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日期:2024-11-22 05:42

COMP3134 Business Intelligence and Customer Relationship Management

2024-2025 Semester One

Group Project (25%)

Deadline - week 13 (1 Dec Sunday, 23:59)

You need to submit a report (with a maximum of 25 A4 pages), a set of PPT slides and a presentation in recorded video of around 30 minutes). All group members must take part in the presentation).

Assuming that you are working in a marketing consulting company, and your team consists of CRM experts and BI professionals. Your team has been assigned to work with three organizations to solve their business problems, details are as follows: -

Organization A (Understanding Customer Relationship through Market Research)

This organization would like to invite your team to assist them to understand its current relationship with customers. In particular, the organization wants to collect the following information through

market research of about 200 of their existing customers, and from any other available information possible.

l Customer experience and satisfaction of the organization’s customization and personalization services.

l The driving forces and factors for the organization to building and nourishing brand loyalty.

l Channel effectiveness in building relationship with customers.

You may select a product or service that you project group is interested and carry out market research to answer the above three questions.

The following research methods can be used, and you are free to select or integrate them in your research design.

1.      Focus group discussion.

2.      Interviews.

3.      Emails, Telephones, and/or observations.

4.      Questionnaires.

5.      Review from other reported sources.

Organization B (Predictive Analytics)

This organization is planning a Xmas sales promotion campaign for their products. However, this organization doesn’t know the customers’ purchasing behavior. in the past and is not able to make any decision how such a Xmas sales promotion should be designed and launched. Being a group of CRM and BI experts, you will use predictive analytics to analyze its customer purchasing data and suggest a strategy to select their product mix in the coming Xmas promotion campaign. The following results are particularly useful for such planning: -

l Classification (discover possible casual relationships among data).

l Clustering (discover similarities and differences among clusters).

l Associations (discover interesting relationships among data).

The company’s data set is given to you. File name is Super Market Analysis. You are free to use any software, or publicly available methods and packages to help with your predictive analytics.

Organization C (Prescriptive analytics)

Organization C is a public health service provider, and the organization is having a problem in scheduling resources to service the public. In the past, many patients have cancelled their appointments with the doctors, and these make the organization’s resources not being effectively used. The organization is thinking of changing the one patient to one doctor appointment practice to many patients to many doctors’ appointments practice, i.e., more patients will be scheduled in the same time slot, so that if some of them were absent, there are still enough patients for the doctors.

Being a group of CRM and BI experts, you decided to use prescriptive analytics to analyze the organization’s past patient no show records and suggest a strategy to carryout the many patients to many doctors’ appointments practice. The following results are particularly useful for such planning: -

l Statistical analysis of the characteristics of show / and no-show cases.

l What-if analysis.

The company’s data set is given to you. File name is healthcare_noshows_appointments. You are free to use any software, or publicly available methods and packages to help with your prescriptive analytics.



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