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日期:2023-05-06 09:33

Summative Security Coursework

Last Modified: January 12, 2023

1 Introduction

In this coursework you will be reviewing the security of a server belonging to a new startup company. The server

hosts the company’s successful shop “durhamazon.com” (not a real website) that sells a range of products. It

also contains a suite of proprietary tools, a database, and several employee user accounts. Some of the employees

have been acting strangely recently. You’ve been hired to evaluate the security of the machine. It is important

to make sure that the server is fully secured, including all services that are running, and ensure that no sensitive

or confidential information can be leaked. You will be given a virtual machine image of the company server.

Your job is to i) identify security vulnerabilities that are present, ii) explain how the vulnerabilities may be

exploited, and iii) explain how to remove the vulnerability.

The report

This table is how you should structure your report, and the example will also help you gain access to the server:

Vulnerability Exploit / Problem Mitigation

1) There is a user account called

‘user’ which has a weak password

which is ‘password’.

Someone could guess the password ‘password’ and gain access

to the server.

The vulnerability can be secured

by selecting an appropriately secured password, for example random mixed case letters, numbers,

and symbols.


You should submit a single PDF document with a table consisting of a maximum of 3 pages. This will

therefore need to include short concise discussions for each vulnerability. If you wish, although not required,

you may submit up to 3 additional pages of numbered screenshots or diagrams (with no detailed text) that may

be referenced in the table. Do not submit any modified virtual machine image as this is not required.

2 Marking

There are over 25 vulnerabilities present on the machine. Most of the vulnerabilities are worth up to 5

marks each but there are a small number of very easy vulnerabilities that are only worth 3 marks. Duplicate

vulnerabilities in the table won’t be awarded any extra marks. Each vulnerability is marked as follows:

1. Identify the vulnerability: 1 mark

2. Concisely explain or write a step-by-step guide to exploit the vulnerability: 1-2 marks

3. Concisely explain or write a step-by-step guide to remove the vulnerability: 1-2 marks

Solve the Mystery

Some of the employees have been acting strangely recently. In a maximum of six sentences, explain what is going

on. Can you prevent a crime? Can you offer any relationship advice, or information to Durham Constabulary?

You don’t need to explain how you arrived at your conclusions. Solving this correctly is worth 8 marks.

In summary, you can receive up to a maximum of 90 marks for correctly identifying and handling the

vulnerabilities, where a further 2 marks are available for the conciseness, clarity and unambiguity of the writing

in your table (short and direct answers are best, don’t try to write too much per table cell, if it’s correct and not

ambiguous you get 2 marks), and lastly 8 marks are available for solving the mystery (you will be deducted

marks if you write more than 6 sentences for this part).


3 Submission deadline

The coursework is due on 4th May 2023 at 14:00 as a single .PDF submitted by Ultra.

4 Setup

You will be provided with a VirtualBox machine image. You should download and install VirtualBox on your

computer. There are lots of guides for installing VirtualBox, just search online for how to install for your

operating system. The machine image contains a Linux server that runs a number of services. To install the

image provided, double click on it once you’ve installed VirtualBox, or you can click ‘File > Import Appliance’

from inside VirtualBox. You’ll probably want to keep this image file as you may need to re-install later if you

break the installed image.

Due to the file size, you may have a problem with a corrupted download. If you think you might have a

corrupted download check the MD5 hash which should be: cff9eaee510474bbda9c78ba7d5d2cb9 If you have a

slow internet connection, download the image to a USB stick from the university network. The virtual machine

image is lightweight (on purpose) and may be out of date. You will not be awarded marks for stating that you

can update the system to mitigate a vulnerability.

Common issues: (1) If you experience a ‘kernel panic’ or crash at startup, you likely don’t have ‘hardware

virtualization’ enabled. Reboot your computer/laptop, enter the BIOS, and find the hardware virtualization

setting and enable it, then restart. (2) If the Durhamazon shop doesn’t work, it probably means your host

machine isn’t connected to the internet. (3) You do not need to use Kali Linux (or equivilent) to get 100%

and mitigate every vulnerability. If you want to transfer files to-and-from the server easily, without the hassle

of setting up the network adapters correctly, consider simply using: www.file.io or uguu.se. (4) If the display

is too large or too small, right click the VM in VirtualBox then go to ‘Display’ and change the ‘Scale Factor’


5 Anti-collusion

This assignment is to be worked on independently. All reports will be checked for collusion using a custom-built

Python script, in addition to Turnitin. The collusion detection script runs through each PDF extracting features

with a deep language model, then it creates a large tensor of these features between all pairs of students. This

is carefully embedded giving a distance matrix. Students who work together in pairs or in groups light up like a

Christmas tree in this matrix, even if they have swapped synonyms/rephrased and reordered the table. Pairs or

groups of students with significant similarities will be carefully investigated. In the past few years, these scripts

have caught out several students who have been working together. In all cases, evidence highlighted from the

scripts and by manual investigation has been provided to a departmental panel and the offending students have

been found guilty and marked 0. So please don’t consider collision here, it’s not worth the risk.

6 No redistribution policy

Due to the nature of this assignment and the amount of work that goes into preparing the VMs, you are not

permitted to post or share your solutions in the future.

7 Remarks

There are a number of files placed around the system that are hints for identifying a vulnerability. Use whatever

third-party tools you like. Every vulnerability in the server has been/will be discussed at some point during

one of the lectures. I hope you enjoy the coursework.


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