ENEM106 Assessment Part 3 - Group Feasibility Study
Assignment brief:
Produce a high-level feasibility study for the Pinkery Outdoor Education Centre with the aim of achieving 100% renewable generation for electricity and heating in a technically and environmentally feasible way. You can include any type of renewable technology that is appropriate for the site and does not contravene any requirements of Exmoor National Park, including storage systems. Data on current energy generation and usage will be provided, and you will have the opportunity to thoroughly explore the site, meet the site manager and take measurements during the week 7 field trip.
Although your technical content is important, a key focus of the assignment is your report-writing skills and your ability to work effectively in a team, ensuring principles of equality, diversity and inclusion are followed throughout.
AHEP4 learning outcomes assessed:
M2-FL: Formulate and analyse complex problems to reach substantiated conclusions. This will involve evaluating available data using first principles of mathematics, statistics, natural science and engineering principles, and using engineering judgment to work with information that may be uncertain or incomplete, discussing the limitations of the techniques employed.
M7-FL: Evaluate the environmental and societal impact of solutions to complex problems (to include the entire life-cycle of a product or process) and minimise adverse impacts
M11-FL: Adopt an inclusive approach to engineering practice and recognise the responsibilities, benefits and importance of supporting equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI).
M16-FL: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader of a team. Evaluate effectiveness of own and team performance.
This assignment is worth 50% ofthe overall module mark.
Assignment details:
Content: You should describe the Pinkery site, including the baseline energy performance, and if this is calculated/estimated/assumed by yourself then explain how this was done. Justify the choice of technology/technologies for your RE-based system based on technical evaluation of a range of parameters (site, resources, demand, etc), and comment on how their sizing was determined and how they work together (or why others were ruled out if it consists of only one technology) . Evaluate the environmental and societal impacts of your proposed solution throughout its lifetime. Discuss the limitations of your approach, and conclude on the viability of your proposed system.
Structure: There is no prescribed structure for the report (although you may wish to review some of the examples provided on ELE) but you should ensure a logical flow of information. Your final submission should be professionally presented with the relevant sections expected of a consultancy- style. report.
Tables and figures: You are encouraged to use tables and figures where appropriate. Make sure you label them properly and refer to them in the text.
References: You should consider citing academic papers, technical reports and other relevant documents to strengthen your analysis. Make sure you properly reference any material cited (including tables and figures if you didn’t make them yourself) to avoid plagiarism. Use a consistent reference style. of your choice.
EDI statement: Please include asummary, agreed with the whole group, of who contributed what to the overall project, how principles of EDI were incorporated in the team approach, and the value that this has added to the project.
Peer assessment: You will be required to complete an online peer assessment reflecting on and scoring the contributions of each member of the group (including yourself) to the project. Please ensure full justifications are given for each score awarded in each of the categories. The group mark will be adjusted for individuals based on a statistical analysis of your peer assessment scores.
Deadline: 12pm, Wednesday 11th December 2024
Submission: A single pdf document, via ELE. Each member of the group should submit an identical document.
Word limit: 6000 words, to include all formatting and references. You may include appendices, and these will be outside of the word count. However, material in appendices will not be marked, so do not include key content here. Any submissions that exceed the word count by more than 5% will be penalised by 5% of their mark. Please ensure you include the word count in your submitted document otherwise the same penalty will be applied.
Marking and feedback: Marks and group written feedback will be released at the start of term 2. Mark scheme:
Marking criteria |
Explanation |
Marks (%) |
High level technical feasibility assessment |
Critical analysis of the site and various factors affecting the installation, including existing energy consumption and demand patterns; technical evaluation of the site; technology selection; demonstration of the advantages and disadvantages of selected technology/technologies. This section should also consider planning constraints and any challenges around gaining the necessary consents for the project. Limitations of your approach should be discussed. |
50 |
Impact assessment |
Evaluation of the impact of the proposed installation across its lifecycle, including both environmental and societal impacts. |
20 |
Presentation and structure |
Use of references, figures, drawings, tables and clarity in approach of the problem and solving and following the given criteria for the report. |
10 |
EDI approach |
Statement of individual contributions, group approach to EDI, and benefits of inclusion of EDI principles. |
20 |
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