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日期:2024-06-11 04:40

OHSS7000 Semester 1, 2024 End of Semester Problem Set

All three (3) questions are to be answered in respect to the below “case study”.

The purpose of this assessment item is to replicate a “real world” scenario and see how you can apply your understanding of the content of this course.

For all questions there is no single “correct” answer, all answers MUST be in your own words, and you do not need to provide references (except for legislative references in Question 2).

I do not expect you to fully understand the “industry” the case study is addressing, but there are some background documents on Blackboard in the take home problem set folder, and there is plenty of material on the internet to provide sufficient background.

Case Study:

Your 12-year-old son has recently been offered a position as a dancer in the Australian Youth Ballet Company for their upcoming production of The Magic Faraway Tree. The company is a community not-for-profit organisation that employs two professional staff who are responsible for the artistic aspects of the production (choreographing, teaching and staging). All other required work activities are undertaken by volunteers, primarily the dancers and the parents of dancers.

There are 90 dancers in the company with ages ranging from 7 to 17 years and they rehearse the ballet over a 14-day period, dancing 5 – 7 hours each day. The majority of the rehearsals are conducted at a local ballet studio, but on the last day of rehearsals they move to the theatre. The performances are held at a professional theatre, with three performances per day for two days. On performance days the dancers are at the theatre for 12 hours.

Parents are required to build the sets and sew the costumes, with these activities being overseen by a volunteer production manager. There are over 300 costumes to be made, and extensive sets, including both “hard sets” (made of wood) and hanging canvas backdrops. The accompanying videos (in the Blackboard folder) provide footage of the set construction and the final product.

The company manager (who is also a volunteer) has heard that you have undertaken a university course in occupational health and safety so has asked you for some advice to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved in the production.

Question 1 – OHS Priority Hazards:

You are thinking that there are probably lots of hazards, but you need to identify the 10 (ten) priority hazards that will need to be managed. For maximum marks include a broad and diverse range of hazards, including reference to:

a. Creation of the sets and costumes

b. Rehearsal of the production in the studio

c. “Bumping” into the theatre (this is when the sets are installed on stage)

d. Theatre rehearsals and performances [20 marks]

Brief description of hazard

Details of its particular relevance to this case study

(50+ words for each hazard)

List controls that will need to be implemented if the hazard is going to be managed appropriately. (50+ words for each hazard)











Question 2 – WHS Legislation:

There will be a range of legislative compliance requirements. With reference to Queensland Work Health and Safety REGULATIONS 2011, identify 10 (ten) sections of the legislation that are relevant to this case study. For maximum marks include a broad and diverse range of legislative references (ie. do not provide 2 sections on the same topic) [10 marks]

Section Title and Number

Details of its particular relevance to this case study (aim for 50+ words for each section)











Question 3 – Hazardous Chemical Management:

In one of the scenes, the director wants all the dancers to have coloured shoes, but ballet shoes are only available in pale pink so the shoes will need to be painted. You have looked online and identified three products that looks suitable (the SDS for each product is in the Blackboard folder):

1. Design Master Colortool Spray

2. Waproo Sprayon

3. Liquitex Professional Spray Paint

Select which product you believe will be the safest option, and explain why? [50-100 words]: [4 marks]

Safe Work Procedure/Guidance on Use: As you anticipate getting the parents to help with the painting you need to develop a simple and straightforward “safe working procedure” that tells them how to safely use your selected spray paint product to ensure their health and safety. Describe the key safety requirements that would be included in the procedure. [50-100 words]: [4 marks]

Additional items required for safe use: You also need to identify any additional items that will need to be purchased to ensure the safe use of the spray paint product. List the items below. [2 marks]

Question 4 – Induction:

You have been asked to provide some safety information for the dancers. You need to consider which issues are most relevant to the dancers and develop ten rules/guides for them (for example: always bring a water bottle to rehearsals). [10 marks]


Brief explanation of why the rule is important


Always bring a water bottle to rehearsals

Dancers will be sweating doing physically demanding dancing so will need to keep their fluids up to avoid dehydration.











Generative AI [it is mandatory to complete this section]

Did you use Generative AI tools (including tools such as Grammarly) in either the process or the final submission for this assessment item?


No further action required


State how you used AI and write a 50-word statement on your thoughts on the benefits and limitations in respect of AI for this assessment piece:

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