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日期:2024-05-26 08:37

ACCT3001 Accounting, Behaviour and Control

Portfolio and Presentation Requirements

Trimester 1A, 2024

Portfolio Assessment

The Portfolio is an individual assessment.

Students are to work on the portfolio individually. This Portfolio assessment is worth 35% of your mark in this unit. It comprises of two parts, namely the Written Report (20%) and a Video Presentation (15%).

The written report and presentation are due at 1pmAWST on Friday, 24 May 2024. Failure to submit through Blackboard by the due date/time will automatically incur a penalty. Extensions to the written submission due date will only be considered by the Unit Co-Coordinators (Dr. Yuni Yuningsih) and will be granted only in extreme circumstances. Applications for extensions must be accompanied by supporting evidence.

Written Report

Written report must be submitted through Turnitin within the Assessment tab in Blackboard. Ensure that you read the marking rubric on Blackboard to ensure that you understand the expectations of the assessment.

The work you submit must be your own. Significant penalties are imposed where assignments are found to be plagiarised. More information on plagiarism and academic misconduct can be found on this webpage:


The Written Report is worth 20% of your mark in this unit and should not exceed 4 pages. The Written Report submission is to contain:

.    A word-processed document that is spell- and grammar- checked that is no longer than FOUR (4) A4

pages (excluding cover page, table of contents and reference list).

The report should meet the following requirements:

font type of Times New Roman, font size 12, double spaced with 3cm margins. For work submitted that is more than 4 pages and do not meet the above requirements, marks will only be awarded up until the equivalent of 4 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12 and 3cm margins all around.

.    Completed Portfolio Cover Page attached to the front of the portfolio (available in the Assessments folder on Blackboard);

.    Students should use the Chicago referencing style. when preparing the assignments. More information

can be found on this style. from the Library web site:

o http://libguides.library.curtin.edu.au/referencing/chicago

.     DO NOT submit marking rubrics, an executive summary, or a covering letter; please refer to page 4 for information regarding the structure of the report.

Video Presentation

The Presentation is an individual assessment. This assessment is worth 15% of your mark in this unit. The time limit for the presentation is 6 minutes. Ensure that you read the marking rubric on Blackboard to ensure that you understand the expectations of the assessment.

You are required to submit a video presentation where your slides AND a video capture of you presenting can be seen for the entire duration of the recording (see below screen capture). FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN A ZERO MARK FOR THE VIDEO PRESENTATION.


The Presentation must be submitted through the Assessment tab in Blackboard. You will need to complete the Student Declaration Statement before the Presentation Submission Link will be available. Further

information is available on the Assessments tab in Blackboard on how to record, upload and submit the video of your presentation.

Please note the following:

.    You MUST use Echo360 to record your video presentation. Please see the “How to” videos available on the Assessment tab in Blackboard for more information.

.    To login and download Echo360, the login email address you MUST use is in the format [email protected], where 12345678 is your Student ID.

.    The work you submit must be your own. Any plagiarism from other students’ work, from ‘solutions’ circulating from prior years, from ‘solutions manuals’ or published material will result in an automatic zero score for the submission. Significant penalties are imposed where assignments are found to be plagiarised. More information on plagiarism and academic misconduct can be found on this webpage:https://students.curtin.edu.au/essentials/rights/academic-integrity/

.     Failure to submit through Blackboard by the due date/time will automatically incur a penalty.      Extensions to the written submission due date will only be considered by the Unit Co-ordinators (Associate Professor Alina Lee and Dr. Yuni Yuningsih) and will be granted only in extreme circumstance. Applications for extensions must be accompanied by supporting evidence.

Portfolio and Presentation Requirement

All students need to choose a company from the list below. This Portfolio will be based on the information available from your chosen company’s website (including annual reports, sustainability reports, etc.).

The two companies you can choose from are:

1.  Olam Group,https://www.olamgroup.com

2.  Wilmar,https://www.wilmar-international.com

For your Written Report

Prepare a report on your chosen company that includes:

a)  A proposed Balanced Scorecard that includes four perspectives: financial, customers, internal operation, and learning and growth. For each of the four perspectives of Balanced Scorecard, include two specific and relevant performance measures. (hint: the performance measures must be specific and relevant to your chosen company’s strategy, goals, objectives, operation, etc.).

b)  An explanation of why each specific performance measure identified in the proposed Balanced Scorecard is crucial for the company.

c)  A discussion of two possible challenges the company may face when implementing your proposed Balanced Scorecard and recommendations on how to address the challenges.

d)  An explanation of whether both individual-based and group-based incentives are important to improve the motivation of the company’s employees/managers/executives. Support your argument by providing at least two examples of individual-based and group-based incentives (thus, four examples in total) that are important for your chosen company.


.    There is no need to provide extensive definitions.

.     Please follow the report structure outlined on page 4.

For your Video Presentation:

You have been asked to give a 6-minute presentation to the Senior Management of your chosen company outlining the answers to the above questions. Please follow the instructions outlined on page 2.

Report Writing Structure

Your report should be structured using numbered headings and sub-headings and include the following elements:

.    Title (include the name of your chosen company in your title)

.    Table of contents

.     Introduction (including purpose and objective)

.     Body of the report. The body of the report should be written in the following format:

Proposed Balanced Scorecard for your chosen company (the performance measures must be specific and relevant to your chosen company’s strategy, goals, objectives, operation, etc.).

Financial perspective:

Financial performance measure #1

Brief explanation of why this measure is important.

Financial performance measure #2

Brief explanation of why this measure is important.

Customer perspective:

Customer performance measure #1

Brief explanation of why this measure is important.

Customer performance measure #2

Brief explanation of why this measure is important.

Internal operation perspective :

Internal operation performance measure #1

Brief explanation of why this measure is important.

Internal operation performance measure #2

Brief explanation of why this measure is important.

Learning and Growth perspective :

Learning and growth performance measure #1

Brief explanation of why this measure is important.

Learning and growth performance measure #2

Brief explanation of why this measure is important

Two possible challenges the company may face in implementing the proposed Balanced Scorecard and recommendation on how to address the challenges.

The importance of individual-based and group-based incentives for your chosen company (including examples).

.    Conclusion (brief conclusion)

.    Reference List


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