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Software Application and Reflection Journal

Assignment 2

Semester 2, 2024


Assignment Overview

Assessment Weight:


15 marks for the So1ware Applica8on

10 marks for the Reflec8on Journal

Individual or Group work:


Due Date:

31st  October 2024 at 5PM


2nd August, 2024

Task Summary 

The assignment asks you to create a So1ware Applica8on  based  on the first assignment. As you develop the applica8on you should Reflect on your personal learning.

So,ware Applica4on 



All  assessments  in  this  course  builds  upon  each  other.  This  assessment  builds  upon  your  UML assignment. We will be delivering a prototype applica8on to demonstrate the basic func8ons of a) Manage Inventory and b) Purchase items for our Minimum Viable Product (MVP). You will showcase your MVP solu8on in weeks 12 and 13 to seek further funds to con8nue development for the other func8ons of the solu8ons.

What I want to see

Students  are   required  to  aVend  seminars  to   build  their  applica8ons.  The  seminars  are  where components will be built for the applica8on, and you can follow along. Please find below a checklist of func8onal and non-func8onal requirements that will be considered in the marking of your assessment.

Checklist of Requirements for your ApplicaBon

1.    The main func8on is to update the inventory of the vending machines and allow a user to purchase an item(s) which will update the inventory, as well as edit the inventory a vending machine has on offer. DataSets have been created for you for:

o A basic vending machine layout – 6 Rows x 12 Columns x 8 items deep

o A composite layout with a mix of items sizes, some of which take up more than one column

NOTE: These DataSets will be released AFTER Assignment 1 as they contain a Class Domain solu8on

2.    Your task is to use Glide to create the following:

o A Data domain model

     The DataSet will get you started but more is required

o Numerous Layout pages

o Several  Ac8on  codes  based  on  user  interac8on  (ie  Add  to  Cart,  Remove  from  Cart, Purchase etc)

Layout pages Your applica8on will need include:

•    A homepage / dashboard / Welcome / landing page

•    An ability to create and edit Items for sale

o Image

o Descrip8on

o Manufacturer

o Recommended Retail Price (RRP)

o Cost Price

o The Slots Required in the vending machine (how much space does the item need).  For  Example:  Chocolate  bars  and  drinks  only  require  1  slot,  Chips require 2 slots

o Category for the item – See Assignment 1 for details of the categories

•    An ability to update a Vending machines configura8on

o What Items are in which Slot(s)

o The Quan8ty for sale

o Sale Price (can be different to the RRP)

o The date when the items were last stocked in the vending machine

•    A selec8on of the 2 vending machines with basic descrip8ons

o This will be supplied via a DataSet spreadsheet you can upload into Glide

•    Screen where the selected vending machines contents is displayed in a grid

•    Selec8ng an item brings up some more details with a “Add to Cart” or X to close.

o The Add to Cart  buVon will  only  be  ac8ve  if the  Quan8ty  in the vending machine is greater than the number already in the Cart

•    An ability to purchase the items in the Cart

o NOTE: No 3rd party Payment Gateway interface is required (ie Stripe / PayPal).

o The user will tap the Buy now buVon and

     The purchase is recorded in an Order with OrderLines for the items. Details about the 8me of order, the vending machine and the items purchased, the quan8ty and the price paid are recorded

     The items are decremented from the vending machines inventory and the Cart is emp8ed

•    An ability to Cancel a purchase

o If the user does any of the following, then the Cart is emp8ed:

     Cancel Order on the Cart screen

     Moves away from the vending machine or goes into a new vending machine

     Closes the app

NOTE: This version of your applica8on will have both the Customer Interac8on as well as the Vending Machine Inventory maintenance. In the commercial applica8ons these would be in separate apps.

3.    Data Domain Model Your domain model will be assessed on:

•    Appropriate En8ty choices

•    Appropriate AVribute choices and AVribute types

•    Correct associa8ons between en88es

4.    NavigaBon Your applica8on requires an appropriate first page that allows a user to navigate to all other pages seamlessly. You must have a naviga8on menu and suitable buVons to move around. You must consider saving and cancelling capabili8es in your design.

5.    AcBon You will  need  to  create  several  Ac8ons.  The  process  will  be  demonstrated  in  the seminar in Week 12.

6.   Test  data  You  need  to  populate  your  applica8on  with  data  that  demonstrates  that  the applica8on can func8on.

•    At least 5 new Items have been added to the inventory

•    The new Items are added to a vending machine

•    At  least  3  Items  have  been  updated  in  a  vending  machine  (eg  SalePrice,  Descrip8on, Manufacturer)

•    At least 5 orders have been recorded

7.    User Interface Your applica8on must be consistent. You need to have chosen an appropriate colour scheme. You need to have chosen suitable colours for buVons. Your font choice and other factors need to be considered for overall useability.

Helpful Advice

1.    Individual work All work must be your own work, and it can vary from what we design in the seminar. You need to consider layout, colour schemes, addi8onal fields, etc., However, you are encouraged to discuss your idea with your fellow students, in the seminar sessions, your tutor (if  you  are  ahead  in  your  work),  and  poten8al  users  of  your  system.  Demonstra8ng engagement with your poten8al “users” will ensure a beVer solu8on.

2.    Replica8on of others work Students  must not copy work in rela8on to func8onal solu8ons already available in the market or from the online Glide demonstra8ons.

3.    You should keep pace with the Seminar demonstra8ons on a weekly basis. If you keep up to date with your prac8cal work each week you will be well placed for a non-stressful assessment submission. Leaving it to the last week will not be a good experience for you.

4.    Ensure that you have added the noted emails as members to your Glide Team. Include a link in your reflec8ve journal direct to the applica8on. Also, detail:

•    What are the new Items

•    What are the updated Items

Submission requirements

You must add the tutor team as a “Members” for your Glide applica8on for it to be marked. Use the following Emails addresses:

•     uqkharbo@uq.edu.au

•     [email protected]

•    t.chen@business.uq.edu.au

To add a marker as your team member:

1)   Go to the Glide plaoorm and login

2)    Click on Invite

3)    Enter the emails of the tutoring team

4)   Check they invites have been send under the Manage team members



A Reflec8on Journal is defined “as the process of examining an experience” undertaken as “an internal  process that helps the individual refine his or her understanding of an experience”. An expected and  desired outcome of the  reflec8on is that “it may lead to changes in the individual’s perspec8ve”.  Ul8mately, reflec8ons “result in new insights and deeper understandings of [a person’s] experiences” …  and  …  “through  this  analy8cal  process  that  the  reflec8ve  [person]    develops  a  change  in  perspec8ve”.

The Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority explains that reflec8ve journaling helps students achieve core learning skills. A learning journal can document various informa8on, ideas, thoughts, learning  strategies,  and  working  processes,  and  should  contain  decisions  made  and  reasons  or jus8fica8ons for these decisions. Because the learning journal is reflec8ve, it informs further learning or future experiences. It enables students to iden8fy their growth throughout a subject or experience, set goals, and develop metacogni8ve skills.

Star8ng in Week 7, the learning and teaching in BISM7255 will have a par8cular focus on the no-code / low-code applica8on Glide. Students are expected to write in their Reflec8ve Journal about their Glide learning experiences. This means they should reflect on the content, meaning, and value of the experience in learning coding and app development. It is important in the reflec8on to personally assess how the learning improves their future careers and career prospects (e.g., as a Business Analyst, Product Owner).

It is recommended to structure, with the relevant headings, the journal into the following sec8ons:

1.    Purpose In your own words, describe how the applica8on development in Glide helped you learn.

2.    Significant Learning Experiences In your own words, present learning experiences and reflect on their meaning. The learning experiences must relate to different knowledge, skills, and capabili8es. This means each learning experience must be a unique learning event. It also must be a specific moment in 8me, not referring to an ongoing learning process.

In this sec8on, the student must also master the ar8cula8on of a reflec8on, not a descrip8on. A reflec8on shall be a cri8cal and reflec8ve engagement about the Glide learning experiences.

The described learning experiences need to match the Glide app submiVed. This means that the descrip8on needs to be an authen8c account of the learning in the course. For example, it cannot be that a student reflects on the app development and elaborates how s/he created Ac8ons,  but  the  student’s  app  does  not  have  an  Ac8on.  Inconsistencies  like  this  will  be reflected in reduced marks.

3.    ImplicaBons for Career In your own words, think ahead of your future workplace, the job you want to do, and the company you want to work for and reflect on how the course helped, prepared, and advanced you in this regard.

It is expected that the reflec8ve journal will be around 750 words to present the learning and impact reflec8ons. The word limit is not considered a specific criterion in the marking, an assignment with only 500 words, but wriVen concisely and focused 8ghtly on the reflec8ons and insights made, might be of  beVer  quality than  a  longer journal.  Hence,  students  should  dedicate  8me to  revising  and improving their wri8ng to clearly achieve a reflec8on, not simply repor8ng past experiences.

Hints: Longer texts are not beVer assignments. A longer journal means that the student includes a lot of descrip8ons. Yet,the assignment asks you to reflect. Reflec8ons are shorter because they ar8culate your own awareness of how you think. Markers do not want to read ‘ what’ you did but ‘ why’ you did it and ‘how’ you achieved it.

Analysing and understanding yourself beVer through the reflec8ons will make you a beVer learner for the ‘next’ innova8on.

Also, your ReflecBve Journal must also include a link to your Glide applicaBon.


The assignment must have a cover page with the 8tle of the assignment, student name and ID. Use the following format & presenta8on:


•    sans serif fonts 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, or 10-point Lucida Sans Unicode

•    serif fonts 12-point Times New Roman, 11-point Georgia, or normal (10- point) Computer Modern (the default font for LaTeX)

Line Spacing     1.5


Number all pages

Page Margins

    2.54 cm


Title Page (TOC not required)

APA format. See hVps://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/paper-format

Students must have headings as outlined earlier to indicate the different sec8ons of their reflec8on, such as 1) Purpose, 2) Significant Learning Experiences, 3) Implica8ons for Career.

Submission Format and Process

The assignment must be submiVed electronically via Turn It In through the Online Submission Folder on the course Blackboard site. Files submiVed as email aVachments will not be accepted.

Name of the app: Student ID (8 digits) and first and last name. No spaces, use underscore. For example, “44191384_Michael_Smith” - see screenshot below. Facilitators will help you with naming the app.

Marking Process with a focus on the Glide App

The  marking  of  the  app  is   based  on  the  implementa8on  of  the  client's   requirements  for  the applica8on. Throughout the semester, these requirements maybe elicited and clarified. Each student is part of a development team (i.e., your tutorial) and each development team has a dedicated teacher (i.e., your tutor). Students will have an opportunity to showcase their apps during the seminar 8me in Week 12 or Week 13.

Because the Reflec8on Journal is about the experience, students who did not develop an applica8on are not able to write a Reflec8on Journal on their experience. Thus, we expect each student develops a unique app from a Blank app or so that it works in Glide and addresses the requirements.

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