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日期:2024-06-18 06:37

Customer Engineer Technical Assessment

To be completed within 72 hours

Assessment 1: Setting up Google Tag Manager

Goal of assessment:

Extract data from a URL containing key-value query string parameters and display this data on a page

Example URL:

yourwebsite.github.io?key1=name&[email protected]


        1. Create a free test page on Github - https://pages.github.com/

        2. Create a Google Tag Manager account - https://tagmanager.google.com

        3. Deploy Google Tag Manager onto your Github page

        4. Within Google Tag Manager

                a. Create logic that can store key1 and key2 values from the URL

        5. On your Github page, display the key1 and key2 values

        6. Send link to Github page + screenshots of google tag manager configurations to [email protected] 

Assessment 2: Javascript. tag implementation

Goal of assessment:

Extract data from a landing page URL and pass this data through to a Javascript. Tag


1. Building upon logic implemented in Assessment 1, deploy the Javascript. code below, passing through the key1 and key2 values into the following parameters

a. customerid

b. customeremail

2. Share link to Github page + screenshots of google tag manager configurations to [email protected]  

<script. type="text/javascript"> (function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g){e['ire_o']=c;e[c]=e[c]||function(){(e[c].a=e[c].a||[]).push(arguments)};f=d.createElement(b);g=d.getElementsByTagName(b)[0];f.async=1;f.src=a;g.parentNode.insertBefore(f,g);})('https://utt.impactcdn.com/A2788006-de3d-4011-a57c-c4737e79de0365535.js','script','ire',document,window); ire('identify', {customerid: '' /*INSERT key1*/, customeremail: '' /*INSERT key2*/}); </script>


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