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日期:2023-05-26 11:16

EECS 2030 Summer 2023: Lab 1

Lassonde School of Engineering, York University

(about 2 % of the final grade; may be done in groups of up to three students)


Students in the same lab section are allowed to work in groups of 2 or 3 students. Working alone

is acceptable as well.

The purpose of this lab is to review the following basic Java concepts that should have

been covered in your previous courses:

• style

• using int and double values and variables

• arithmetic and the methods provided in java.lang.Math

• Boolean expressions and bitwise operations

• using objects

• if statements

• using Strings

• using Lists

• for loops

This lab also introduces code testing using JUnit. This lab will be graded both for style and for


Style Rules for Coding

The style rules are not overly restrictive in EECS2030.

1. Your programs should use the normal Java conventions (class names begin with an uppercase

letter, variable names begin with a lowercase letter, public static final constants should be

in all caps, etc.).

2. In general, use short but descriptive variable names. There are exceptions to this rule; for

example, traditional loop variables are often called i, j, k, etc.

Avoid very long names; they are hard to read, take up too much screen space, and are easy to


3. Use a consistent indentation size. Beware of the TAB vs. SPACE problem: Tabs have no fixed

size; one editor might interpret a tab to be 4 spaces and another might use 8 spaces. If you mix

tabs and spaces, you will have indenting errors when your code is viewed in different editors.

4. Use a consistent brace style:

// left aligned braces

class X



public void someMethod()


// ...


public void anotherMethod()


for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)


// ...





// ragged braces

class X {

public void someMethod() {

// ...


public void anotherMethod() {

for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {

// ...




5. Insert a space around operators (except the period/dot ".").

The following

// some code somewhere

boolean isBetween = (x > MIN_VALUE) && (x > MAX_VALUE);

int someValue = x + y * z;

is much easier to read than this


// some code somewhere

boolean isBetween=(x>MIN_VALUE)&&(x>MAX_VALUE);

int someValue=x+y*z;

Note that in HTML the convention is the opposite (no spaces around attribute="value")

6. Avoid using "magic numbers". A magic number is a number that appears in a program in

place of a named constant. For example, consider the following code:

int n = 7 * 24;


What do the numbers 7 and 24 mean? Compare the code above to the following:

final int DAYS_PER_WEEK = 7;

final int HOURS_PER_DAY = 24;


In the second example, the meaning of 7 and 24 is now clear (better yet would be to also rename


Not all numbers are magic numbers. You can usually use the values 0, 1, and 2 without creating

a named constant. If you ever find yourself doing something like:

final int TEN = 10;

then you are probably better off using 10 and explaining its meaning in a comment.

7. A good IDE (integrated development environment) such as Eclipse will correct many style

errors for you. In eclipse, you can select the code that you want to format, right click to bring up

a context menu, and choose Source -> Format to automatically format your code. You can also

correct indentation only.

The figure below illustrates typical styling violations.

Figure 1: Common code styling violations


Part 1: Getting Started

Prerequisites: JDK and Eclipse

If you are in the lab, you may skip to the next section.

Developing Java applications requires a Java Development Kit (JDK). In this course we will also

use Eclipse – an integrated development environment. These can be installed both separately or



Java: Command-Line

One way to compile and run Java code is to use a command line. For that, one writes the Java

code using any plain-text editor (preferably an editor capable of at least highlighting the

language’s syntax, such as Visual Studio Code, Atom, Notepad++, then compiles and runs the

application that was compiled to byte-codes.

Let’s assume the following content is saved to a file called HelloWorld.java:

In order to open the command line tool in the location where the file had been saved (and not

have to use a cd command), in Windows, one can right-click on the directory containing the file

while holding the Shift key:

Similar context-menu choices exist for other operating systems, e.g., in Linux (CentOS):

1 https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/release/2023-03/r/eclipse-ide-java-developers – or possibly newer.


Then, the following commands compile and run the code (the full path is greyed out):

In case there are compilation or runtime errors, various error messages will be printed. Try

introducing errors and see what kind of messages you receive.


Java: Eclipse

Eclipse is an IDE (an Integrated Development Environment), meaning that it is a program made

to provide you with all the tools you need to code, wrapped up in a nice user interface. Since

most of you have already used other IDEs, such as Android Studio or IntelliJ, you are going to

find these familiar. Here are some of the main reasons for using an IDE:

Spot compiler errors quickly - if you've made some small mistake like forgetting a semicolon, or

spelling a variable type wrong, the IDE will spot it quickly and let you know:

Autocomplete/Content Assist - this feature will save you time and effort by suggesting methods

(and their parameters) and types. See below for an example:

Debug Mode - allows you to watch your variables and source code at any point in your program

so you can find out exactly where your program is going wrong.


Built in console and compiler access - saves you the time from going back and forth from editor

to console and vice versa.


A sample program in Eclipse:

- Start Eclipse

The following window appears (with some variations)

you will be asked to select a workspace. This is important! This is the root directory to

which all of your programs will be saved to, so make sure you know where it is. One may

click Browse... and create a directory called eecs2030, workspace2030 –use any

directory name that you like (including the default one workspace); try to avoid spaces in

the directory names.

- If the following window appears:

click on the orange Workbench button found near the top right corner.

- create a Java Project. You can do this by doing: File -> New... -> Project.... The project

wizard looks like this - click on Java Project.


- Now, you will see a window like the one shown. Give your project a name, e.g.,

'Tutorial'. You can name your project whatever you like, but avoid using spaces in the

project name because this complicates navigating the directory structure of your project.

Note that doing this now creates a directory in your previously created workspace

directory. Keep the default settings and click finish.


- If you see a popup window like the one showed here. Click Yes if that is the case. This

will configure eclipse so that it enables Java specific features.

- create a package. To do this, right-click the new project you just created that will now

appear in the Package Explorer on the left side, and then click New -> Package. Name it

eecs2030. Now if you look in the Package Explorer, our eecs2030 package is under

Tutorial -> src -> eecs2030. src is the source folder. Hence, when it comes time to

submit your files and you want to locate your source file, it will be in workspace-

>Project->src->package->file. So in our case, it would be:


- create a HelloWorld.java. You can do this by right-clicking the package, then clicking

New, and then Class. Enter the name of your class, in this case HelloWorld, and check

the public static void main(String[] args) box - this will create the main method in your

class for you. Our simple program does not inherit from any other program, so the other

two boxes don’t really matter.


- Add System.out.print("Hello, world."); into the main body in the TODO section and

then save your program by pressing Ctrl+s on your keyboard.

- Now you can run your program by either clicking the green run button on the toolbar, or

by right-clicking your package in the package explorer and selecting Run As...->Java

Application (find a keyboard shortcut for doing it quickly!). Note that the output appears

in the console window at the bottom.

- Submit that HelloWorld.java file via eClass and continue with Part 2.


Part 2: Java Review

Getting started

These instructions assume that you have completed the previous parts of this lab, and have

Eclipse running. In this lab, you will import an existing project rather than starting everything

from scratch. In the eclipse File menu, choose the Import... menu item.

In the Import dialog box that appears, choose the Existing Projects into Workspace item and

click Next:

Use the included zip file. Click on the Select archive file radio button. Click on the Browse...

button and select the file that you just downloaded. Click the Finish button to import the project.

Note that there is no need to unpack the zip file.

On the left-hand side of the eclipse window, you will see a tab labelled Package Explorer. Use

the small triangles to expand the lab1 contents, then the src contents, and finally the

eecs2030.lab1 contents. Double-click on Lab1.java and TestLab1.java to open these files

in the editor:


Click on the Lab1.java tab. Lab1.java is the Java source code file that you need to edit to

complete this lab. It contains several methods that you should be able to complete if you have

mastered the material from your previous Java programming course or courses.

Find the method with the header public static int maxInt(). Reading the Javadoc

comment preceding the method, tells us that the method should return the smallest value that can

be represented by the type int. Examining the body of the method in eclipse, we see that the

method is implemented like so:

public static int maxInt() {

return 0;


which is clearly incorrect. DON'T FIX THE METHOD YET; continue following the lab


TestLab1.java is a test class that contains unit tests for all of the methods that you will

implement in this lab. You will learn more about unit tests in your next lecture. For now, all you

need to know is that you can use the test class to check for errors in the methods in Lab1.java.

Click on the TestLab1.java tab in the editor window to view the contents of

TestLab1.java. Run the test class by pressing the green run button indicated by the red arrow

in the figure below:


The results of running the tests are shown to you in the JUnit tab located on the left-hand side of

the eclipse window (see figure above). Notice that all of the tests have a blue x beside them; the

blue x indicates that the test has failed. In the Failure Trace panel, some diagnostic information

is shown to you. For the test01_maxInt test, the diagnostic information is indicating that the

test expected a value of 2147483647 but received a value of 0. It seems like there is something

wrong with our implementation of the maxInt method.

Click on the Lab1.java tab in the editor window to view the contents of Lab1.java. Scroll

down to the maxInt method (the first method in the class). Edit the return value of the method

so that it returns the correct value as shown below:

Save the edited file (use the File menu or type Ctrl-s). When you re-run the test class; you should

see that the test test01_maxInt now has a green check mark beside it indicating that the test

has passed. The remaining tests are still failing. In the remainder of this lab, you will use the test

class to help you fix the remaining methods in the Lab1 class. Follow the remainder of the lab to

complete the exercises below. Most of the methods can be completed with a single line of code.


Primitive types

In Java, all values have a type. A type defines a set of values and the operations that can be

performed using those values.

Java's primitive types are those types that are predefined by the Java language and are named by

a reserved keyword. The primitive types are all numeric types and one type representing

true/false values.


The int type represents integer values in the range −2

31 to (231 − 1). Java will interpret any

number not having a decimal as being an int value.

Constant values important to the int type can be found in the class java.lang.Integer .


The double type represents real values in the approximate range of −1.7 × 10308 to 1.7 × 10308


Java will interpret any number having a decimal point as being a double value.

Exercise 1

Complete the method minPositiveDouble(). Refer to the method’s description in the

JavaDoc in-code comments.

Run the JUnit tester after you complete each method to check your work.

Exercise 2

Complete the methods removeLastThreeDigits(int n) and lastThreeDigits(int n).

Note that in removeLastThreeDigits(int n) and lastThreeDigits(int n) you do not

need to create named constants for any magic numbers you might need.

removeLastThreeDigits(int n) can be completed using integer division.

lastThreeDigits(int n) can be completed using integer remainder. You do not (and

should not) need to use an if statement in either method.

Run the JUnit tester after you complete each method to check your work.

Exercise 3

Complete the method avg(int a, int b, int c). Be aware of the possibility of incorrectly

using integer division instead of floating-point division.


Run the JUnit tester after you complete each method to check your work.

Exercise 4

Refer to the following link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminal_velocity for more detail.

Complete the method terminalVelocity(double mass, double area, double c_d)

using named constants to represent the constants in the formula. Use some reliable resource to

find the constants.

Exercise 5

Complete the methods isEven(int x) and isUnitVector(double x, double y). Recall

that the unit vector is a vector with a magnitude of 1, so that x

2 + y

2 = 1.

Run the JUnit tester after you complete each method to check your work.

Exercise 6

Complete the method enrolStudent(int studentNumber). Note that the method can

throw a BadSIDException which is an exception class that has been included for you in the lab


All the method should do is return true. However, the method should throw an exception if the

number is not a 9-digit number (at York there are other factors that would allow for checking the

number validity; we use a simple hypothetical rule here).

Run the JUnit tester after you complete each method to check your work.

Exercise 7

Complete the method getCourseName().

To complete this method, you should first find the Lab1 class constant that contains the course

name. You should then simply return the constant to complete the method; in other words, you

should not duplicate string containing the course name in your method.

Run the JUnit tester after you complete each method to check your work.

Exercise 8

Complete the method middleChar(String s). See the code comments for the method to see

the more formal definition of the middle character of a string.

Run the JUnit tester after you complete each method to check your work.


Exercise 9

Complete the method alternatingCaps(String s). The API for the method defines what

the method should return and contains several examples.

To convert characters to lowercase, use the method Character.toLowerCase. To convert

characters to uppercase, use the method Character.toUpperCase. The API for the

Character class can be found here. Note that String class is immutable and using it would

create many unnecessary objects, which will also cause your code to much slower than expected.

Run the JUnit tester after you complete each method to check your work.

Exercise 10

Complete the method secondByte(int n). You will need to use bitwise operations here, such

as &, |, <<, >>, or >>, and possibly casting into the required return type.

You do not (and should not) need to use if statements or loops in this method.

Run the JUnit tester after you complete each method to check your work.

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to post your questions on the course forum on eClass, or

contact the instructor directly ([email protected]).


The assignment will be graded using the Common Grading Scheme for Undergraduate


. We look at whether the code passes the unit tests, and whether it conforms to the

code style rules.


Find the Lab1.java file in your project and submit it electronically via eClass. Also submit the

HelloWorld.java file from Part 1.

If working in a group, make only one submission and include a group.txt file containing the

names and the student numbers of the group members. The deadline is firm.

Academic Honesty

Direct collaboration (e.g., sharing your work results across groups) is not allowed (plagiarism

detection software may be employed). However, you’re allowed to discuss the assignment

requirements, approaches you take, etc. Also, make sure to state any sources you use (online

sources – including old solutions, books, etc.). Although using outside sources may occasionally

be allowed – with proper citing, if the amount of non-original work is excessive, your grade may

be reduced.

2 https://www.yorku.ca/secretariat/policies/policies/common-grading-scheme-for-undergraduate-faculties/


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