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日期:2024-04-27 05:12

IT for Success of Everyday Life and Work (GTSC2093)

Assignment1 – HTML + CSS

This is an individual assignment that must be completed individually. Any form of teamwork or communication with classmates or friends will NOT be permitted. Copying from the Internet or classmates is considered cheating and will result in a zero. The deadline for submission is 11:59pm, Apr. 28th, 2024. Late submission will NOT be accepted.


Your task is to create a webpage to attract potential UIC students to your programme. The following are some important elements to consider:

1.   Captivating Headline: Begin your webpage with an attention-grabbing and informative headline that highlights the unique selling points of your program and generates curiosity.

2.   Program Overview: Provide a clear and concise summary of your program, emphasizing its key features, benefits, and any specialized areas of focus. Include information about the program’s reputation, research opportunities, and student achievements.

3.   Engaging Visuals or Videos: Incorporate visually appealing images or videos that showcase the program’s environment, facilities, and active involvement students. This helps prospective students envision themselves as part of the program and establishes an emotional connection.

4.   News or Event: Include testimonials from current students, alumni, or industry professionals who have excelled in your program. Personal stories and achievements can significantly influence potential students and build credibility.

5.   Faculty  and  Expertise:  Highlight   the  qualifications  and  expertise  of  the program’s  faculty  members.  Showcase  their  industry  experience,  research contributions, and notable achievements to instill confidence in the quality of education offered.

6.   Contact Information: contact details such as phone numbers, emails, or inquiry forms for potential students to get reach out to program representatives.

The minimum requirements of the webpage are outlined below. The

IT-Assignment1-Sample.pdf provided is for your reference.


# Navigation Bar

-   A logo positioned on the left

-   Three menu items (Home, Program, Staff) on the right

o Home should link to index.html

o Programme should link to your UIC program website

o Staff should link to your UIC program staff website

# Banner

-   a visually appealing background image

-   a major title displayed on the banner area

-   a concise description about programme on the banner area

-   a link to your UIC programme website

# Research

-   a brief introduction about your programme’s research

-   utilize anun-ordered list to list at least five research topics

-   each topic should be assigned a different color

# Courses

-   list  course  categories  (category  and  unit)  based  to  your  programme’s curriculum

o Major Required Courses

o Major Elective Courses

o University Core Courses

o General Education Courses

o Free Elective Courses

o Total

# Staff

-   Provide profiles for at least five staff in your programme use a list, include

o AProfile photo

o Staff member’s name

o A short introduction

# News/Events

-   Choose  and  showcase  two  news/events  organized  by  your  programme including:

o An image

o Talk title

o Abrief introduction

# Contact

-   Display the contact information

o Address of UIC

o Emails

o Office hours

o Phone numbers


- All general styling should be defined in a single external style file: style.css

-   Young must use class or id selectors besides using element selectors.

-   You are NOT allowed to use inline or internal CSS code

File placement

-   All  the  webpage-related  files  (.html,  .css  files  and  images)  should  be uploaded to the UIC server: stuweb.uic.edu.cn.

Submission Notes

1.   Your webpage will be evaluated in Google Chrome or Firefox browsers for grading.  Engsure  you  check  your  deliverables  on  Chrome  and  Firefox  by accessing  the  link http://stuweb.uic.edu.cn/1234567890/*.html (1234567890 and * should be replaced accordingly). Failure to display the webpage via the given link will result in a score of ZERO for the related item.

2.   To create the website, you can use text editor such as Notepad, Sublime-Text or VSCode etc. Copying an entire website from another source or using a webpage generator is strictly prohibited (We will verify this by checking your source code).

3.   Filenames should NOT contain spaces or Chinese characters.

4. ONLY use external CSS for styling.

5.   Submit all files to correct locations before the deadline. Late submission without a documented legitimate reason will result in a score of ZERO.

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