HUDM 5123 - Linear Models and Experimental Design
HW 08 Higher-way Designs
● Unless otherwise noted, assignments are due before the next lab class (i.e., in a week).
● You are encouraged to discuss problems with classmates, but all work you submit must be your own.
● If applicable, any plots should have appropriate axis and overall labels.
● In general, do not include computer output (either SPSS or R) in your write-up. Instead, summarize relevant points using text, tables, or plots.
● When in doubt about formatting issues (e.g., for references, tables, notes, etc.), use APA style.
Data. "HW_08_data.sav" .
Task. Analyze these data, to answer any questions you believe would be of theoretical interest, and interpret your ndings.
Study Design. A clinical psychologist is interested in comparing three types of therapy for modifying snake phobia. However, she does not believe that one type is necessarily best for everyone; instead, the best type may depend on degree (i.e., severity) of phobia. Undergraduate students enrolled in an introductory psychology course are given the Fear Schedule Survey (FSS) to screen out participants showing no fear of snakes. Those displaying some degree of phobia are classi ed as either mildly, moderately, or severely phobic on the basis of the FSS. One-third of females and one-third of males within each level of severity are then randomly assigned to a treatment condition: either systematic desensitization, implosive therapy, or cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). The data are obtained using the Behavioral Avoidance Test (higher scores indicate less phobia).
Y: the Behavioral Avoidance Test score, bat
Factor A: treatment condition, cond
Factor B: phobia level accoridng to the FSS results, phobia
Factor C: gender, gender
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