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日期:2024-06-03 04:08

UNIT ACST2001 and Financial Modelling, Session 1 2024

Assessment Task

Spreadsheet project task

Due date

Tuesday, 30 April 2024, 23:55

Weight (%)


Task description

This assessment has individual and group parts (individual part has the weight 5% and group part has the weight of

15%.). The deadline for both individual and group parts are on April 30th 23:55.

Submission Method

Using the link on iLearn

Feedback mechanism(s)

General feedback

Feedback available (anticipated date)

15 days after submission

Links to Unit Learning Outcomes



•     For the individual part, you need to complete a quiz about how to appraise the work of others. The quiz link will be in week 7 area.

•     For the group part, you need to submit a functional Excel spreadsheet (it

should be a XLSX or XLS file) to a link in week 7 area to complete this part (only one group member is required to submit the group work). Question will be

released in week 7 area. The group information will be released during your

tutorial class in week 6. All students from same tutorial class have been

randomly allocated in an assessment group with three or four members by the

iLearn system. Please attend your tutorial to get your group information and meet your group members.

•     You can also use group-only discussion forum on iLearn to contact your group members. The group-only discussion forum is now available in week 7 area.

Only your group members can view your posts in this forum.

•     You need to complete the report template in week 7 area and submit it to the Missing group member(s)—problem reporter, only if you have the problem to contact your group members. The submission deadline is 23:55 on 15 April.   We will assume that you have found all your members, if no report has been

submitted. We will send email to your student email account, if there is a

change to your group. You have the responsibility to check your student email account during the teaching weeks and break time on a regular base.

Skills in focus for this assessment



•           For the individual part, you need to complete a quiz about how to appraise the work of others. The quiz link will be in week 7 area.

•           For the group part, you need to submit a functional Excel spreadsheet (it should be a XLSX or XLS file) to a link in week 7 area to complete this part (only one group

member is required to submit the group work).

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