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Sampling Signals with Finite Rate of Innovation with an

Application to Image Super-Resolution

Communications and Signal Processing Group

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Imperial College London

The coursework consists of a Python Miniproject. It counts 25% of the ffnal mark. Students

should produce a written ffnal report along with code which is to be submitted separately. We

expect the code to be neatly written and well documented.

1 Submission details and Guidelines

The deliverable for this course consists of two parts:

• The ffnal written report must be submitted through blackboard by the deadline indicated

on the module page

• The code submission, consisting of a single python script called submission.py, must be

submitted to a separate submission page on blackboard. A blank submission.py already

exists in the project folder.

• The project ffles including skeleton code and data can be found on blackboard.

1.1 Report submission

The report should give full answers to each question including plots and derivations, however,

details of code implementation should be conffned to the code submission and not the report.

1.2 Code submission

Code submissions for this coursework must be written in Python. Python has been chosen over

MATLAB since it has more widespread use outside of academic circles. Furthermore, it is free

to use without a license.

Code should be clear and well documented. In cases where code produces the wrong result

and is also convoluted or hard to understand, no marks will be given.

1.2.1 Allowed Python modules

Python scripts must utilise only the following modules:

1. PyWavelets for generating wavelets

2. numpy for general matrix and vector manipulation

3. matplotlib for plotting

1The following libraries will also be used by the image registration skeleton code:

• Pillow

• scipy

• scikit-image

1.2.2 Submission format

Each question that requires a code submission will specify a prototype of a function (i.e. the

name, inputs, and outputs) that will be required to answer the question. For each input and

output the type will also be given. For example:

name dummy_exercise

arg1 1D Array of signal samples : numpy.ndarray

arg2 Sample rate : float

output 1D array of innovation times : numpy.ndarray

Functions that do not adhere to these prototypes will lose a portion of the marks allocated

for code correctness.

In total, the code submission for this coursework should consist of a single python script

called ‘submission.py’ containing function deffnitions for each of the requested functions.

1.2.3 Project ffles contents

The supplied project folder contains a number of ffles listed here for reference:

1. submission.py - The empty python script to be fflled with requested functions

2. data.py - Python module that contains some data required for the exercises

3. image fusion.py - Python module containing functions and variables needed for the ffnal

exercise on super resolution

4. Pipffle and Pipffle.lock - Pipenv ffles. These can be used for setting a python environment

with all the appropriate modules installed. See Pipenv for more details.

5. project ffles & data - Folder containing data for the project. It is not necessary to

access this folder manually.

A Python “pipenv” is provided in the project repo should students wish to use them. Use

of any of this helper tool is not required but provided for the convenience of students.

1.2.4 Supplementary code

Any code not explicitly asked for in the code submission may be placed in an appendix of the

main report if it is a useful aid to understanding your report. You should avoid placing all your

code in the appendices.

22 Preliminaries

The classic sampling theorem states that any bandlimited function x(t) such that X(ω) = 0 ∀

|ω| > ωmax can be exactly recovered from its samples given that the rate 2π/T is greater or

equal to twice the highest frequency component. The continuous time signal is recovered with

x(t) =



y[n]sinc(t/T − n) where sinc(t) = sin(πt)/πt and y[n] = x(nT). A fun extension

of this theorem has recently been developed, where it is made possible to sample signals that

are not bandlimited but completely determined by a ffnite number of parameters. Such signals

are called Finite Rate of Innovation (FRI) signals. In particular, it is made possible to sample

and exactly recover streams of Diracs, differentiated Diracs and piecewise polynomials using a

smoothing kernel φ(t) that satisffes the Strang-Fix conditions. In this case, the samples are

given by y[n] = ⟨x(t), φ(t − n)⟩. The main aim of this project is to make the student familiar

with these recently developed sampling theorems. Notice that this project refers mainly to

Chapter 5 of the lecture notes.

33 Strang-Fix conditions

One of the main conditions on the sampling kernel φ(t) is that it should be able to reproduce

polynomials. Therefore, there exist coefffcients cm,n such that



cm,nφ(t − n) = t

m m = 0, 1, . . . , N. (1)

In our context, we assume that {φ(t − n)}n∈Z spans a Riesz space. Therefore there exists a

dual-basis {φ˜(t − n)}n∈Z that satisffes ⟨φ(t), φ˜(t − n)⟩ = δ0. The coefffcients cm,n can thus be

found by applying the inner product with the dual-basis φ˜(t − n) on both sides of equation (1).

It results that cm,n = ⟨t

m, φ˜(t−n)⟩. Notice that a scaling function that generates wavelets with

N + 1 vanishing moments is able to reproduce polynomials of degree N. It can therefore be

used in our case as a sampling kernel.

Exercise 1. The Daubechies scaling function

a. Which Daubechies scaling function should be used in order to reproduce polynomials of maximum

degree 3?

b. Write a function that calculates coefffcients to reproduce polynomials of degree 0 to 3:

name get_cmn_db

arg1 shift number : Int

arg2 polynomial order : Int

output coefficient : float

c. Compute the coefffcients to reproduce polynomials of degree 0 to 3 for n = 0, . . . , 32−L where

L is the support of the kernel. Plot the results with the shifted kernels and the reproduced

polynomials as in Figure 5.2 of the lecture notes.


• Choose the right Daubechies scaling function. For example, assume it is ‘dB2’.

• To generate the φ(t) with a resolution



J =



, do as follows:

> import pywt

> db2 = pywt.Wavelet(’db2’)

> phi, psi, x = db2.wavefun(level=6)

> phi = np.pad(phi,(0,1984))

• The array phi is in fact a 6-iteration approximation of φ(t) padded with zeros to a length

of 2048. The shifted version φ(t − nT) where T = 1 is obtained by shifting phi by 64n

points. To do this you can either reassign with index slices or by using np.roll, though be

aware that this rotates the array like circshift in MATLAB, not simply shifting it.

• Note that a period of T = 1 is equivalent to 64 indices due to the chosen resolution.

4Exercise 2. The B-Spline scaling function

a. Which B-Spline scaling function should be used in order to reproduce polynomials of maximum

degree 3?

b. Find the dual-basis of the scaling function and write a function that calculates coefffcients to

reproduce polynomials of degree 0 to 3:

name get_cmn_bspline

arg1 shift number : Int

arg2 polynomial order : Int

output coefficient : float

c. Compute the coefffcients to reproduce polynomials of degree 0 to 3 for n = 0, . . . , 32−L where

L is the support of the kernel. Plot the results with the shifted kernels and the reproduced

polynomials as in the previous exercise.


• Use the Daubechies formula for spectral factorization in order to ffnd the dual-basis.

4 The annihilating fflter method

Assume we observe a discrete signal τ [m] of the form τ [m] =






and assume we want to

retrieve the locations tk and the weights ak. One efffcient way of determining these parameters

is through the annihilating fflter. Consider the discrete fflter h[m] given by z-transform

H(z) =




(1 − tkz


). (2)

Clearly, the convolution between h and τ will result in a zero output as the tks are the roots of

the fflter (for more details, we refer to Section 5.2.1 of the lecture notes). Therefore h is called

annihilating fflter of τ . In practice, the fflter can be found by posing h[0] = 1 and solving the

following system of equations

The knowledge of the fflter is sufffcient to determine the tks as they are the roots of the polynomial

in (2). The weights ak can be determined using K samples of τ [m]. These form a classic

Vandermonde system

which has unique solution given that the tks are distinct.

5Exercise 3. The annihilating filter

a. Write a function that finds the annihilating filter h[m] for a given set of signal moments

τ [m]:

name annihilating_filter

arg1 1D array of signal moments : np.ndarray

arg2 filter order, K : Int

output annihilating filter, h[m] : np.ndarray

You may assume that there are always at least 2K signal moments

b. Write a function that determines the innovation parameters ak and tk for k = 1, . . . , K from

the annihilating filter generated by the function in part (a):

name innovation_params

arg1 annihilating filter, h[m] : np.ndarray

arg2 filter order, K : Int

output 2D array, a_k along first row, t_k along second row : np.ndarray

c. Apply your functions to the signal moments, τ [m], provided in the project folder. Retrieve

the locations tk and the amplitudes ak. Remark: we have set K = 2. You can load moments

as a numpy array from the data module using data.tau.

5 Sampling Diracs

All the necessary pieces for implementing an end-to-end algorithm capable of recovering sampled

streams of Diracs have been written. Indeed, consider a signal of type x(t) = PK−1

k=0 akδ(t−tk).

Then the locations tk and the amplitudes ak can be recovered from the samples by applying

the annihilating filter method to

where the last equality derives from the fact that x(t) is a stream of Diracs and R ∞

−∞ f(t)δ(t −

tk)dt = f(tk).

Exercise 4. Sampling Diracs

a. Create a stream of Diracs where K = 2. Filter the Diracs with an appropriate Daubechies

scaling function, then sample the resulting signal. For the scaling function, using a sampling

period of T = 1. Plot the resulting samples.

b. Reconstruct the continuous time Diracs from the samples. Compare this result with the

ground truth.

6Exercise 5. Reconstruction

We have sampled a stream of Diracs (K = 2, T = 1) with a ‘db4’ Daubechies scaling function.

The observed samples are available from the data module as data.samples.

a. Use the reconstruction algorithm from the previous question to exactly recover the locations

and the amplitudes of all the Diracs.

6 Reconstruction in the presence of noise

The methods developed so far are not resilient to noise, so we want to use total-least squares

and the Cadzow routine to make them more resilient to noise.

Exercise 6. Sampling in noise

a. Using the routine you developed in Exercise 4, create a stream of Diracs where K = 2. Sample

the signal with an appropriate Daubechies scaling function that can reproduce polynomial up

to degree N − 1 and N > 2K using a sampling period of T = 1. Compute the moments

s[m] = P


cm,ny[n] with m = 0, 1, .., N − 1 and N > 2K. Add zero-mean Gaussian noise

to the moments s[m] leading to sˆ[m] = s[m] + ϵ[m]. Use the command np.random.randn to

generate Gaussian noise. Choose different values for the variance σ




• To generate zero-mean Gaussian noise you can use the numpy randn function:

> import numpy as np

> noise = np.random.randn(N)

where N is the number of samples of noise

Exercise 7. Reconstruction in noise

1. Write a function that performs reconstruction on a set of signal moments using TLS


name tls

arg1 1D array of signal moments : np.ndarray

arg2 Number of Diracs, K : Int

output Dirac times and magnitudes : np.ndarray * np.ndarray

2. Write a function that performs reconstruction on a set of signal moments using Cadzow


name cadzow

arg1 1D array of signal moments : np.ndarray

arg2 Number of Diracs, K : Int

arg3 Number of iterations : Int

output Dirac times and magnitudes : np.ndarray * np.ndarray

3. Given the noisy moments generated in the previous exercise, use the TLS and Cadzow

methods to retrieve the original two Diracs. Compare and contrast your results. Try

different values of N.

77 Application: image super-resolution

You have just implemented a new sampling algorithm capable of perfectly recovering certain

classes of signals that have been sampled with a rate below the Nyquist rate. This new scheme

has a wide variety of applications ranging from wideband communications to image superresolution.

It is this last application that we are now asking you to implement.

Suppose that we have access to N low-resolution cameras that are all pointing to the same

fixed scene. The positions of each camera is unknown. The goal of image super-resolution is

to generate a single high-resolution image, called the super-resolved image, by fusing the set of

low-resolution images acquired by these cameras. The super-resolved image (SR) has therefore

more pixels than any of the low-resolution image (LR), but more importantly, it has also more

details (i.e. it is not a simple interpolation). This is made possible because each camera observes

the scene from a different viewpoint.

Image super-resolution can usually be decomposed into two main steps (see Figure 1):

1. Image registration: the geometric transformations between the LR images are estimated

so that they can be overlaid accurately.

2. Image fusion and restoration: the data from each LR image is fused on a single highresolution

grid and missing data is estimated. Restoration finally enhances the resulting

image by removing any blur and noise.

In the next exercise, you are asked to write in Matlab the image registration function of an

image super-resolution algorithm. The approach used to register the LR images is based on

the notion of continuous moments and is explained next. The fusion/restoration step is already

written for you.

Suppose that the i-th camera observes the scene:

fi (x, y) = f1 (x + dxi

, y + dyi) i = 1, . . . , N,

where f1 (x, y) is the scene observed by the first camera taken as the reference. We therefore

have (dx1, dy1)

T = (0, 0)T

. We have implicitly assumed here that the geometric transformations

between the views are 2-D translations. At each camera, the point spread function φ (x, y) of

the lens is modeled by a 2-D cubic B-spline and blurs the observed scene fi (x, y) (see Figure

2). B-splines are functions with compact support and satisfy Strang-Fix conditions. Therefore,

similarly to Equation (1), there exists a set of coefficients n

The blurred scene fi (x, y) ∗φ (−x, −y) is then uniformly sampled by the CCD array which acts

as an analog to discrete converter. The output discrete image of the i-th camera has then the

samples S





m,n = ⟨fi (x, y), φ (x − m, y − n)⟩

By using a similar development as written in Section 5, it can be shown that:

mp,q =

Z Z f (x, y) x

m,n Sm,n (4)

Equation (3) is the definition of the geometric moments mp,q of order (p + q), p, q ∈ N, of a

2-D continuous function f (x, y). Equation (4) shows that it is possible to retrieve the exact

8moments of the observed continuous scene from its blurred and sampled version by computing

a linear combination with the proper coefficients. Knowing those moments, we can compute

the barycenter of f (x, y):

can be retrieved from the difference between

the barycenter of f1 and the barycenter of fi

Exercise 8. Image super-resolution

In this exercise, you have access to N = 40 low-resolution color images of 64x64 pixels. The goal

is to generate a super-resolved color image of 512x512 pixels. The images observe the same scene

and have been taken from different viewpoints. We assume that the geometric transformations

between the views are 2-D translations.

a. Write a function that registers each image with respect to the first image. This function

should return the estimated shift of each image:

name get_barycenters

output barycenters_x and barycenters_y relative : np.ndarray * np.ndarray

to first low resolution image

Note: the function has no arguments. barycenterx[k, l] should be the barycenter in the x axis

for the lth layer of the kth low resolution image relative to the 1st low resolution image. Thus

barycenterx[0, l] = 0. As stated in the guidelines, you should threshold each low resolution

image with an appropriate threshold to increase SNR (use pywt.threshold with mode=’hard’).

You can see the results of your registration by running image fusion.superres(get barycenters)

b. What is the correct threshold for pixel values and how did you determine this? Use a principled

way of determining the correct threshold.

What is the PSNR achieved with your implementation?

c. Can you pre/postprocess the data to achieve a higher PSNR? You must submit the original

implementation of get barycenters but you can discuss any improvement you

make in the written report

Guidelines and tips:

1. The main python module is image fusion.py. This module handles loading relevant data,

image fusion, and plotting. You can edit this file if you want but all submissions will be

tested against the original.

2. Functions written in your submission script can use variables and methods from image -

fusion.py by accessing them with the following convention image fusion.x where x is a

variable in image fusion or image fusion.f() where f is a function in image fusion

3. The variables and functions from image fusion of interest to you are:

9name Purpose

n sensors Number of low resolution images

n layers Number of layers per image (RGB)

lr ims Low resolution images in a list, each image has the layer axis


hr ref im High resolution reference image, layer axis last

lr size Width/height of low resolution images

hr size Width/height of high resolution reference image and target


coeff 0 0 Three matrices of size 64x64: You will use these to

compute the continuous moments from the samples of your

LR images. Coef 0 0 is used to compute the continuous

moment m0,0, Coef 1 0 is for m1,0 and Coef 0 1 is for m0,1.

coeff 0 1

coeff 1 0

superres(get barycenters)


function that performs image fusion. To test your

barycenter finding function, pass it to superres and superres

will generate the corresponding reconstruction and plot it.

The PSNR and the super resolved image are returned from

this function.

These can be accessed using dot notation. For example, if you want to use the superres

function you can call it like so: image fusion.superres(get barycenters)

4. Consider first the Red layer of each LR images, compute the continuous moments and find

the 2-D translations. Then only, consider the Green layer, and then the Blue one. For

each LR image, you should then have retrieved three similar 2-D translations.

5. In order to reduce the noise created by the background of the image and get accurate

moments, it is required that you select a threshold for each layer and set to 0 all the

samples that are below it.

6. All images are scaled such that sample values are between 0.0 and 1.0




Set of low-resolution images Image Registration HR grid estimation

LR image 0


LR image k

Figure 1: Image super-resolution principles



fi(x, y) T m,n

φ(x, y)

(a) Acquisition model. (b) 2-D B-spline φ (x, y).

Figure 2: Model for each of the N cameras.


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