158225 Systems Analysis and Modelling
Assignment 2 – 25%
Due Date: May 19, 2024 – 11:55 pm
Assignment 2a - Group Work – 15%
As this assignment is continuation of Assignment 1, therefore ideally you will be working in the same groups*.
This group assignment is an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of:
• Requirements modelling using UML diagrams; and
• Your ability to model your client’s requirements using a CASE tool (e.g., Astah, Modelio, etc.)
You should demonstrate a professional approach in both your submitted documentation (i.e., report worth 15% - identical mark for each group member) and your video presentation (single file only; varying marks). In the video, each group member will be fully responsible for explaining his/her understanding of a different aspect of your group’s design (worth 10% - most are individual (8 marks), but some are common as it is still a single piece of work and requires group coordination, etc. (2 marks)).
Modelling Requirements
Write a report using your Assignment 1 brief to provide an overview of the system design by means of use case diagram, activity diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram, state machine diagram, etc. Highlight the most important design decisions. Keep any assumptions you make simple and explicit, as the point of this work is to show that you understand the various models in a simple context. The diagrams must be documented using a CASE tool, such as Astah, Modelio, etc.
The design report (worth 15 marks) MUST include:
• Concept map (1.5 marks),
• Use case diagram (3 marks),
• Activity diagram (2 marks),
• Class diagram (3.5 marks), and
• At least one diagram from the Dynamic model category - Sequence, Communication, State Machine diagram (3 marks).
The diagrams are assessed in conjunction with the design decisions, assumptions, etc. The work needs to be coherent, consistent, and well presented (2 marks).
We will be looking for evidence of clear understanding, and the ability to explain design decisions. Each group member will be given the same mark.
Assignment 2b – Individual Work – 10%
Presentation Style.
[Note that presentation is submitted in the form of (1) video recording and (2) the presentation slides used in the video. The work needs to be combined and presented in a logical way]
Treat this as if it was a professional presentation (of the same work as in Assignment 2a) to your manager (in this case the teaching team) so you will have a small but knowledgeable audience. Therefore, do not explain the OO development methods, the details of the application domain, etc. Concentrate on explaining the important design decisions and make sure to demonstrate your professional skills.
General Information about the Presentation:
• Each group must submit their set of slides that they use for the presentation. Please indicate the IDs and Names of the contributors.
• You will need to make individual videos of your presentations, merge them into a single video file before submitting on Stream. This video will be assessed along with the group report/documentation.
• The total video recording duration must be between 10-12 minutes. Each member doesn’t necessarily need to present for the same duration as each diagram doesn’t require same discussion time.
• Each member of the group will be assessed individually for the presentation part. It is important that before each member presents, he or she must introduce themselves with their full name and student ID. Group members who do not participate in the presentation will be given zero (0/10).
• Please name your presentation file appropriately so that your work can be identified later without much difficulty and include the group number (e.g., Assignment2_Presentation_Group1.mp4).
Submission Requirements
Submission consists of the following items for assessments via stream. Submit one zipped folder containing the following:
1. Group Report
2. (Single) Video presentation file
3. Presentation slides (used for Video)
Overall Marking Scheme
Assessment is performed on the following general areas of your group’s submission:
1. Design Documentation (DD) – 15 marks
2. Presentations (IP) with strongly visible individual contributions - 10 marks The focus of the assessment rubric is on the following specific aspects:
• DD1: Overview of the system design including planning, design decisions.
• DD2: Statement of the key assumptions made.
• DD3: Requirements and functional model using a Concept map and UML Use Case Model.
• DD4: Domain structural model using a UML Class Diagram
• DD5: Activity Diagram
• DD6: One dynamic model {selected from: State Machine, any Interaction diagram}
• DD7: Organisation and writing of the report.
• IP1: Presentation (e.g., convincing, relevant, presenter has clarity, etc.) - Individual (7 marks)
• IP2: Time management (timed according to aspects covered) – Individual (1 mark)
• IP3: Presentation structure (e.g., presentation outline, flow, etc.), Quality of visual aids (diagrams on slides, readability, etc.) – Common (1 mark)
• IP4: Coordination of team (video shows coordinated presentation; one set of slides submitted that uses same format, design and matches video presentation in content and structure etc.) – Common (1 mark)
Each presentation will be assessed on:
• Coordination of team
• Presentation structure
• Presented work
• Time management
Each group member will be expected to participate in the group presentation:
Each member will be expected to present some specific content from the overall design. This may be, for example:
• Requirements (Functional/Non-Functional) concept map diagram
• Use Case diagram
• Class diagram
• Activity diagram
• Interaction diagram
• State Machine diagram
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