CS-350 - Fundamentals of Computing Systems
Homework Assignment #4 - BUILD
BUILD Problem 1
To improve throughput and utilize system resources more efficiently, you’ll now modify your server to process requests using multiple worker threads. The new server will still allow to specify a maximum queue size to limit its maximum workload.
Output File: server_multi .c
Overview. Once again by building on top of what you have implemented so far, it is now time to add more workers to the system. The idea is quite simple: instead of launching 1 worker thread, launch N worker threads that can run the same logic and can fetch requests from a single, shared queue. This way, if a thread, say T0, is busy processing a request and another request is pending, then T1 can start working on it.
Design. The design is relatively simple. You will reuse what you learned about pthreads in hw1. This time, instead of creating only one worker thread, you will create N of them. All of the workers will execute the same worker_main function, but might be passed slightly diferent parameters. For instance, the first thread you create might be passed a thread ID of 0, the second one a thread ID of 1 and so on.
The important bit is to pass to all of them the same pointer to the same shared queue. The process that is the parent of all the worker threads will still be the only one responsible for performing recv( . . .) operation on the connection socket. It will also be responsible for enqueuing (or rejecting!) new incoming requests, just like in hw3.
Number of Threads. Just like in hw3, the number of worker threads to activate will be passed as a command line parameter to your code. The new parameter will be -w
Overall your server will be launched from command line with the following parameters:
./server -q
Desired Behavior. Apart from spawning worker threads, processing, and rejecting requests, three pieces of information will need to be produced in output by your server.
Two of these pieces of information, i.e., the queue status dumps and rejection notice are identical in format to Part 1. The only diference is that the queue dump status is printed when any of the worker threads completes processing of any of the requests.
Unlike Part 1 and the previous assignments, when a request successfully completes service, the thread ID of the worker thread that has completed the request will need to be added at the beginning of the line following the format below.
Once again, queue status dumps and rejection notices should NOT be prefixed with a thread ID. Thus, their format is identical to what you had in hw3.
Submission Instructions: in order to submit the code produced as part of the solution for this homework assignment, please follow the instructions below.
You should submit your solution in the form. of C source code. To submit your code, place all the .c and .h files inside a compressed folder named hw4.zip. Make sure they compile and run correctly ac- cording to the provided instructions. The first round of grading will be done by running your code. Use CodeBuddy to submit the entire hw4.zip archive at https://cs-people.bu.edu/rmancuso/courses/ cs350-fa24/codebuddy.php?hw=hw4. You can submit your homework multiple times until the deadline. Only your most recently updated version will be graded. You will be given instructions on Piazza on how to interpret the feedback on the correctness of your code before the deadline.
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