ECS759P Artificial Intelligence: Coursework 1
1 Introduction
The coursework is composed of two parts, involving coding exercises:
Agenda-based search: 60% + 2% extra
Genetic algorithm: 40%
The total mark will be capped to 100%.
2 Agenda-based Search
This part of the coursework is intended to help you understand how the agenda-based search works
and to give you practice in its implementation.
You task is to build an AI route finder using agenda-based search mechanism. You are given a data file
(tubedata.csv) in CSV format with the London Tube map (which is not necessarily to be up-to-date
and complete). The Tube map is defined in terms of a logical relation Tube “step”. If you open the
data file with any text editor, you will see the content of the file as:
"Harrow & Wealdstone", "Kenton", "Bakerloo", 3, "5", "0"
"Kenton", "South Kenton", "Bakerloo", 2, "4", "0"
· · ·
"Bank/Monument", "Waterloo", "Waterloo & City", 4, "1", "0"
Each row in the CSV file represents a Tube “step” and is in the following format:
[StartingStation], [EndingStation], [TubeLine], [AverageTimeTaken], [MainZone], [SecondaryZone]
StartingStation: a starting station
EndingStation: a directly connected ending station
TubeLine: the tube line connecting the stations above
AverageTimeTaken: the average time, in minutes, taken between the named stations
MainZone: the main zone of the starting station
SecondaryZone: the secondary zone of the starting station, which is "0" if the station is in only
one zone. Note: to define the zone for the ending station use the main zone if the secondary
zone is "0" otherwise use the secondary zone.
Throughout this coursework, you may find it helpful to refer to the London Tube map at
Hint: In the labs, we used NetworkX to construct a graph for search algorithms because it is useful
for visualizing the graph. However, it is not necessary for this coursework. Here, the preferred way to
load the data is using the Pandas Python library method read csv with the parameter header=None
and build the graph as follows:
1Join the drop-in session via this link:
import pandas as pd
df = csv("tubedata.csv", header=None)
from collections import defaultdict
station dict = defaultdict(list)
zone dict = defaultdict(set)
# get data row by row
for index, row in df.iterrows():
start station = row[0]
end station = row[1]
act cost = int(row[3])
zone1 = row[4]
zone2 = row[5]
# station dict. of child station tuples (child name, cost from parent to the child)
# {"Mile End": [("Stepney Green", 2), ("Wembley", 1)]}
station list = station dict[start station]
station list.append((end station, act cost))
# the following two lines add the other direction of the tube ‘‘step’’
station list = station dict[end station]
station list.append((start station, act cost))
# we add the main zone
zone dict[start station].add(zone1)
# we add the secondary zone
if zone2 != "0":
zone dict[start station].add(zone2)
# if the secondary zone is not 0 it’s the main zone for the ending station
zone dict[end station].add(zone2)
# otherwise the main zone for the ending station is the same as the starting station
zone dict[end station].add(zone1)
2.1 Implement DFS, BFS, and USC
Implement DFS, BFS, and USC to find routes from a starting station to a destination station. For
a path found, your program should print/display meaningful information: path in stations, cost in
average time, number of nodes expanded. The route from Euston to Victoria is a good one for testing.
Briefly describe how to launch the program and mention its main files in your report.
Firstly you need to think about how to represent a state and how to construct a new state from each
station reachable from the current state but not already visited in the current path so far (this may
include current station, line and zone, path and cost so far). Describe the state representation in your
This question carries 20% of the marks for this coursework.
2.2 Compare DFS, BFS, and USC
Make a detailed comparison of the three search methods For this, make sure you try out a good
number of different routes, including the ones below, and base your comparison on the cost (even
if not considered by DFS and BFS) and the number of nodes expanded for the different methods.
Answer the following questions in your report:
Is any method consistently better?
Report the returned path costs in terms of the count of the visited nodes for one route below
(or any route of your choice) and explain your results based on the knowledge of costs each
algorithm considers.
Report the returned path costs in terms of the average time taken for one route below (or any
route of your choice) and explain your results based on the knowledge of costs each algorithm
Report the returned path costs in terms of the visited nodes and the average time taken for one
route below (or any route of your choice) for two different orders to process the nodes (direct
and reverse the order of the explored nodes at each level) and explain your results for the three
Explain how did you overcome the loop issue in your code.
Examples of routes you may include in your comparison:
Canada Water to Stratford
New Cross Gate to Stepney Green
Ealing Broadway to South Kensington
Baker Street to Wembley Park
This question carries 15% of the marks for this coursework.
2.3 Extending the cost function
Improve and implement the current UCS cost function to include the time to change lines at one
station (e.g., 2 minutes). Using one of the routes mentioned above (or any route of your choice),
give an example in your report how this new cost has changed the paths returned by each algorithm.
Explain which of the algorithms were not affected and why.
This question carries 10% of the marks for this coursework.
2.4 Heuristic search
Given that you know the zone(s) a station is in, consider how you might use this information to focus
the search in the right direction and implement your heuristic Best-First Search (BFS) (Note:
not A* search). Explain in the report the motivation for your heuristic, its formula and illustrate
its performance in terms of the average time taken as compared to the solution returned by UCS us-
ing one of the routes mentioned above or any route of your choice (even if it does not work in practise).
This question carries 15% of the marks for this coursework.
2.5 Extra
Beyond the heuristic design in Section 2.4, you are encouraged to participate in an extra peer-review
activity. To do that, you are required to complete the following steps:
Step 1. Submit the description of the heuristic you designed in Section 2.4.
The deadline for this step is 16 Nov 2022 at 10.00 am.
Step 2. After the deadline of Step 1, comment on pros and cons of the heuristics designed by
two other students that are assigned to you.
The deadline for this step is 23 Nov 2022 at 10.00 am.
Both the steps can be completed using the link “Heuristic peer-review” under the “COURSEWORK
1” on QM+.
This question carries 2% extra marks for this coursework.
3 Genetic Algorithm
This part of the coursework is intended to help you understand how a genetic algorithm works and to
give you practice in its implementation.
Let’s play a guessing game! I have given you a secret text phrase and your goal is to find it using
a genetic algorithm. The phrase was exactly 10 characters long and could only contain upper-case
English letters, numbers between 0 and 9, and the underscore symbol (underscore). For instance,
1 PHRASE22 and MYPA51WASE are legitimate candidates.
I can give you hints (unlimited times) by telling how close to the secret phrase your guess is. So
here is the deal: For each guess phrase you show me, I am going to give a score between 0.0 and 1.0
indicating how close to the secret phrase it is (where 1.0 means that the guess is exactly correct).
To be more precise, you have access to a function called closeness as follows:
input: a list of guesses, e.g. [" TEST ", "IS I7 L0V3"], along with your own student username2
(e.g "eey111").
output: an ordered dictionary containing the guess phrases as keys and the associated scores as
values (e.g. {" TEST ": 0.045, "IS I7 L0V3": 0.247})
Below is the example Python3 code demonstrating how you can access this function and obtain the
hints for the above example (Note: you need to replace "eey111" with your username)
from hints import closeness
scores = closeness([" TEST ", "IS I7 L0V3"], "eey111")
>>> scores = {" TEST ": 0.045, "IS I7 L0V3": 0.247}
3.1 Implement a Genetic Algorithm
Implement a Genetic Algorithm to find your secret phrase (recall: you should use your own student
username whenever invoking closeness). Report the secrete phrase that you got.
This question carries 20% of the marks for this coursework.
3.2 Elements of the algorithm
Briefly explain how specifically you chose to do the state encoding, selection, crossover, and mutation.
This question carries 10% of the marks for this coursework.
3.3 The number of reproductions
Report the number of reproductions you had to do to converge to the secret phrase? Ideally, run your
code multiple times and report on the average and variance instead of a single run (since Genetic
Algorithms involve randomisation).
This question carries 5% of the marks for this coursework.
3.4 Hyper-parameters
Explore the effect of at least one hyper-parameter on the performance of your algorithm. This could
for instance be the choice of the mutation rate, or the selection/pairing scheme, the population num-
ber, etc. Ideally, provide a table or a figure with a very concise discussion.
This question carries 5% of the marks for this coursework.
2The list of students in the module is available here
ECS759P-ArtificialIntelligence20222023SEMA/EUd2Vxlqr9hNgFlJjpUbfPoBfsW-O9m-Ge1fJ5VDKpYruw?e=9ouNxo. If you find that you
are not in the list, let us know immediately.
4 Submission
Submit your coursework on QMPlus as a single zip file (filename ending in .zip)
Source code (Python)
Report (a single PDF format for both parts)
Note also that a human will be reading the code and cases of plagiarism will be reported. Strategy,
algorithms, originality, code quality, and report quality will be also assessed.
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