FIT3179 Data Visualisation
Semester 2, 2024. Version 1.1
Version history
● 1.0 (1 September 2024): Initial release
● 1.0.1 (2 September 2024): Removed references to Tableau in “ Expectations”.
● 1.1 (2 September 2024): Added submission of five design sheets.
Due date: Sunday of Week 11, 13 October, 11:55 PM.
Similar to the Data Visualisation 1 assignment, you will design and build an effective data visualisation for a specific domain of your choice. This task involves critically evaluating information within your chosen domain, developing your own visualisation, and telling a story. The domain can be broad or specific, depending on the availability of datasets and your interests. The major difference for Data Visualisation 2 is that you will use the Vega-Lite library to create maps and diagrams.
The aim of the assignment is to apply the data visualisation techniques discussed throughout the semester and demonstrate their use in an innovative context.
The following requirements apply specifically to the Data Visualisation 2 assignment:
● The selected domain must be distinctly different from the one used in your Data Visualisation 1 submission.
● You are required to use the Vega-Lite library for creating maps and diagrams. You may use other libraries for creating diagrams that are not feasible with Vega-Lite, however, you must obtain approval from your tutor before doing so.
● The final deliverable consists of a publicly accessible web page hosted on your GitHub account. The JSON description for each Vega-Lite diagram or map must be easily accessible in the same GitHub repository and formatted for human readability.
● You may use the Pure.css library or any other JavaScript/CSS/HTML library or authoring software to create your web page.
● Your Vega-Lite visualisation must load quickly, meaning that the total size of
downloadable data should be less than 1 megabyte. If this limit is too restrictive for your visualisation (for example, due to video files or large zoomable raster images) you must seek approval from your tutor before submission.
● Your web page must include at least one geographic map. If including a map is not
relevant to your chosen domain, you can request an exemption from your tutor for this requirement.
The following requirements are copied from the Data Visualisation 1 assignment and also apply for this assignment:
● Why? The visualization addresses a particular need within a specific domain of your
choosing. It must be targeted to users with specific information needs in this domain or be useful and relevant to individuals interested in the chosen domain.
● What? It visualises data relevant to the domain. Data can be of any kind.
● Who? Design your visualisation for the average Australian or Malaysian, depending on whether you are a student at the Clayton or Malaysia campus.
● The visualisation must transform. data into meaningful information and provide insight that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to obtain without it.
● It must provide an appropriate level of interactive exploration.
● It needs to show some innovation. While it does not have to be wholly original, it cannot be a replica of an existing visualisation. It could include an innovative visualisation idiom, or an innovative exploration of an interesting dataset.
● Your submission must demonstrate the use of the Five Design Sheet methodology for sketching and planning the design of your visualisation.
● Your submission must demonstrate the use of Munzer’s What/Why/How framework discussed in lectures.
● It must apply design principles discussed throughout the unit, such as data-ink ratio, storytelling, layout, typography and visualisation idioms with appropriate use of marks and channels.
Task Description and Schedule
1. Plan and design: By the end of Week 8:
a. Select a domain that you would like to explore.
b. Find relevant data that is publicly available.
c. Discuss your domain, design ideas, and datasets with your tutor.
d. Design your visualisation using the Five Design Sheet Methodology.
2. Create the visualisation: Weeks 9 to 11:
a. Homeworks of Weeks 9 and 10 consist of creating a map and a diagram with Vega-Lite. You may include improved versions of these in your Data Visualisation 2 assignment. However, note that Monash University policy prohibits submitting the same work for two assessments. Therefore, you must significantly enhance your homework map and diagram if you include them in this assignment.
b. Create a web page and embed your Vega-Lite diagrams and maps. Use CSS to style. typography and design the layout. Make your visualisation publicly accessible as a GitHub page.
c. Take a picture of each of your Five Design Sheets and place them in a PDF
document. Make the PDF document publicly accessible on your GitHub account.
3. Submit the following on Moodle:
a. A URL to your visualisation on your GitHub account.
b. A URL to a PDF document with images of your Five Design Sheets.
c. A maximum of 500 words about your visualisation via a form. on Moodle, covering the following points:
i. The domain, the why and the who of the visualisation.
ii. What: The data (sources, authors, relevance, creation process, etc.).
iii. How: Give a rationale for choosing the specific idioms and explain how
they help the users to achieve their tasks. Describe any special features of your visualisation, such as custom-built elements.
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