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日期:2023-04-13 10:26

Programming Project 1

COSC 2408

Assignment 2

Assessment Type This is a group assignment. You need to have formed your

canvas group before submitting this assignment. Submit on-

line via Canvas → Assignments → Assignment 2. Marks

awarded for meeting requirements as closely as possible. Clar-

ifications/updates may be made via announcements/relevant

discussion forums.

Due Date End of week 14, Monday 12 June 2023, 9:00am

Marks 45

1 Overview

You are required to submit a report on project outcomes (a pdf file) and the code for

your software product (a zip file).

2 Learning Outcomes

This assessment relates to the following learning outcomes of the course.

Apply knowledge of the key principles of project management to a significant IT

project, choose a suitable development methodology, design and deliver industry

standard software and documentation.

Analyse and solve a problem requiring an IT solution, propose and evaluate al-

ternative approaches by conducting experiments, collecting data, identifying and

evaluating the appropriate development tools and frameworks.

Work collaboratively and effectively in a team environment to plan and implement

project requirements, participating as a team member and/or team leader and

demonstrating understanding of the team dynamic that is critical to your project’s


Negotiate the project deliverables and milestones and assume responsibility for a

successful outcome.

Communicate with clients in a professional manner, delivering presentations and

writing technical research reports using the appropriate language of the field.


3 Guidelines for the project report and delivered product

The exact structure and content of the report will depend on the type of project and any

specific requirements of the client/supervisor/mentor.

Who is the reader? In writing the report, keep in mind that the intended audience is:

Your supervisor/mentor and client.

An external examiner who is not familiar with the project.

3.1 Software Development Projects

Please keep in mind that there is a wide range of projects, client expectations, deliverables,

algorithm development and coding, so not all items below are relevant to all projects.

You need to use your judgement in preparing your submissions.

You must submit two files, a report as a pdf and the actual product as a zip file. Here

are the details:

3.1.1 The Report

The file name should be groupname-technical-report.pdf. You should use the file

groupname-technical-report.docx as a starting point. It is in Modules → Course


3.1.2 Delivered Product

The file name should be groupname-product.zip and it should contain all of the follow-

ing items that are relevant.

1. A readme file (readme.txt) that contains any release notes, installation and running

instructions (you can refer to the to the project report document), any change log,

the Github URL of the project, the URL of the deployed project on the web.

2. Any credential information needed for deploying and/or running the product.

3. The final source code file (groupname-source.zip) which must include the all the

source code, images, sounds, movies, release notes). Do not include any compiled

files, there will be a deduction for including complied files.

4. Data management information (data.txt) which describes the exact type of DB,

the version and the DB connection address if it is on the cloud with authorisation

information and any other necessary information

5. A Demo pdf (groupname-demo.pdf) that contains screenshots of the working app

for different scenarios that cover all the main functions/user stories of the applica-

tion. You can show validation cases through different scenarios and their screen-

shots, if there are any. This is an important item in establishing that you have

completed a challenging and significant project,

COSC2408 Programming Project 2 16-Mar-2023

3.2 Research Project/Data Analysis Project

You must submit two files, the report as a pdf and any programs or scripts as a zip file.

Here are the details:

3.2.1 The Report

The file name should be groupname.pdf. Here is a suggested structure for the report.

1. Introduction. This section should describe the data and the tasks attempted to a

person who is not familiar with this data.

2. A series of sections with this structure:

(a) Question/Hypothesis. For example Are there any differences in the ways that

the different age groups used the learning management system?

(b) Methodology. Describe the data file used and any processing used to get

the data file for analysis. For example, We joined studentInfo.csv with

studentVle.csv and cut out id student,age band,sum click and calculated

the total sum click for each student id. We produced one file for each of the

two major age bands. (Script xxx in the zip file).

(c) Data generated by the investigation. For example, Frequency and histogram

data for each age band, which is shown in these graphs...

(d) Conclusions. For example, By visual inspection, are the frequency or histogram

plots the same for each age group? Or how are they different?

3. Findings and Conclusions. List and describe any interesting facts, patterns or

relationships that you found. For example, We found that the usage patterns of the

two large age groups were very different. In the younger age group .... while in the

older age group ....

3.2.2 The zip file.

The file name should be groupname-code.zip and it should contain any code or scripts

used in the analysis. It should be clear in the zip file which programs/scripts were used

for which questions in the report.

4 Submission

Submit one pdf file and one zip file.

After the due date, you will have 5 business days to submit your assignment as a late

submission. Late submissions will incur a penalty of 10% per day. After these five days,

Canvas will be closed and you will lose ALL the assignment marks.

Assessment declaration:

When you submit work electronically, you agree to the assessment declaration - https://



COSC2408 Programming Project 3 16-Mar-2023

5 Academic integrity and plagiarism (standard warning)

Academic integrity is about honest presentation of your academic work. It means ac-

knowledging the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas.

You should take extreme care that you have:

Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others

you have quoted (i.e. directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or men-

tioned in your assessment through the appropriate referencing methods

Provided a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the

source if necessary. This includes material taken from Internet sites. If you do not

acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because

you have passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriate

referencing, as if they were your own.

RMIT University treats plagiarism as a very serious offence constituting misconduct.

Plagiarism covers a variety of inappropriate behaviours, including:

Failure to properly document a source

Copyright material from the internet or databases

Collusion between students

For further information on our policies and procedures, please refer to the following:



6 Marking guidelines

Marks will be based on problem solving, team work, communication, project management

and professionalism.

COSC2408 Programming Project 4 16-Mar-2023

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