School of Mathematics
The University of Edinburgh
Year: 2022/2023
Farm-co is a agricultural corporation that wants to plan their farming operations for the
next 10 years. Farm-co owns a farm consisting of 10 blocks of land. The size of each block
of land can be found in the table below.
Block of land size (m2)
Farm-cocanplant threedifferent crop types in theseblocks, namelygrain, beansandwheat.
The yield, selling price and yield each food type can be found in the table below.
crop yield (kg/m2) Sewing cost (£/ m2) Selling price £/kg
grain 3 15 4.5
beans 2 10 6
wheat 3.5 12 5
Alternately, Farm-co can also decide to purchase cattle to rear on their farm. A single cow
takes up 5m2 and is purchased as a calf for £200 per calf. Farm-co can only purchase calf’s
and sell all of the cows at the end of the 10 year time period. The price for selling t -year old
cow is provided in the table below.
Age of cow Selling price (£/ cow)
Additionally, in order to rear a cow, Farm-co requires 15kg of grain per cow. They can either
use grain which was grown in the previous year or they can purchase grain at a price of £50
per kg. Furthermore, suppose that Farm-co does not want to use more than 50% of their
land usage for any individual activity (eg rearing cattle).
Exercise 1Model (10 marks)
Write a linear optimisation model that maximises Farm-co’s profits .
Exercise 2 Solve (10 marks)
Write a Mosel file for this model and solve the problem with Xpress. Print your results in a
suitable format.
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