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日期:2024-10-15 05:40

MUS104: Quiz #3 2024

QUESTION 1. Identify the key; complete a Roman numeral analysis, and determine cadence type. Circle any passing or neighbour notes. You lose one mark per incorrect/missing label. (20 marks)

NB: some harmonies have been indicated for you as they have not been covered yet in this course.

Key: _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


QUESTION 2. Identify at least five voice-leading errors in this excerpt. Four marks for each correctly identified error. You can draw on the score to show the errors and describe them in words, e.g. 'parallel 5ths between beat 1 and 2 in the Tenor and Bass.' (20 marks)

NB: the Soprano and Bass lines and the Roman Numerals are correct. All errors are in the inner voices.

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________

6. (bonus) _____________________________________________________

QUESTION 3. Correct the voice-leading errors in the previous question by realising the harmony below, following correct voice leading rules. You are penalised 1 mark for each broken rule. (20 marks)

NB: the Soprano and Bass lines and the Roman Numerals are correct and should be retained.

You can use these bars for any working out.

PART 2: This part of the Quiz consists of four prepared musical excerpts. Record them in ONE continuous video. You then submit it, along with the first page written questions to Canvas by the quiz deadline. You can upload the video as a file upload. Each excerpt will be worth 10 marks, for a total of 40 marks.

QUESTION 4: Sing the following two excerpts with solfegge syllables or pitch numbers.

QUESTION 5: Record both of these excerpts. Speak the upper part with takadimi syllable, while clapping the bottom part. You will be assessed on the accuracy of the rhythm, consistency of tempo. You can find a guide to the takadimi system in the Classical Stream Module on Canvas. We recommend you choose a steady tempo of approximately crotchet = 60.

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