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日期:2024-05-18 11:25




1. Always access Canvas using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Firefox. Do not use Safari

2. If you have problems accessing your exam email your school office immediately [email protected] 

3. You must start this exam at the time published in your Sussex Direct Timetable.

4. Your submission must include:

· Your candidate number (Do not put your name on your paper)

· The title of the module and the module code

5. You are advised to save and submit your assessment in pdf format, as this prevents issues with file corruption. It is also the only format that will be considered/accepted if you have issues uploading by the deadline.  Please note that for a file to be accepted by Turnitin, your submission must be a single file and must include at least 20 words of typed text. Further guidance about Turnitin submissions can be found here: https://student.sussex.ac.uk/assessment/submission/canvas-turnitin

6. You have 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete AND submit the exam (note that Sussex Direct will only show the work time of the exam in your Assessment Timetable).

Note: You may submit your exam as many times as you wish before the exam ends. When submitting through Turnitin, each upload will automatically replace the previous version.

7. Allow enough time (at least 30 minutes) to ORGANISE, SAVE, and SUBMIT.  Do not leave the uploading/submission to the last 5 minutes. It may result in you missing the deadline and having to do a resit.

8. If you have extra time due to Reasonable Adjustments this is already added to your exam on Canvas, and you will see a different deadline to the one below.

9. After the exam end time you will NOT be able to submit because the Canvas link will have expired. If you fail to submit by the deadline/exam end time, your exam grade will be ZERO.

10. If you are facing issues with your file upload, please read and refer to the submission issue guidance on the last page of this document. 

Date: Friday 24th May 2024

Exam Start Time: 09:30 AM BST

Exam End time (includes time for uploading – see above): 12:00 PM BST

The Exam End time is when the Canvas link closes, and you will no longer be able to submit


Candidates must attempt ALL FOUR questions.


The answers (including equations) should be typed. You can type your answers directly on the exam paper. Graphs should be typed; however, clear pictures of hand drawn and pasted graphs will also be accepted.


The suggested word count is indicated at the beginning of each question (excluding equations, graphs or references).



Guidance for students regarding submission issues: 

1. If you are unable to take/complete your exam due to a sudden and unforeseen situation, follow the guidance on Exceptional Circumstances.  This will not allow you to submit late, but depending on if you meet the criteria, you may be offered an uncapped resit.

Be aware that technical issues are not accepted criteria for Exceptional Circumstances claims. 

2. If you have completed your exam but experience issues submitting your exam, (such as a problem with Canvas/connectivity), email the school office at [email protected] within 15 minutes* of the exam end time, with the PDF file you were attempting to upload; You must provide your file in PDF format and this file must not have been modified after Exam has closed.



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