Faculty of Arts & Science
Fall 2024 Quiz 5 - V2
CSC 110 Y1F
Question 1. Tabular Data [6 marks]
Consider the following sample list representing student scores. Each row contains a student ID, their name, and their scores on three quizzes.
student_scores = [
[1099752, ' Alice ' , 85, 90, 88],
[1087711, ' Bob ' , 78, 85, 92],
[1000023, ' Priya ' , 90, 92, 87],
[100048, ' Muchen ' , 82, 88, 85],
[109943, ' Chirly ' , 88, 84, 90]
Part (a) [3 marks]
What would the following pieces of code evaluate to? Write your answers in each blank space provided.
>>> len(student_scores[0])
>>> student_scores[3][1]
>>> max([row[0] for row in student_scores])
Part (b) [3 marks]
Complete the function below, based on the provided specification.
def student_quiz1_meets_threshold(data: list[list], student_id: int, goal_score: int) -> bool:
"""Return whether the student with student_id scored at least goal_score on quiz 1 .
If the student_id does not exist in data, return False .
- goal_score > 0
- data is a valid list of student scores, structured the way we described above
- quiz 1 scores appear at index 2 in each student data sublist
>>> student_quiz1_meets_threshold(student_scores, 1099752, 80) True
>>> student_quiz1_meets_threshold(student_scores, 1087711, 90) False
>>> student_quiz1_meets_threshold(student_scores, 1, 90)
Question 2. Python Dataclasses [3 marks]
We want to represent each student’s data using data classes instead. Complete the StudentData class below. Each StudentData instance should have the following attributes for a student: id, name and list of integer quiz_scores. When declaring the data type of each attribute, make it as specific as possible. You should also include the following representation invariants:
• There are a total of three scores in the quiz_scores list
• All scores in the quiz_scores list are greater than or equal to 0 from dataclasses import dataclass
class StudentData:
"""Data about a student ' s performance on three quizzes .
Representation Invariants:
# TODO: Write the two representation invariants below, as Python expressions
Instance Attributes:
# TODO: Write each instance attribute ' s variable name and description below
# TODO: Write each instance attribute ' s variable name and specific data type below
Question 3. Debugging / For Loops [3 marks]
The function below is an incorrect attempt to return True if a string s is made up of only uppercase vowels (that is, a A, E, I, O or a U). Your friend Bob believes the function is correct because he tried calling the function with some string arguments which the code did work correctly for. Answer the questions below.
def all_upper_vowel(s: str) -> bool:
"""Return True if and only if s consists of all uppercase vowels ."""
for char in s:
if char in ' AEIOU ' :
return True
return False
Part (a) [1 mark]
Give an example of a valid argument for all_upper_vowels where this function will return the correct expected value (according to the docstring):
Part (b) [1 mark]
Give an example of a valid argument for all_upper_vowels where this function will NOT return the correct expected value:
Part (c) [1 mark]
Briefly explain (in 1–2 sentences) why this function is incorrect (identify the issue in the code):
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