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日期:2024-12-03 05:17

ECE5470 Prelim 3  Fall 2022

1. General (22 pts)

A. Precision Recall

The figure to the right shows the location of points for

plotting a precision recall curve.

Numerically evaluate the Average Precision (AP)

AP: 1/11((1*5)+(0.57*4)+(0.5*2))=0.752

AUC: 1 * 0.4 + 0.57 * 0.4 + 0.5 * 0.2 = 0.629


(a) Under what condition would you do an ROC

analysis in preference to a precision recall analysis?

When the costs associated with outcomes are different

(b) Under what condition would you do an PR analysis in preference to an ROC analysis?

When the populations of positives and negatives are different.

That is, there are typically more of one class than the other in the nature.


A two-class task has the following outcomes for a test set. Carefully sketch the Receiver Operating Characteristic

(ROC) on the right.


Confidence positive

Correct class














































Sensitivity (TPR)

1 – specificity.  (FPR)

2. Machine Learning (22 pts)

A. The figure presents the learning curve of a neural network. As the number of epochs increases from a certain level, the test error is also increasing. What is the name of this issue and how one can tackle it? Show you solution on the figure.

(a).  What is the name of the issue?


(b). What would you do to address it?

Early stopping  (e.g. At 750 Epochs)

B. What action would you take for each of the following cases for learning curves

(a) The error for the validation set continues to decrease but the error for the training set begins to slowly increase

_  This should never happen. Check the system/program for errors

(b) The training error changes significantly (in general alternating from positive to negative) between each epoch.

Decrease the Learning rate


C. P and N

(a) Give an equation for accuracy in terms ofT, P, TP, FP, TN, etc.

(TP + TN)/(TP + TN + FP + FN)

(b) Give an equation for sensitivity in terms ofT, P, TP, FP, TN, etc.

TP/(TP + FN )

(c) Based on the given values, fill the confusion matrix from the given values. Label the rows and columns

Accuracy = 890/1000 Recall = 560/610

Precision = 560/ 620

Total positive values=610

3. Segmentation and Object recognition (18 pts)

A. A common component of a UNet segmentation model is a transposed convolution layer (a) what is the function of this layer?

Up-sampling: to convert a feature image to the next higher resolution 2 x 2 times

(b) how many parameters (weights) does this layer contain (when used in a Unet)?

# channels * 4 + 1 (bias)

(c) what activation function is typically used with this layer?

Usually, no activation function is used with this layer for U-Net

B. Given a multi-object detection task on 256 x 256 color images with 10 object classes (a) What is the difference between a Fast RCNN and. A Faster RCNN?

A fast RCNN has an algorithm for region selection whereas a Faster RCNN has a trained Region Proposal

Network (RPN)

(b)  How many (multiclass) outputs does a YOLO Segmentation model have?

N x N where N is a fraction of 256

(c) For a Region-based Fully Convolutional Network (R-FCN) How many outputs are trained for each class?


Explain why multiple outputs are trained

The 9 outputs correspond to nine regions (3 x 3) that cover the object. All the outputs for each “zone” should respond to indicate the presence of the target object.

C. A UNet or FCNN used to locate the pixels of small objects has two issues with respect to the loss function. What are these issues and how would you address them?

1. The metric used for testing is DICE score no accuracy (pixels correct). Solution used loss based on DICE score

2. There are many more positive than negative outcomes in the training set; i.e., unbalanced training set.

Use a weighted loss function that has a higher loss magnitude for positive errors compared to negative errors.

4. CNN Model (20 pts.)

# Convolutional neural network (two convolutional layers)

class ConvNet (nn.Module):

def init (self, num_classes=9):

super (ConvNet, self). init ()

self.layer1 = nn.Sequential (

nn.Conv2d (1, 16, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1),

nn.BatchNorm2d (16),

nn.ReLU (),

nn.MaxPool2d (kernel_size=2, stride=2))

self.layer2 = nn.Sequential (

nn.Conv2d (16, 16, kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=2),

nn.BatchNorm2d (32),

nn.ReLU (),

nn.MaxPool2d (kernel_size=2, stride=2))

self.layer3 = nn.Sequential (

nn.Conv2d (16, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1),

nn.BatchNorm2d (32),

nn.ReLU (),

nn.MaxPool2d (kernel_size=2, stride=2))

self.fc = nn.Linear (7*7*32, num_classes)

def forward (self, x):

out = self.layer1 (x)

out = self.layer2 (out)

out = self.layer3 (out)

out = out.reshape (out.size (0), -1)

out = self.fc (out)

return out

The model is designed to classify images of size 128 x 128 into 9 different classes (a) How many weights/parameters are associated with layer1:


(b) How many weights/parameters are associated with layer2:


(c) How many weights/parameters are associated with layer3:


(d) How many weights/parameters are associated with layer fc:


For a specific problem a designer decides to preprocess the image with the Fourier transform.

(e) What modification, if any, would need to be made to the model to function with the transformed image?

2 input channels instead of 1

(f) By using the Fourier transform. which of the following might the designer expect the performance to be less sensitive to:

(a) translation (b) rotation, (c) scale (d) aspect ratio)


5 .Misc (22 pts)

A. CT: Computerized Tomography (CT) scanners are used for a number of applications including medical diagnosis and baggage inspection. To design a deep learning image analysis model for images created by CT scanners requires resolving a number of issues.

List three main ways in which CT images differ from traditional camera images.

1. Calibrated images

2. 3D and large

3. Grayscale

Indicate how you what you would do differently for CT images with respect ot the following

1. Image Preprocessing No standardization

2. Model Design 3D instead of 2D

3. Training Smaller batch size/ different loss function

B. Training

1. Which of the following techniques can be used to reduce model overfitting?

(a) Data augmentation, (b) Dropout, (c) Batch Normalization (d) Using Adam instead of SGD


C. Models

(a) What is the main feature of inception net models for performance improvement?

Leveraging different filter sizes at once

(a) What is the main feature of resnet models for performance improvement?

Skip connections to combat vanishing gradient

(c) An inception module is shown on the right.

Clearly label the function of

each box including the function

“size” parameter.

[do not include

number of channels]

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