ELCT 837
Consider the system of an elastic joint in a robot as described below [1]. Using Matlab do the following:
1. Calculate the open-loop poles of the system and find their natural frequency and damping.
2. Produce the Bode plots of Fig.4.18 and the impulse response of Fig.4.19 and also the unit step response.
3. Find the ZOH equivalent of the system for h = 0.5.
4. Find the full-state feedback matrix L and parameter Lc (see equation (4.66)).
5. Reproduce Fig. 4.20.
6. Design an observer and reproduce Fig.4.21.
7. For the simulation of Fig.4.21 produce plots showing how well the observed state tracks the actual state.
Produce a report describing what you did and with any comments you may have.
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