This assessment is designed to allow you to explore phonological phenomena in several languages and to help you choose a topic for a final paper.
The assignment is due in hard copy at the beginning of lecture on October 7, 2024.
Part 1: Phonological phenomena
Below is a list of some common phonological phenomena. For each one, write a short sentence defining the phenomenon, and provide an example. You can invent an example (in a language you know or completely made-up), use one from class, or use one from a reliable resource. Please make sure to state the source of the example (i.e. ‘I invented this example’, ‘this is from Language X that I speak’, ‘this is from class’, or the reference if you used an outside source).
Reduplication: Loanwords:
Language games: Vowel harmony:
Stress assignment: Lenition:
Spirantization: Palatalization:
Final devoicing: Tone sandhi:
HINT: If you’re not sure about a property, try looking at relevant chapters in handbooks of phonology, e.g.:
• Blackwell Companion to Phonology: 91106917809706196
• Cambridge Handbook of Phonology: 91106656913506196
Part 2: Finding examples
Choose two phonological phenomena from the list in Part 1. For each one, you need to find two different languages with this phenomenon. You must choose languages from different language families – i.e. you should have four distinct language families represented in this part. (See the appendices for a list of language families, as well as for information on finding sources.) You should also choose examples that we have *not* discussed in class.
Provide the following information for each of your four choices:
• Phenomenon:
• Language:
• Language family:
• Area where language is spoken (e.g. country):
• Minimum of 5 data examples illustrating the phenomenon (include IPA of the language and an English gloss; if relevant please also include morpheme boundaries and base forms):
• Brief (1-3 sentence) analysis-neutral description of what the data show:
• Full reference where you found the information:
Part 3: Choice of final paper topic
Choose one of the phenomena/languages that you described in Part 2 to be your final paper topic. State what your choice is and write a short explanation (2-4 sentences) about why you chose it. This can include reasons such as the existence of lots of resources about it, personal knowledge of/about the language, a particular interest in the language/phenomenon, the fact that the data has been described but not analyzed before, or really anything that led you to the choice!
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