program code:

   class Account


       public string FirstName { get; private set; }

       public string LastName { get; private set; }

       public int Balance { get; private set; }

       public Account(string firstName, string lastName, int balance)


           FirstName = firstName;

           LastName = lastName;

           Balance = balance;


       public void Withdraw( int amount )


           if ( amount > Balance )


               throw new InvalidOperationException("Insufficient fund");


           Balance = Balance ‐ amount;



SIT232 Object-Oriented Development Trimester 1, 2023


The code above shows an Account class with properties to hold the account owner's names and account

balance. The Withdraw method deducts the withdrawal amount from the balance, and if the withdrawal

amount is higher than the balance, it throws an exception — the InvalidOperationException. When

the exception is raised, it cancels the withdraw transaction and signals to the application that the account

cannot be debited of that amount because of insufficient funds.

Thus, the InvalidOperationException exception is thrown in cases where the failure to invoke a

method is caused by reasons other than invalid arguments. Because the InvalidOperationException

exception can be thrown in a wide variety of circumstances, it is important to read the exception message

returned by the Message property. How you handle the exception depends on the specific situation. Most

commonly, however, the exception results from your own or user’s incorrect actions, and therefore it can

be anticipated and avoided.

3. Create a new C# Console Application project and import (replacing the existing file) the Program.cs file

attached to this task. The main Program class, and specifically its Main method, should sequentially

address every exception from the list via a block of program code (if applicable) placed inside the ‘try’

section of the respective ‘try-catch’ statement. For instance, our example given for the

InvalidOperationException exception type can be written as follows:

This code prints the following message to the terminal:

The following error detected: System.InvalidOperationException with message "Insufficient fund"

Note that the ‘try’ section of the block must contain code that causes the error expected in the ‘catch’

section. In our case, the account.Withdraw(1000) will throw the InvalidOperationException

exception, which then will be handled in the ‘catch’ section. Furthermore, if you need to add an auxiliary

class (e.g. the Account class in our example), then place it inside the Program.cs file next to the existing

Program class. For your convenience, we provide a template of Program.cs containing our example.

Note that for some exceptions you do not need to provide a program code but your text answer in the

report. We do not specify here the particular exception from the list because we expect you to give a

clear reason for omitting it.

4. We expect you to answer the questions in the text report and write the associated code examples in the

Program.cs file. Every exception must be discussed in no more than half a page of text. Your solution

should be concise and answer the relevant questions exactly. Remember that you must explain solutions

in your words; that is, copying blocks of text from the Internet is never acceptable. Though you are

allowed to paraphrase answers found in the Internet, be prepared to explain them during the one-onone interview with your tutor.

Further Notes

Explore Section 9 of the SIT232 Workbook to learn how exceptions interrupt the execution of code and

can result in program termination; how to throw, catch and handle exceptions; what exception classes

are provided by Microsoft .NET and how to define your own classes to form an exception hierarchy; and

when and how to apply exceptions in your programs. The Workbook is available in CloudDeakin




   Account account = new Account("Sergey", "P.", 100);



catch (InvalidOperationException exception)


   Console.WriteLine("The following error detected: " +

    exception.GetType().ToString()+ " with message \"" +



SIT232 Object-Oriented Development Trimester 1, 2023


 The following links extracted from the .NET Framework reference documentation will give you more

insights about error handling and some standard .NET exception types that you need to cover in the


· https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/exceptions

· https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/design-guidelines/exceptions

· https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.formatexception

· https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.dividebyzeroexception

· https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.overflowexception

· https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.argumentnullexception

· https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.argumentoutofrangeexception

· https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.systemexception

· https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.nullreferenceexception

· https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.indexoutofrangeexception

· https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.stackoverflowexception

· https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.outofmemoryexception

· https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.argumentexception?view=net-7.0

There are many other useful resources in the Internet that thoroughly cover this topic, for example:

· https://www.dotnetperls.com/exception

· https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/exception-handling-in-C-Sharp/

· https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/exception-handling-in-c-sharp/

Submission Instructions and Marking Process

To get your task completed, you must finish the following steps strictly on time.

Make sure your programs implement the required functionality. They must compile and have no runtime errors.

Programs causing compilation or runtime errors will not be accepted as a solution. You need to test your programs

thoroughly before submission. Think about potential errors where your programs might fail.

Submit the expected code files as a solution to the task via OnTrack submission system.

Once your solution is accepted by your tutor, you will be invited to continue its discussion and answer relevant

theoretical questions through a face-to-face interview. Specifically, you will need to meet with the tutor to

demonstrate and discuss the solution in one of the dedicated practical sessions (run online via MS Teams for cloud

students and on-campus for students who selected to join classes at Burwood). Please, come prepared so that the

class time is used efficiently and fairly for all students in it. Be on time with respect to the specified discussion


You will also need to answer all additional questions that your tutor may ask you. Questions will cover the lecture

notes; so, attending (or watching) the lectures should help you with this compulsory discussion part. You should

start the discussion as soon as possible as if your answers are wrong, you may have to pass another round, still

before the deadline. Use available attempts properly.

Note that we will not accept your solution after the submission deadline and will not discuss it after the discussion

deadline. If you fail one of the deadlines, you fail the task, and this reduces the chance to pass the unit. Unless extended

for all students, the deadlines are strict to guarantee smooth and on-time work throughout the unit.

Remember that this is your responsibility to keep track of your progress in the unit that includes checking which tasks

have been marked as completed in the OnTrack system by your marking tutor, and which are still to be finalised. When

marking you at the end of the unit, we will solely rely on the records of the OnTrack system and feedback provided by

your tutor about your overall progress and the quality of your solutions.

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