ARTD 6151: Sustainability in Business and Design Assignment Brief 2023/24
The purpose of this assignment is to write an illustrated essay addressing the key issues and practices in the current sustainability debate. You will select a brand or a company or a personal research subject of your interest demonstrating your knowledge and understanding and ability to recognise and address the following key issues:
1. Concede major local and global sustainability concerns into your chosen brand /company
2. Justify the significance of adopting a sustainable supply chain model in designing/producing products, conceding the impact of sourcing raw materials both on the environment and society by applying the SCM theory.
3. Evaluate the value of stakeholder engagement and the key impacts that CSR and Business Ethics may have on society and the environment in relation to your chosen brand/company.
4. The importance of green marketing in the promotion of sustainable products and identifying opportunities for your chosen brand/company to use in current/future marketing practices.
5. Imply what the changing patterns in consumption behaviour would mean to your chosen brand/company to adopt a sustainable approach to innovation and redesign.
6. Highlight the key challenges in pursuing sustainable development within your chosen industry.
Aims and Learning Outcomes of the Sustainability Module
The aims of the module are:
• To enable you to develop an overview of the key issues in the current sustainability debate
• To situate your knowledge with an awareness of local and global contexts and initiatives
• To research and apply these ideas within your specialist subject
A. Knowledge and understanding
Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
A1. The overarching principles and theories around current thinking on sustainability.
A2. A selected range of case studies demonstrating the social, environmental and economic contexts around sustainability and ethical practices.
B. Subject-specific intellectual and research skills
Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to:
B1. Critically evaluate the competing challenges and debates relating to provenance, Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives and sustainability.
B2. Analyse theoretical perspectives on topics such as consumption, sustainable practices and globalisation
B3. Interpret outcomes of personal research and propose solutions that attempt to address their impact and influence.
C. Transferable and generic skills
Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to:
C1. Articulate complex ideas at an advanced level in a variety of oral, written and presentation formats
C2. Research and appropriately reference texts and images in a variety of formats relevant to your study
Visual Guidelines
· You must use images relevant to your selected topic.
· Reference all images correctly using the Harvard referencing style.
· Do not use images that are not relevant to assignment.
· Do not use images out of context or simply for ornamentation.
Document Style. Guidelines
· Titles should be at the top of pages.
· Pages should be numbered.
· Text should be divided into paragraphs.
· Font: Arial/Calibri, size 12
· 1.5 Line Spacing
· Double spacing between paragraph
Submission guideline
The electronic copy of your assignment will be submitted to Turnitin (via Blackboard). This submission is for the purposes of an Academic Integrity Report using the Turnitin software. You can find more information about academic integrity at:
Referral Guideline
Summative referral Method Including the number order of the assessment, duration of exams, word count of Coursework and % of contribution to the final module mark. |
Number |
% contribution to final mark |
Learning outcomes |
3000 words, Illustrated essay demonstrating a critically informed understanding of contexts, issues and practices related to key sustainability issues. |
1 |
100% |
All A- A1, A2 B- B1, B2, B3 C- C1, C2 |
Assignment hand in date |
Monday 19th August 2024 |
Marks and feedback will be available to students |
Thursday 16th October 2024 |
Scenario The purpose of this assignment is to write an illustrated essay addressing the key issues and practices in the current sustainability debate. You will select a brand or a company or a personal research subject of your interest demonstrating your knowledge and understanding and ability to recognise and address the following key issues: 1. Concede major local and global sustainability concerns into your chosen brand /company 2. Justify the significance of adopting a sustainable supply chain model in designing/producing products, conceding the impact of sourcing raw materials both on the environment and society by applying the SCM theory. 3. Evaluate the value of stakeholder engagement and the key impacts that CSR and Business Ethics may have on society and the environment in relation to your chosen brand/company. 4. The importance of green marketing in the promotion of sustainable products and identifying opportunities for your chosen brand/company to use in current/future marketing practices. 5. Imply what the changing patterns in consumption behaviour would mean to your chosen brand/company to adopt a sustainable approach to innovation and redesign. 6. Highlight the key challenges in pursuing sustainable development within your chosen industry. |
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