MAEG 5030:
Geometry Computing for Design and Manufacturing
Remarks on Coding Assignment & Project
Project and Oral Presentation
Topics for course project (oral presentation):
Form. a group of 3 students;
Selected from your own research project/related field that connected with geometry computing (design, manufacturing, robotics, …);
Or selected topics from given papers, available at
Oral Presentation will be 7 mins + 3 mins Q&A, it should cover
What task is solved and how did authors formulate it as geometry processing problem
Which algorithm is proposed
What’s the technical contribution of the work and why it outperform. with existing work
Project and Oral Presentation
Oral Presentation (each student should present 1-2 parts)
Project report (2-3 pages, IEEE standard, double column, pdf format):
Introduction of the problem
Formulation of geometry computing problem
Pseudocode of the algorithm
Analysis of the method and contribution
Provide the contribution statement.
Example: xx: Writing – xx section; Discussion xx; Slicer making xx page xx-xx; Coding Implementation xx; Algorithm Writing xx;
Coding Assignment (C++/python)
CRML-code: using CMAKE for cross-platform. building.
Eigen Library:
Suggest to use Visual Studio 2022 for the project.
Make sure you have the c++ for desktop development installed.
Qt visualizer (Ver. 5.12!)
Recommended install position: C:\Qt\Qt5.12.3
Make sure you select MSVC 2017 64-bit during the installation
Qt creator – write function and add button.
Sample function will be provided.
Usage of coding framework
Select the folder of source code and build direction.
Push Configure bottom and select x64 as the optional platform.
Add the path in line 41 of Cmake file
Click Generate and open project in visual studio
Right click “CRML” in solutions and set as start up project
Generate Solutions
Note: You can also finish the assignment with coding language you feel comfortable with.
Coding Assignment 1
Handle documents (pdf file) with screenshot of the code, and graphics pictures demonstrate the result.
Hint on Assignment 1:
1. Search Data Structures (30%): To build the hash data structure of point set (e.g., 20 x 20 x 20 boxes)
2. Search k-neighbors of each point (30%)
3. Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to compute the normal of every point by its neighbors (30%)
4. Display the point set with normal estimated from PCA (10%)
5. Bonus: ICP-based algorithm for two point clouds (30%)
Coding Assignment 2
Handle documents (1 pdf file) with screenshot of the code, and graphics pictures demonstrate the result.
Hint on Assignment 2:
1. Read point cloud, and corresponding UV coordinate (10%)
2. Build sparse matrix A for B-spline surface fitting (40%)
3. Construct matrix b and solve linear system (10%)
4. Uniformly sample vertex on b-spline surface, build topology connection, and create vertex table and face table. (30%)
5. Construct triangle meshes for point cloud 1 - 4 (20%)
6. Bonus: Compare the performance of different parameters (number of control points and order) of a B-spline surface.
Evaluate the fitting error. (30%)
Coding Assignment 3
Handle documents (1 pdf file) with screenshot of the code, and graphics pictures demonstrate the result.
Hint on Assignment 3
1. Write iterative way of surface smoothing – based on connectivity (40%)
2. Using Laplace operator for surface smoothing (40%)
Hint: Build sparse matrix A as Laplacian Operator
3. Compare the performance between two method with different iteration time (20%)
4. Bonus: Implementing cotangent weights of Laplacian Operator. (30%)
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