Machine Learning: Fall Exam
IEOR E4525 Spring 2020,
May 8th, 2020
1. Classifier Boundaries [20 pts]
Given the following classifiers:
1 A logistic regression classifier.
2 A logistic regression classifier trained on the input features x1 , x2 , x1(2), x2(2).
3 A nearest neighbors classifier.
4 A SVM with linear kernel.
5 A SVM with a polynomial kernel of degree d = 2.
K(x, x') = (1 + xx')2 (1)
6 A SVM with a Gaussian kernel
K(x, x0 ) = e −γ|x−x'|2 (2)with and intermediate (neither too large, not too small) value of the √ parameter.
7 A linear SVM classifier trained with the input features x1 , x2 , x1(2), x2(2).
8 A SVM with a Gaussian kernel and a very small value of √ .
9 A LDA classifier
10 A QDA classifier
11 A Classification Tree.
12 A Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier.
Indicate with classification boundary in Figure (1) was most likely gener-ated by each one of the classifiers above.
Note that more that one of the classifiers might have generated the same boundary.
If not indicated otherwise assume the classifiers were trained on the raw input features x = (x1, x2) ∈ R2.
Figure 1: Classification boundaries for Problem 1
2. Polynomial Kernel [20 points]
Given by x = (xA ; xB ) ∈ R2 and x' = (xA('); xB(')) ∈ R2 describe the feature
mapping Φ(儿) that generates the kernel:
K(x; x') = (1 + √xT x')3 = (1 + √ (xA xA(') + xB xB(')))3 (3)
3. Dense Neural Network [30 points]
We have a dense neural network with two hidden layers defined by the following graph:
Figure 2: Network Architecture for Problem 5
• The two hidden layers have ReLU activation.
• the connection between the input an the first hidden layer is given by
• The connection between the first and second hidden layers is given by
• the connection between the second hidden layer and the output unit η is given by
W2 = (1 2 -1) (8)
b2 = (-3) (9)
• the last layer has logistic activation so that
• The network performance is assessed using the logistic loss
l(y, η) = log (1 + eη ) - yη (11)
Given one input sample (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = (0, -2, 1, 1) and the network’s output label y = 1 compute:
(a) The first hidden layer activations (a1(1), a2(1)).
(b) The second hidden layer activations (a1(2), a2(2), a3(2)).
(c) The output ˆ(y)(x)
With that we have
(d) Back propagate the errors δα through the network layers
(e) Compute the gradients ∂W2/∂ L and ∂b2/∂L for the learnable parameters W2 , b2 of the output layer.
(f) Compute the gradient to the learnable parameters W1 , b1 of the second hidden layer
(g) Compute the gradient to the learnable parameters W0 , b0 of the first hidden layer
4. Tweedie Distribution: Generalized Linear Model [30 points]
The Tweedie distribution is frequently use to model the distribution of in- surance losses. This distribution belongs to an exponential family defined by the probability density function
where the parameter μ > 0 is unknown, the parameter 1 < p < 2 is assumed to be known, and the function h(y; p) is the base measure that does not depend on μ .
(a) Write an expression for the sufficient statistic T (y) of the tweedie distribution:
(b) Write an expression for the canonical parameter η as a function of μ and p.
(c) Find the expression for the cumulant function A(η)
(d) Derive an expression for the expected valueˆ(y) of the random variable y in terms of the parameters p and μ:
(e) Derive an expression for the variance of y in terms of the distribution parameters p and μ
(f) Assume we have training observations {xi , yi } for i = 1, . . . , N where we wish to assume that
• yi > 0 is an observed, positive valued labels.
• xi ∈ RD is our input data.
• p(yi jxi ) has a tweedie distribution with fixed, known parameter p but unknown parameter μ that depends on x.
• The canonical parameter ηi is linear in xi
η(xi ) = xi(T)w + b (14)
Write the loss function L(w, b; {xi , yi } of the generalized tweedie re- gression model
(g) Write the gradient of the loss L with respect to w and b.
(h) What does the constrain μ > 0 implies for the allowed values of the canonical parameter? How would this afect the optimization problem of learning the parameters w ,b?. Explain briefiy what you would do to resolve this issue.
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