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日期:2024-12-03 05:17

MATH36031 Project 3 - deadline 13th December 2024, time 1100hrs.

For this project you need will need to download the bananas. csv file on Blackboard, and it will located in the Projects folder in the Project 3 section. This is a very large datafile with more than 13000 entries, so do not try to print the file! The first few lines of the file are as shown in figure 1. The Origin denotes the country or region of origin of the bananas.  The

Figure 1: The first few lines of the bananas.csv file.

Date header shows the date and the Price column the cost in pounds sterling for a kilogram of bananas. You will notice that there are entries with the country of origin as ‘all bananas’ which is an average of the collective data for that date.

You need to process the file using MATLAB to answer the following questions:

1. From the data produce a list of the distinct entries under the Origin header (for example something like







for the sample in Figure 1).

2. Banana prices fluctuate a lot during the year. From which region is the average price lowest, and for which region is the average price highest. The average here is defined as the mean of the prices taken over the data for that region.

3. Produce a boxplot comparing the variation of the prices of bananas with countries of origin ‘colombia’, ‘costa rica’, ‘honduras’, ‘windward isles’ and ‘all bananas’, and com- ment on your results.

4. Produce a time series plot showing the variation of the prices of bananas with countries of origin ’colombia’ . Analyze the time series and comment on any seasonal trends.

5. Use the MATLAB corrcoef function to calculate the correlation coefficient between the fluctuation of ’columbia’ and ’ecuador’ prices and comment on your results.

Outputs required You are required to submit a report (maximum 8 pages including any appendices) in pdf form. via the Turnitin submission box on Blackboard.  Additionally you need to submit your m-files or mlx-files used for the MATLAB codes via the Blackboard Submission Box also on Blackboard.

Additional information and guidelines

1. All coding must be done in MATLAB.

2. Keep to the page length not exceeding eight A4 pages, and there is no need for a title page or abstract for a relative short report like this.  Font sizes should be no smaller than 11 point, and page margins no smaller than 2cm.

3. List the complete code of the whole function at the end of each question, or in an ap- pendix. Make your source code more readable, by keeping the indentation and stylistic features, and it can be copied from your submitted work. Codes submitted should be the same as those in the report.  Your published results should be reproducible from the code attached.

4. Have a look at the generic rubric about how your report will be marked, and also the intended learning outcomes about what you are expected to achieve in the end.

5. Avoid copying (too many) sentences directly from the project description, and try to restate the problem with your own words or examples if possible.

6. You may use your report in the future as evidences of written work, so take it seriously.

7. Your target audience is a fellow student on your course: explain the questions so that the report can be understood without this project description and your approach could be implemented in another computer language like Python. The report should indicate to the reader how well you understand the problem and the approach you took. Your goal will be to communicate your solutions to another person rather than to show you’ve completed the assignment.

8. Balance the explanation of the approach and the comments in the code. Avoid under- commenting and over-commenting.

9. Aim for precision and clarity of writing.

10. Since there is no final exam, you are advised to spend at least 15 hours on each project, with additional self-study if you are less experience with computer programming. Re- member for a 10 credit module like this one, you are expect to spend 100 = 10 ×  10 hours in total (including lectures, labs, self-study and coursework).

11. Please do not put any personal information on the report, only your student ID number.

12. The submission for each project will be open two weeks before the deadline.  Only your last submission will be marked, and anything submitted after the deadline will be treated late and any penalty will be applied by the Teaching and Learning O伍ce in June according to the Undergraduate Student Handbook.

13. Whilst this project can be done without the use of any artificial intelligence (AI) software tools, if you use any AI tools or software to help you with your project, you must mention this in the report.  Please study the guidelines at https://manchester-uk.libanswers.com/teaching-and-learning/faq/264824 on how to do this correctly. The content and accuracy of the report will be your responsibility alone, and any factually incorrect statements or mathematically incorrect content will be penalised.

14. Your attention is also drawn to to the University’s Academic Malpractice Policy, see https://documents.manchester.ac.uk/display.aspx?DocID=639. See also the guide- lines on the use of AI via the course on Academic Integrity at: https://www.education.library.manchester.ac.uk/mle/academic-integrity/

15. We are obliged to report cases of suspected academic malpractice, and people may be subject to an additional oral assessment on the content of the report and codes submitted.

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