Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
49002 Managing Projects – Autumn 2024
Group Assignment
You will work in groups of preferably 5 people to develop a detailed project management plan for the construction of an engineering project. Your plan should include (but not be limited to):
. Project Charter
. Stakeholder and communications management plan
. Scope management plan
. List of Activities
. Risk management plan
. Network diagram
. Resource plan
. Detailed financial estimates, etc
The deliverables of this assignment are:
. Group based: Team Charter document
. Group based: 5 interim deliverables as stated below.
. Individual based: Project Health check.
. Submitted by the group but marked individually: A Project Plan Report due in the final assessment period
We have provided a house building case study. With the written approval of your tutor and the subject co-ordinator, your group may choose a project of a similar size instead of the house project. The project needs to be the same for all members in your group and should not change during the semester.
The assignment assesses learning objectives 1 and 2 (See Subject Outline).
Method of Submission
Through CANVAS in PDF format.
The breakdown of marks is covered in the subject outline.
Due Dates – Group
Team charter: |
Noon, Monday 11 March |
Deliverable 1: |
Noon, Tuesday 19 March |
Deliverable 2: |
Noon, Tuesday 26 March |
Deliverable 3: |
Noon, Tuesday 9 April |
Deliverable 4: |
Noon, Tuesday 23 April |
Deliverable 5: |
Noon, Tuesday 7 May |
Due Date – Individual
Project Health check Noon, Tuesday 26 March
Due Date – Group report marked as Individual contributions
Noon, Monday 27 May
Interim Sections – content
The purpose of the interim deliverables is for groups to get feedback to improve their final report. Note that each interim deliverable constitutes an element of a “live document”. This means that the contents will be evolving, get amended and updated until the preparation of the final report. The feedback should be used in your preparation of the final report.
In order to maintain diligence and keep track of your group’s evolving work, or to be able to revert to earlier work, a version control system should be put in place by your group. The version control system should be included in each of your submitted deliverables.
The six interim deliverables are:
. Deliverable 1:
Templates will be provided for the various sections:
Project charter including MOV
Stakeholder list
Communications plan
Task list (partially completed)
. Deliverable 2:
Templates will be provided for the sections:
Risks associated with the project
Updated Task list
. Deliverable 3:
Templates will be provided for the sections:
Pert / Network display diagram
Updated Task list
. Deliverable 4:
Templates will be provided for the sections:
Activity on Node diagram / Gantt chart
Updated Task list
. Deliverable 5:
Templates will be provided for the sections:
Resources and Cost
Updated Task list
The contents of each weekly deliverable should include:
. Deliverable name, Document version, and group number (e.g. header or footer).
. Table of contents
. Page numbers
. List of students in the group
. Correct (Australian) spelling
. Any references used
Final Report
A detailed marking rubric will be provided in the form. of a spreadsheet. This must be completed and submitted to Canvas so that we can reconcile the work to the student taking responsibility for it.
At a minimum the final report should cover the items listed in the rubric.
You are expected to base your final report on the templates provided. Many organisations provide templates for use, for example for tender documents. It makes comparison (or in this case marking) of reports more streamlined.
General Notes
. Many sections in the final reports are expansions of the interim deliverables. Use the
feedback received for your interim deliverables to improve the quality of your final report. We will check if you have taken feedback into account.
. Document all revisions and changes
49002 Managing Projects Subject Outline, Autumn 2024
APA Referencing Guide: https://www.lib.uts.edu.au/referencing/apa
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