Take-Home Exam
You should respond to 3 of the 6 prompts by writing along answer of up to 500 words (approximately 3 short paragraphs) for each.
Use only the materials provided in this course and your own ideas to answer the prompts. Do not use AI text generators.
Write in proper sentences and paragraphs and use proper referencing.
Submit your answers in one document via the Take-Home Exam linkin Moodle (in the Assessments
block). Use Word or PDF. Your answers will go through Turnitin and be checked for AI text generation.
The Take-Home Exam is due before 11:00pm Sunday the 9th of June.
Your theory of wellbeing
1. Explain your personal theory of wellbeing and a strong objection to it. Defend your theory from the objection.
Theories of wellbeing
2. Explain Aristippus’s theory of wellbeing. Outline a policy that a government might
implement based on Aristippus’s theory of wellbeing. Say why the policy would be good or bad for citizen’s wellbeing in your view.
The science of happiness
3. Is Mathieu Ricard (discussed in the lectures on the science of happiness) the happiest person alive? Clearly explain what it would take to be sure of your answer to the question and what you think the answer is.
The science of happiness and you
4. Imagine that friend told you that “studies show that you will be happier in lockdown if you use video chat rather than audio-only chat with your friends” . Explain how you would check whether the claim is true. Include a brief discussion of what elements would be present in a reliable study on this claim.
Happiness puzzles, traps, and myths
5. Ed Diener and colleagues present data they say supports the “James Dean Effect” (as
discussed in “End effects of rated life quality”). Explain and critique the James Dean Effect.
The dark side of happiness
6. Explain and critique Clive Hamilton’s argument that advertising makes us unhappy (discussed in his: “Identity”).
Can I use my notes for the take-home exam?
Yes. You should use your notes and look at key readings again to help you answer the take-home exam prompts.
Do I have to use proper references in the take-home exam?
Yes. Just like the essay, you should use a proper referencing system, including using quotation marks and page numbers for direct quotes. But, you will likely only use 1-3 sources per answer
Can Ireference the lectures?
Yes. Just like the essay, you should reference every source of ideas and/or text. You can reference
the lecture slides or the lecture videos. I’m not too fussy about how you do it, but you should do it if you have used words or ideas from the lectures in your answer.
Can I use the Internet to research answers for the take-home exam?
No. Iam interested in your opinions and arguments about the material I have set. Your take-home exams will be run through Turnitin, which can identify when material has been taken from an online source.
Can I discuss the take-home exam prompts with other students?
Yes and no. You can discuss the prompts in general with and get feedback on your ideas from other students. You cannot share written notes, plans, or drafts with other students. The take-home exam is an individual assignment designed to test the knowledge and skills you have developed during the paper.
Is the take-home exam timed?
Kind of. You have several days to complete it. Note the release and due dates above.
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