RMIT Classification: Trusted
COSC2673/COSC2793 Sem est er 1 2023
Machine Learning & Computational Machine Learning
Assignment 1
Introduction to Machine Learning
Weight: 30% of the final course mark
Type: Individual
Due Date: 5.00pm, 3rd of April 2023 (Week 6)
Learning Outcomes: This assignment contributes to CLOs: 1, 3, 4
Note: Marks will be awarded for meeting requirements as close as possible. Clarifications/Updates
may be made via announcements / relevant discussion forums, you are required to check them regularly.
RMIT Classification: Trusted
In this assignment you will explore a modified real dataset and practice the typical machine
learning process. This assignmentis designed to help you become more confidentin applying
machine learning approaches to solving tasks. In this assignment you will:
1. Selecting the appropriate ML techniques and applying them to solve a real-world ML
2. Analysing the output of the algorithm(s).
3. Research how to extend the modelling techniques that are taught in class.
4. Providing an ultimate judgement of the final trained model that you would use in a real-world
To complete this assignment, you will require skills and knowledge from lecture and lab material for
Weeks 1 to 4 (inclusive). You may find that you will be unable to complete some of the activities until you
have completed the relevant lab work. However, you will be able to commence work on some sections.
Thus, do the work you can initially, and continue to build in new features as you learn the relevant skills.
A machine learning model cannot be developed within a day or two. Therefore, start early.
This assignment has three deliverables:
1. A PDF report, preferably in the form of notebook. Regardless, your report should include the
graphs produced by your analysis. If you are using notebook, it needs to be in the format of the
provided tutorials. That means the report should include markdown text explaining the rational,
critical analysis of your approach and ultimate judgement. The report needs to be selfexplanatory, well structured, and fulfill all the assignment specifications.
2. A set of predictions from your ultimate judgement. The sample solution is included, the ID need
to include the ID of the selected data from Data_Set that makes up your test set (manual selection
is not acceptable).
3. Your Python scripts or Jupyter notebooks used to perform your modelling & analysis with
instructions on how to run them, which need to have embedded explanatory comments.
This assignment contributes to the following course CLOs:
• CLO 1: Understand the fundamental concepts and algorithms of machine learning and
• CLO 3: Set up a machine learning configuration, including processing data and
performing feature engineering, for a range of applications.
• CLO 4: Apply machine learning software and toolkits for diverse applications.
Academic integrity is about honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledge the work
of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas. You should take extreme care that
you have:
1.1 Summary
1 Introduction
1.2 Outcomes
1.3 Academic Integrity
RMIT Classification: Trusted
• Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you have quoted (i.e.
directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in your assessment through the
appropriate referencing methods
• Provided a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source if necessary.
This includes material taken from Internet sites. If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material,
you may be accused of plagiarism because you have passed off the work and ideas of another person
without appropriate referencing, as if they were your own.
RMIT University treats plagiarism as a very serious offence constituting misconduct. Plagiarism covers a
variety of inappropriate behaviours, including:
• Failure to properly document a source
• Copyright material from the internet or databases
• Collusion between students
For further information on our policies and procedures, please refer to the following: academic-integrity.
RMIT Classification: Trusted
In this assignment, you will predict the life expectancy of a device based on several
attributes (features) related to the manufacturing specification (such as company’s
unique code, average faulty parts of the same products in that factory, etc.).
Your task is to develop a ML algorithm to predict the life expectancy of a device on
unseen data (test data). You will also setup an evaluation framework, including
selecting appropriate performance measures, and determining how to split the data
into training and testing data (manual split is not acceptable).
You need to come up with an approach (that follows the restrictions in 3.2), where
each element of the system is justified using data analysis, performance analysis
and/or knowledge from relevant literature.
• As one of the aims of the assignment is to become familiar with the machine learning
paradigm, you should evaluate multiple different models (only use techniques taught
in class up to week 5 - inclusive) to determine which one is most appropriate for this
• Setup an evaluation framework, including selecting appropriate performance
measures, and determining how to split the data.
• Finally, you need to analyse the model and the results from your models using
appropriate techniques and establish how adequate your model is to perform the
task in real world and discuss limitation if there are any (ultimate judgement).
• Predict the result for the test set.
This assignment has three deliverables:
1. A PDF report, preferably in the form of notebook. Regardless, your report should
include the graphs produced by your analysis. If you are using notebook, it needs to be in
the format of the provided tutorials. That means the report should include markdown text
explaining the rational, critical analysis of your approach and ultimate judgement. The
report needs to be self-explanatory, well structured, and fulfill all the assignment
2. A set of predictions from your ultimate judgement. The sample solution is included, the
ID need to include the ID of the selected data from Data_Set that makes up your test set
(manual selection is not acceptable).
3. Your Python scripts or Jupyter notebooks used to perform your modelling & analysis
with instructions on how to run them, which need to have embedded explanatory
RMIT Classification: Trusted
The data set for this assignment is available on Canvas. It has been modified and
pre-processed to some extent, such that all the attributes/features are integers
or floats, and missing values has been estimated and filled in.
There are the following files:
• Data-set.csv, contains the entire dataset. You need to divide this data
set into training and testing (don’t divide the dataset manually), then
perform your analysis and tasks on them.
• The file metadata.txt contains some brief description of each of the fields (attribute
• The file sample_solution.csv shows the expected format for your predictions on the
unseen test data (reminder: test set is the result of randomly dividing your entire
dataset into train and test).
2.1.1 Restrictions
As the aim of this assignment is to encourage you to learn to explore different
approaches, while you can explore feature impotency, and regularization, your
approach must not explicitly perform feature selection. That is, your models
should have all features as input(exceptthe “ID” field which is not an attribute).
A detailed rubric is attached on canvas. In summary:
• Approach 60%;
• Implementation 20%;
• Report Presentation 20%.
Approach: You are required to use a suitable approach to find a predictive model. You may use
any ML technique taught in class during week 2-5, including: linear, non- linear and regularization
techniques. Each element of the approach need to be justified using data analysis, performance
analysis, your analytical argument and/or published work in literature. This assignment isn’t just
about your code or model, but the thought process behind your work. The elements of your
approach may include:
• Setting up the evaluation framework
• Selecting models, loss function and optimization procedure.
• Hyper-parameter setting and tuning
• Identify problem specific issues/properties and solutions.
2.1 Data Set
2.3 Marking guidline
RMIT Classification: Trusted
• Analysing model and outputs.
All the elements of your approach should be justified and the justifications should be visible in
the PDF version of the notebook (inserted as Markdown text). The justifications you provide may
• How you formulate the problem and the evaluation framework.
• Modelling techniques, you select and why you selected them.
• Parameter settings and other approaches you have tried.
• Limitation and improvements that are required for real-world implantation.
This will allow us to understand your rationale. We encourage you to explore this problem and
not just focus on maximising a single performance metric. By the end of your report, we should
be convinced that of your ultimate judgement and that you have considered all reasonable aspects
in investigating this problem.
Remember that good analysis provides factual statements, evidence and justifications for
conclusions that you draw. A statements such as:
“I did xyz because I felt that it was good”
is not analysis. This is an unjustified opinion. Instead, you should aim for statements such as:
“I did xyz because it is more efficient. It is more efficient because . . . ”
Ultimate Judgement & Analysis: You must make an ultimate judgement of the “best” model that
you would use and recommend in a real-world setting for this problem. It is up to you to
determine the criteria by which you evaluate your model and determine what is means to be “the
best model”. You need to provide evidence to support your ultimate judgement and discuss
limitation of your approach/ultimate model if there are any in the notebook as Markdown text.
Performance on test set (Unseen data): You must use the model chosen in your ultimate
judgement to predict the target for unseen testing data (provided in test data.csv). Your ultimate
prediction will be evaluated, and the performance of all of the ultimate judgements will be
Your implementation needs to be efficient and understandable by the instructor.
Should follow good programming practices.
You must use your the model chosen in your ultimate judgement to predict the
TARGET_LifeExpectancy on unseen testing data (which is a result of dividing the dataset into
train and test set). Your ultimate prediction will be evaluated, and the performance of all of the
ultimate judgements will be published
RMIT Classification: Trusted
To help you get started, we suggest the following:
• Load dataset into your Jupyter or your favourite Python IDE
• Do some preliminary data exploration, to understand it better (this will help you later on with
trying to figure which regression approach is ideal and how to improve it)
• Setup your data into training and testing datasets
• Select the basic linear regression algorithm and train it then evaluate it
• Analyse the results and see what is going on (to help you determine what needs to be changed to
improve the regression model)
• Now you can continue with your method development, discussion and ultimate judgment, etc.
Most questions should be asked on Canvas, however, please do not post any code. There is a FAQ, and
anything in the FAQ will override what is specified in this specifications, if there is ambiguity.
Your lecturer is happy to discuss questions and your results with you. Please feel free to come talk to us
during consultation, or even a quick question, during lecture break.
3.1 Getting Started
RMIT Classification: Trusted
The rubric is attached on Canvas.
Submission instructions will be placed on Canvas.
A penalty of 10% of the maximum mark per day (including weekends) will apply to late assignments up
to a maximum of five days or the end of the eligible period for this assignment, whichever occurs first.
Assignments will not be marked after this time.
3.5.1 Extensions and Special Consideration
A penalty of 10% per day is applied to late submissions up to business 5 days, after which you will lose ALL
the assignment marks. Extensions will be given only in exceptional cases; refer to the Special Consideration
process. Special Considerations given after grades and/or solutions have been released will automatically
result in an equivalent assessment in the form of a test, assessing the same knowledge and skills of the
assignment (location and time to be arranged by the course coordinator).
3.3 Marking Rubric
3.4 Instructions
3.5 Late Assessment Policy
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