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日期:2024-11-26 07:00

Data Structures: Huffman Encoder Part 2

November 15, 2024

Last week you wrote code that takes a table of characters and their frequencies to

build a Hu@man encoding. The purpose of the Hu@man encoding was to represent a chunk of text e@iciently by encoding common characters using fewer bits. This week you will use the code you wrote last week to encode and decode text.

You will start by defining a new class called HuffmanConverter which will have a constructor taking as input a string which will be stored in a variable called contents.

Your first step is to calculate the frequencies of each character including

punctuation and whitespaces. Each ASCII character corresponds to a number between 0 and 255 (inclusive), which you can get by casting a character c into an integer: int i = (int)c. You can then get the character back as c = (char)i. We will store the frequencies of the characters in an integer array, count, of size 256 such that count[(int)c] = the count of character c. HuffmanConverter will have a method public void recordFrequencies()that stores the counts of the characters in contents in an attribute count. Print the table of frequencies youve created.

Second, you will build a Hu@man tree from count using the code you’ve already written. Your code should build a heap using count and then call HuffmanTree.createFromHeap. The Hu@man tree should be stored in an attribute huffmanTree. This should occur in a method public void frequenciesToTree().

Third, you will extract a code from the tree. You will want to store the code in a string array attribute called code such that code[(int)c] = the Hu@man encoding of character c. This will be done in a method public void treeToCode(). You will also need to write a private method private void treeToCode(HuffmanNode t, String encoding). This private method recursively calls itself on the children of the Hu@man node t, keeping track of its encoding encoding; once it reaches a leaf, it adds the character at that leaf and the encoding to code. In treeToCode(), first set every element of code to the empty string "", then call treeToCode at the root of the Hu@man tree. Print the code you have created; this can also be done using a call to huffmanTree.printLegend().

Fourth, once you’ve built code, you can encode contents into a string of bits in a

method public String encodeMessage(). Print the encoded message. Also print the message size in the ASCII encoding (8 bits for each letter) and the Hu@man encoding.

Finally, you will write a method public String decodeMessage(String

encodedStr)to decode a given bit string using huffmanTree. To do so, you will take in   one bit at a time to navigate through the huffmanTree (0 means go left, 1 means go right). Once you reach a leaf, you should store the character at that leaf and return to the root of the Hu@man tree. Call decodeMessage on your encoded message and print the decoded message, which should be identical to your original message.

We will call the main () method of HuffmanConverter from the command line, passing the path to a file of text. To recap, the output should be:

-    the list of characters and their frequencies

-    the Hu@man encodings

-    the encoded message

-    the number of bits needed to encode your message in a Hu@man encoding vs using ASCII

-    the decoding of your encoded message (which should be the same as the initial message)

You are provided a file with a template of HuffmanConverter with code to import  a text file. You are also provided with two example input and output files. The inputs are two love poems taken totally randomly from http://www.lovepoemsandquotes.com. Feel free to try out your own inputs to test your program.

Please submit your completed [email protected] file on Brightspace. You should not need to make changes to any of the files from part 1 in order to do this assignment.

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