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日期:2024-11-13 05:41


N1020 – Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Guidelines for Group Presentations

During the course of this module, each of you will be involved in giving a group presentation. There are three main reasons for making group presentations:

1. sharing what you have learned with your peers for their educational benefit;

2. equipping you to make strong and effective presentations to others in the real world;

3. enhancing your ability to judge your work and that of others by asking questions or anticipating them

Below you will find some guidelines designed to help you to effectively plan and deliver this presentation.

1. The question to be addressed by the group will be given 2 weeks beforehand.

2. All groups must be created by end of Week 4 (18th October).

3. Each presentation will not exceed 10 minutes and will be made by ALL group members, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A where questions are posed by the Tutor and the Discussant group. The role of the Discussant group is to provide peer review in a detailed and professional manner. All other groups will score the presentation using the provided template.

4. All presentations will use Powerpoint (or similar). The presentation should not have more than FIVE slides excluding Introduction slide with title of presentation / names of students. The presentations should be emailed to the relevant seminar tutor on, or before 17.00, on the day before presentation. There will be mark deductions for late presentations.

5. Informal feedback will be given by the Tutor, both to the class as a whole, and privately to the Group after the presentation. Written feedback will follow shortly but marks will only be given once all the presentations have been delivered.

6. Know Your Topic - Do the research first and know your material. Think through what you will present. The best classroom presentations are created by students who are comfortable with what they are going to talk about. In order to achieve this you need to make sure you understand the question well – think of what the magic words in the question are and focus on those.

7. Make clear which academic (or other type of) references you have used. There is no requirement about number of references to cite but make sure to engage with module material and the reading list.

8. Remember that a good presentation contains exposition (presenting facts), analysis (presenting an interpretation of those facts) and communication (presenting effectively).

9. Speak (DON’T READ) the presentation - The purpose of a presentation is to give the audience your ideas about a topic, not to read out chunks of material.

10. Time your presentation well - You will be marked down if your presentation goes above 10 minutes.

11. Practice in front of an audience who knows nothing about your topic and ask for constructive feedback. Ideally, practice more than once.

12. Be as ‘professional’ as possible throughout (although no formal dress code is expected).

Presentation Assessment Criteria






Less than 40%



Imaginative presentation of material resulting in clarity of message and information.

Well-structured and signposted presentation.  

Clearly structured and addressed to audience.  

Shows some attempt to structure material for presentation.

Material is difficult to understand due to poor structure.



Shows excellent knowledge of subject area and provides detailed coverage and analysis of the topic.

Shows good knowledge of subject area and provides good coverage and analysis of the topic.

Knowledge of subject area is satisfactory with few errors or omissions and/or lacking somewhat in analysis and/or with an unsuitable focus.

Knowledge of subject area is lacking, little analysis is presented and/or focus is unsuitable.

Little evidence of any real knowledge of subject area.




Uses visual aids and other media to full advantage and in an appropriate way. Results in a polished

and professional feel. Outstanding public speaking with no faults in use of vocabulary, clarity and pace.

Uses visual aids and other media well and appropriately. Results in a polished feel. Very good

public speaking with few faults in use of vocabulary, clarity and pace.

Use of visual aids highly technical. Reasonable public speaking,

but may lack in clarity, make poor use of vocabulary, be, nervous, or at an

inappropriate pace.

Poor preparation and/or inappropriate use of visual aids.

Poor public speaking probably lacking in clarity, extremely nervous or at an inappropriate pace.

Lack of preparation, poor use of visual aids. Probably poor or disinterested public speaking.

Response to questions


Demonstrates a high level of understanding and where appropriate expands on the answer.

Shows good understanding of questions and answers well.

Generally able to answer questions satisfactorily with few errors.

Most questions are answered adequately.  Short answers.

Shows little knowledge of area.  Unable to respond to most questions.

Peer Assessment (10%)




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