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日期:2024-11-22 05:42

Assignment Remit

 Programme Title

 MSc Management

 Module Title

 Organisational Behaviour and Leadership

 Module Code


 Assignment Title

 Supplementary (Resit) Individual Reflective Essay





 Hand Out Date


 Deadline Date & Time



 Feedback Post Date

 21st working day after the deadline date

 Assignment Format


 Assignment Length

 2000 words

 Submission Format



Module Learning Outcomes:

This assignment is designed to assess the following module learning outcomes. Your submission will be marked using the Grading Criteria given in the section below.

LO 1. Explain essential concepts that enable analysis of organisational behaviour and leadership.

LO 2. Develop and apply communication, team-work, negotiation and adaptive leadership skills.

LO3. Engage in continuous professional development as a manager or leader of people.


Individual Reflection

The task: Critically reflect on your experience as a group member while completing assignment 1. Using the theories examined in the module, analyse your and other group members’ actions, behaviours, and intended outcomes.

For the past few weeks, you have been working in groups for assignment 1. During this time, you had to collaborate, communicate, distribute work, keep meeting minutes, undergo peer review, and learn to interact with others with different working styles, motivations, and often ethics. This assignment is an opportunity to critically reflect on your experience as a group member and make connections between what you experienced in practice and the theoretical perspectives examined in class.

For this assignment, it is vital that you focus on one or two themes and use relevant theories to go deeper in your reflective analysis. We are interested in quality rather than quantity; thus, it would be preferable to use multiple layers to critically analyse a situation, than to describe on the surface a plethora of events.

Whichever structure you choose to use for your essay, it is important that you include a section where you demonstrate the insights and learning you have achieved by reflecting on the specific situations vis-à-vis the theories examined in the module.


You will need to include as an appendix:

1. The meeting minutes for one of the group sessions you attended.

2. Evidence of a peer-review

Please, use the Templates provided at the end of this document.

Grading Criteria / Marking Rubric

Your submission will be graded according to the following criteria:

1.    Introduction and problem statement

2.    Reading and critical understanding of theory

3.    Analysis

4.    Development of insight

5.    Presentation (format and style)

See the marking rubric at the end of the remit for more information on how your work will be marked and graded.

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