COURSE NAME: Exhibiting Cultures
Summary of Information
Title: Assessment 1 - Research Proposal
Weighting: 25%
Assessment type: Short Paper
Group work: No
Submission requirements:
Electronic Submit to Turnitin on Moodle
Due: Week 4, 4 October 2024, 5:00 PM
Assessment Description:
In this assessment you will develop a research plan that will form. the basis of your final essay (Assessment 3). This assessment is designed to develop your skills in academic essay writing and institutional analysis.
Structuring an academic argument is a key skill that will allow you to analyse museum practice (either your own or the work of others) critically and rigorously.
How to complete the assessment:
For this assessment you are required to:
1. Choose an essay question from the list provided (or develop your own) that corresponds to a weekly theme from the course.
2. Write an academic introduction that answers the question and outlines your argument. Your introduction should be edited and refined (200 words).
3. Write a series of key points (between 3-5) addressing the main issues you intend to discuss in the body of your essay. Outline examples you will be analysing (300 words).
4. Write a bibliography containing at least 4 scholarly texts (4 x 250 words) relevant to your essay question and argument. You must include at least two scholarly journal articles, which are less than 10 years old.
Write short annotations briefly outlining the key argument of the source and explaining the relevance of the text to your research. You may include additional source in your bibliography, but only 4 need to be annotated. For information on completing an Annotated Bibliography see:
Course Learning Outcomes addressed in this task:
CLO1 : Research and analyse the history, purpose and strategies of institutions in the creative and cultural industries.
CLO2 : Integrate museological theories into the analysis of curating and cultural leadership contexts and practices.
CLO3 : Critically analyse museological practices, institutional forms and issues in relation to diverse contexts locally and globally.
How you will receive Feedback for this task:
• Feedback will be returned via Turnitin on Moodle
Generative AI:
In completing this assessment, you are permitted to use standard editing and referencing functions in the software you use to complete your assessment. These functions are described below. You must
not use any functions that generate or paraphrase passages of text or other media, whether based on your own work or not. If your Convenor has concerns that your submission contains passages of AI-
generated text or media, you may be asked to account for your work. If you are unable to satisfactorily demonstrate your understanding of your submission you may be referred to UNSW Conduct & Integrity Office for investigation for academic misconduct and possible penalties. For more information on
Generative AI and permitted use please see here.
Word spell-checker is permitted but Grammarly, Translation Software and Generative AI rephrasing is not.
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