Assignment 2: Graphs
The goal of this assignment is to program some graph implementations.
Download the file from Brightspace. The
contents of this file include the following important classes and interfaces:
• All the interfaces you require for making a Graph. In particular, the
IGraph interface includes comments describing all of the methods that
a graph implementation should contain (these are in the graph.core
• An implementation of a Linked List, which you will need within your
implementation (this is in the graph.util package and is named
DLinkedList). You should not use built-in Java data structures for this
• An example of a Graph implementation: EdgeListGraph. You should
study this file carefully, as the other implementations have some similar
characteristics (this is in the graph.impl package).
• A program called EdgeListTest that shows some examples of code
that can test some of the methods in the graph implementation (this is in
the default package).
You are required to:
1. Implement an Adjacency List graph (in a file called
2. Implement an Adjacency Matrix graph (in a file called
In each case, you should also create a new testing class similar to
EdgeListTest to check that your implementation is correct. Note: The
program I have provided does not test all of the methods in the graph
implementation. You should add some more tests to check other methods (e.g.
removing the vertex HNL should mean that the number of incident edges on
LAX to decrease by one).
This is an individual programming assignment. Therefore, all code
must be written by yourself. Assignment 1 contained some advice about
avoiding plagiarism in programming assignments.
• All code should be well-formatted and well-commented to describe what
it is trying to do.
• Submit a single zip file to Brightspace, with the following contents:
o The AdjacencyListGraph, AdjacencyMatrixGraph,
AdjacencyListTest and AdjacencyMatrixTest classes.
o If your testing code imports some other graphs from a text file,
this text file may be included also. Do not include any extra Java
Assignment 2 Grading Rubric
This document shows the grading guidelines for Assignment 2 (Implementation of
Adjacency List and Adjacency Matrix Graphs). Below are the main criteria that will be
applied for the major grades (A, B, C, etc.). Other aspects will also be taken into account
to decide minor grades (i.e. the difference between B+, B, B-, etc.), including:
- Readability and organisation of code (including use of appropriate functions,
variable names, helpful comments, etc.).
- Quality of solution (including code efficiency, minor bugs, etc.).
Passing Grades
D Grade
Good implementation of an Adjacency List Graph or Adjacency Matrix Graph, plus some
basic testing.
A “good” implementation is one where all the key methods work correctly in the vast
majority of cases (i.e. some occasional bugs will be tolerated) and the code follows the
right implementation strategy in most cases. Testing should not be simply to copy the
sample tests for the Edge List graph; more tests must be added.
C Grade
Good implementation of an Adjacency List and Adjacency Matrix, plus some basic testing
of both; OR
Good implementation of an Adjacency List or an Adjacency Matrix, plus comprehensive
testing of the graph in question.
“Comprehensive'” testing should make sure that the different operations of the graph(s) are
all tested (e.g. adding and removing vertices and edges, checking that correct vertices are
adjacent or not, incident edges are correct, etc.). It should also check that the
consequences of these operations are correct (e.g. removing a vertex removes its incident
edges also, removing an edge means that its end vertices are no longer adjacent, etc.).
The testing code should automatically detect whether a problem has occurred and can
inform the user.
B Grade
Excellent implementation of an Adjacency List Graph or an Adjacency Matrix Graph, plus
a good implementation of the other graph type, plus comprehensive testing of both graph
An “excellent'” implementation is one that always follows the correct implementation
strategy, is written in well-organised and well-documented code and is almost entirely free
of bugs.
A Grade
Excellent implementation of an Adjacency List Graph and an Adjacency Matrix Graph, plus
comprehensive testing of both graph types.
Failing Grades
ABS/NM Grade
No submission received/no relevant work attempted.
G Grade
Code does not compile; OR
Little or no evidence of meaningful work attempted.
F Grade
Some evidence of work attempted, but few (if any) methods operate in the correct manner.
E Grade
Adjacency List and/or Adjacency Matrix Graph have been attempted, but there are too
many implementation errors for the implementation to be useful in practice; OR Adjacency
List and/or Adjacency Matrix Graph have been attempted, but the methods generally do
not follow the correct strategy.
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