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日期:2024-06-25 12:23

EE1102 AY2324 Special Sem

Quantum Physics Assignment

Assignment: Connection between quantum physics and modern technology

The  goal  of this  assignment  is  to  explore  the  importance  of  quantum  physics  in  everyday technology and emerging technologies.

You are tasked to write a paper where you choose one specific topic in quantum physics, and one specific topic in modern technology, and explore the connection between them.

Regarding the topic in quantum physics: You are recommended to choose a subject that we cover in our syllabus. Some examples are the wave nature of the electron, the particle nature of light, Compton scattering, blackbody radiation, quantization of energy in atoms, Schrodinger equation.

Regarding the topic in modern technology: Examples include the internet, global positioning system (GPS), X-ray generation, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), quantum computing.

More details on the requirements of the paper:

1.   Recommended minimum of 5 pages

2.   In  preparing  your  paper,  you  are  expected  to  consult  authoritative  references  (peer- reviewed journal articles, textbooks, white papers etc.) and cite them in your bibliography. A very useful resource is Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/) as well as the NTU Library.

3.   Times  New  Roman,  font  size  12,  single-spaced,  1  inch  margins  on  all  sides.  Other formatting     details     should      adhere     to     the     IEEE      editorial     style.     manual



4.   Any use of figures or diagrams that do not belong to you, or that were not created by you, must be properly credited.

5.   Indicate your full name (as it appears on your student ID), your matriculation number, and your tutorial group at the start of your paper.

6.   Submit your paper in pdf form electronically on NTULearn (TEL website) before the deadline of 19 July 2024, 23:59. You are also required to submit a TurnItIn originality report, without which your submission cannot be considered.

7.   We  will  pursue  additional  procedures  to  detect  plagiarism  and  use  of  software  like ChatGPT to create portions of the paper. Any detected instance will be immediately referred to the university for disciplinary action.

An overview of the grading rubrics is as follows (total 100 marks):

1.   Understanding of quantum physics concepts (20 marks)

2.   Understanding of modern technology (20 marks)

3.   Connection between quantum physics and technology (20 marks)

4.   Depth of research and analysis (30 marks)

5.   Clarity and organization (10 marks)

Recommended sections of the paper:

1.   Introduction

2.   Chosen Modern Technology and Its Applications

3.   Quantum Physics Principles behind the Chosen Technology

4.   Future prospects of Chosen Technology and chosen Quantum Physics Principles

5.   Conclusions.

6.   Bibliography

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